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Janice Buffet

About Janice

Janice Buffett is 67 years old and has osteoarthritis in her knees. She had a knee replacement surgery that did not go well initially, but she is now in the process of correcting it.

Janice is retired from working after years of navigating her disability in a 100 percent commission, highly competitive sales job.

With the help of her loving family, she has reached a point of acceptance with who she is and is able to see the good in her disability experience.

Janice Buffet on Ableism

[00:00] I'm Janice Buffett. I am 67 years old and I have osteoarthritis in my knees, which caused me to have knee replacement and that did not do very well. It affected the jobs that I accept because if they had a lot of stairs, a long distance for me to walk to get in or out, or unable to park on the outside in order to get to and from that position.

[00:27] I have 21 great nieces and nephews. They were surprised when I just voluntarily start using the cane and I explained I'd rather use the cane than fall.

[00:37] Probably 75% of the time, I'm really content. Coming back to work after leaving and interacting with people does help. I guess the other 25% was feeling that I should be able to do more or frustrated at the fact that I couldn't. This is who you are. Accept who you are. Move on and find some good in all of it.