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Erica Juett

About Erica

Erica Juett is a 51-year-old African American woman who had a stroke in 2016. After her stroke, she could not initially speak or move, but she currently speaks and uses a power wheelchair.

She has participated in two NCHPAD programs, MENTOR and Coffee Club, and loves them both. MENTOR has allowed her to exercise at home, and she can now feed herself with modified forks. She knows that the stroke has taught her to be more patient and prays every day with the hope of being able to walk again.

Erica Juett on Ableism

[00:00] Hello, my name is Erica.  I have a disability.  I'm fun, lovable, and loyal.  I'm 51 years of age.  And I became disabled in 2016.  I went to sleep and woke up and couldn't move.  And I couldn't talk either.  So my friend at the time call 911.  And I was rushed to the hospital.  And then there, they told me I had had a stroke. 

[00:32] I was in denial. I mean, for quite a while I was depressed because I couldn't believe that the day before I was okay, I was fine, walking, talking, eating and everything, and then just to wake up and couldn't do any of those things.  It's very terrifying.  I was scared at first, and then scaredness turned into anger.  I was mad thinking, why me, and then, you know, you go through all those different types of emotions. 

[01:01] I don't want to be a burden on anybody, especially my mom, because she's getting up in age.  So, um [long pause] it was heartbreaking to me to have to depend on somebody when I was able to do everything for myself.  Everything happens for a reason, and I've accepted that.  And you know, and I'm much calmer now.  I don't talk as much.  I used to talk a lot pre-stroke, but now I don't talk as much.  I'm very humble, more calm.  And you know, it helps my mindset.  I'm patient. You know, everything comes in time.  And when it's time for me to walk or time for me to have feelings in my legs and arms, it will happen when it's supposed to happen is what I believe. 

[01:56] I pray every day, every morning, through the middle of the day and at night for God to give me strength and have mercy on me.  I want to walk again one day, so that's my hope and prayer.  Never say never. It can happen to anybody because I was one one of the ones who thought that I was healthy and okay, and one night changed everything.  So just always be aware that it could happen to you too.