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Christen Mendonca

About Christen

Dr. Christen Mendonca, originally from Massachusetts, has a PhD in Rehab Sciences and is very interested in research around people with disabilities.

Dr. Mendonca joined UAB in May of 2021, and his main research focus is how video games can help people with physical disabilities become more active and healthier.

In addition to his research, Dr. Mendonca participates in wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby at the Lakeshore Foundation.

Christen Mendonca on Ableism

[00:00] The only mobility aids I used for decades were the crutches. I just recently (last couple of years) have started using a chair more. I knew wheelchair basketball existed. I knew wheelchair rugby existed. I knew that people played them. I didn't know that I qualified for it. I thought “Well, you had to be wheelchair bound in order to play the sport.” So when I realized you didn’t I was almost mad at myself. There is this “duh” moment where I realized for years I could have pursued it a little bit more. It was really exciting once I realized that I did have a chance to play team sports.

[00:37] I've gone out in public a few times with the sport chair, and I get a much different reaction where people are just fascinated. They don't know exactly what they're looking at, but they know it's not a medical device. And so I've actually had a good number of positive interactions by being in the sport chair. I guess I feel more included here. I guess I just kind of felt like a bit of an onlooker or an outsider. Looking back on it now, I don't think it's anybody's fault in particular. I just wasn't ever around other people with a disability enough.