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Emma Taylor

About Emma

Emma Taylor is a recent psychology grad from Charleston, SC, who has a form of cerebral palsy called hemiplegia that affects her right arm, leg and eye.

After a childhood of interacting with wonderful and supportive doctors and nurses, Emma recently started working for NCHPAD with the hopes of bringing children comfort and safety.

Emma Taylor on Ableism

[00:00] I'm Emma, and I have a minor form of cerebral palsy called hemiplegia. It affects my right arm, leg, and eye. So all the muscles and bones are a little bit smaller and less functional than my left. I have to get Botox in my arm and my leg to help my muscles relax and lengthen.

[00:20] I was always really scared as a kid, but the nurses there and the doctors were always super nice. As I kinda got older, I learned to appreciate what they did and the comfort that they, that they gave me. And I wanted to kind of, almost follow the path of helping little kids and showing them that it's okay, and to help them, and kind of just give them like a calming peer mentor to have.