Explore UAB

    • General

      What if some professors have their own policies about class attendance and make-up work?

      Colleges and Universities must ensure that the policies and practices of individual professors do not discriminate against pregnant students. For example,

      • Professors may not refuse to allow a student to submit work after a deadline that she missed because of absences due to pregnancy or childbirth.
      • If the grading process is based in part on class attendance or participation, the student should be allowed to earn the credits she missed so that she can be reinstated to the status she had before the leave.
    • Scholarship/ Financial Aid

      Can UAB take back a scholarship when they find out a student is pregnant?

      Continuation of a student’s scholarship, fellowship, or similar college-sponsored funding during the leave term will depend on the student’s registration status and the policies of the funding program regarding registration status. Students will not be negatively impacted or forfeit future eligibility for their scholarship or similar college-supported funding by taking leave under this policy.

    • Classroom Access

      What are some examples of modified academic responsibilities that may be available for a student while she is pregnant and attending UAB classes?

      Modified academic responsibilities vary depending on the student’s situation and are determined through communication between the Title IX Coordinator and the faculty member. It could include modifications to the physical environment such as being a safe distance from hazardous substances, accessible seating, larger desk, temporary elevator access, and/or allowing frequent trips to the restroom because of a pregnancy

    • Difficult Professor

      How do I report harassment or discrimination due to pregnancy?

      UAB prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex. Pregnant or parenting students who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed because of a qualifying condition may file a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator

    • Professional Programs/ Clinical Rotations/ Labs

      What about internships, career rotations, and other off-campus elements of the program – does a pregnant student have the right to participate in those?

      YES! The college must allow pregnant students to continue participating in off-campus programs. For example, if the program provides opportunities to work in the field, the college cannot deny the pregnant student participation based on her pregnancy. The college cannot require a doctor’s note for continued participation, unless the college requires one for all students who have a medical condition that requires treatment by the doctor.

      What about classes or labs that may pose a hazard to a developing fetus? What about clinical placements?

      A college may issue general warnings concerning the health risk a student may encounter as a result of participation in course work, labs, clinical assignments, or other components of an educational program (e.g. bacterial disease, viral disease, radioactivity, etc.). The college may also notify all students of possible precautionary measures they may wish to take prior to engaging in such activities or actions. Pregnant students may choose to participate in the activities or actions or may request comparable alternatives.

      Title IX regulations do permit colleges and universities to require students who are pregnant, or have a related condition, to obtain certification from a physician to confirm that the student is physically and emotionally able to continue participation in a recipient’s program if such certification is required of all students for other physical or emotional conditions that require a physician’s attention.

    • Cancellations

      You must register with Title IX office for us to assist you with cancelling housing.

    • Alternative Housing

      There are supportive resources for you both on and off campus. We have compiled a list of resources and services available to support you and your family. Included are brief descriptions of the services as well as links to learn more. If you have any questions please contact the Title IX Office. Please see Campus and Community Support page under Community Support to see list of resources available in our area.

    • Childcare

      There are supportive resources for you both on and off campus. We have compiled a list of resources and services available to support you and your family. Included are brief descriptions of the services as well as links to learn more. If you have any questions please contact the Title IX Office. Please see Please see Campus and Community Support page under Community Support to see list of resources available in our area.

      Lactation Rooms

    • Lactation Rooms
    • Medical Care

      Where can I go to receive medical care during my pregnancy?

      Student Health Services can help arrange a referral to an off-campus physician, provide nutritional guidance, and answer your questions about what to expect during pregnancy.

    • Eligibility

      I am a student athlete who is pregnant. Will this impact my eligibility?

      The SENIOR ASSOCIATE AD/ SWA who serves as a resource for student athletes who have questions or concerns regarding pregnancy. To reach the SWA, call (205) 975-6283.

Can't find what you're looking for or need assistance from Title IX?

Contact us at titleixoffice@uab.edu.

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