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Graduate faculty status is required for faculty members who teach graduate courses, serve on graduate program admission committees, curriculum committees, and/or graduate students’ thesis or dissertation committees. See Definitions of Graduate Faculty Categories.

To request an appointment to the graduate faculty (Level I, Level II, or Ad Hoc), the following three items, submitted as a single PDF email attachment, are required:

  • A letter of nomination from the chair of the department in which the faculty member holds his / her primary appointment. For ad hoc appointments of faculty to serve on students’ thesis or dissertation committees the nomination letter can be from the student’s program director or department chair.
    The nomination letter should be addressed to Dr. Schneider (Senior Associate Dean) and should focus on what the nominee’s role in the graduate program will be once graduate faculty status is awarded (e.g. teaching. serving on admission or curriculum committees, and/or on student thesis or dissertation committees). The letter need not reiterate information that is provided in the nominee’s CV.
  • A completed pdfRecommendation for Appointment to Graduate Faculty form
  • The applicant’s current CV

In the order indicated above, please insert the three requested items (with all applicable signatures) into a single PDF document. Attach the PDF to an email and send to Please place each request in a separate PDF. (Multiple requests can be attached to a single email.) If you include the words “Grad Fac Request” in the subject line of your email, it will help us expedite the processing of your requests.

The contact person listed on the Recommendation form will be notified via email of approval (or contact with questions, if any) within approximately two weeks of submission. If you have not received a response within 10 business days, please contact Amber Monique Carr at or 205-996-4061.

Last Name First Name Degree Degree-Granting Institution Title Department Appointment Faculty Category
Abadi Azar PhD University of Nebraska-Lincoln Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Aban Inmaculada B PhD Bowling Green State University Professor Biostatistics Level II
Abou-Arraj Ramzi V. DDS Universite Saint Joseph Associate Professor Dentistry-Periodontology Level II
Absher Devin M. PhD Emory University Associate Professor Genetics Adjunct
Ackerson Joseph PhD University of Alabama Associate Clinical Professor Medical Psychology Level II
Acosta Edward PharmD University of Minnesota Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Agarwal Anupam MD Postgraduate Institute, India Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level II
Agnihotri Shruti MD Medical College, India Associate Professor Neurology Level I
Aguilar Calvo Patricia PhD Research Center for Animal Health, Spain Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
Ahmad Aftab PhD Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Associate Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Ahmad Shama PhD Institute of Biotechnology, A.M. University, India Associate Professor Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Level II
Ahmed Abdulaziz PhD State Univeristy of New York at Binghamton Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Ahn Eun-Young PhD Seoul National Univeristy, South Korea Associate Professor School of Medicine/Pathology/MCP Level II
Ai Xun MD Suzhou Medical College Assistant Professor Medicine/Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Akins Perry MSW Florida State University Assistant Professor Social Work Level I
Alarcon Graciela S MD Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Professor Emeritus Public Health Level II
Alexander James Rodger MFA Louisiana State University Professor Art History Level I
Alexander Greg R. ScD Johns Hopkins University Adjunct Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Alexander J. Iwan PhD Washington State University, Pullman Professor and Dean Mechanical Engineering Level II
Alexander Matthew PhD University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Assistant Professor Medicine/Pediatrics Neurology Level II
Alexandrian Ara PhD UT Health San Antonio Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology Level II
Al-Hamdan Mohammad Zuhair Adjunct University of Alabama in Huntsville Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Level II
Alishlash Ammar MD Jordan University of Science and Technology Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level I
Allendorfer Jane B. PhD University of Cincinnati, OH Assistant Professor Department of Neurology Level I
Allendorfer Janet L PhD Univeristy of Cincinnati Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
Aller Stephen G. PhD Yale University Associate Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Allman Richard Mark MD West Virginia University Professor Emeritus Gerontology/Psychology Level II
Bodine Al-Sharif Mary Ann PhD University of Oklahoma Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Altarac Maja MD Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Alvarez Jose O PhD Johns Hopkins University Professor International Health Level II
Amara Amy W. PhD, MD Medical College of Georgia Associate Professor Neurology Level II
Ambalavanan Namasivayam MD PGIMER, India Professor Pathology Level II
Amm Hope M. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
Amsbary Jonathan PhD Indiana University Professor Communication Studies Level II
Amsler Charles Dunkle Jr PhD University of California at Santa Barbara Professor Biology Level II
Amthor Franklin R PhD Duke University Professor Behavioral Neuroscience Level II
Anabtawi Muna DDS University of Damascus Instructor Prosthodontics Level II
Anantharamaiah G M PhD Bangalore University (India) Professor Emeritus Medicine Level II
Anderson Michael D Adjunct Iowa State University Associate Professor Civil Engineering Level II
Anderson Peter Glennie PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Pathology Level II
Andrabi Shaida A. PhD Otto-von Guericke University, Germany Associate Professor Pharmacology and Toxicology Level II
Aponte-Wesson Ruth DDS Los Andes Merida Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Level II
Appavoo Kannatassenn PhD Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor Physics Level II
Arend Rebecca C. MD Albert Einstein College of Medicine Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Aroke Edwin William III PhD University of Massachusetts Assistant Professor Nursing Level I
Aronson Richard Adjunct Harvard University - Biology Level II
Arrant Andrew PhD Duke University Assistant Professor Medicine - Neurology Level II
Arribas Julian PhD University of Michigan Professor and Chair Foreign Languages Level II
Arthur Edmund PhD Indiana University Assistant Professor Optom and Vision Science Level II
Aslibekyan Stella PhD Brown University Associate Professor Epidemiology Level II
Aswani Monica S. DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Professions Level II
Athar Mohammad PhD Aligarh Muslim University Director UAB Research Center of Excellence in Arsenicals Level I
Atkinson Thomas Prescott MD, PhD Emory University Associate Professor Pediatrics Level II
Aula Mercy PhD East Tennessee State University Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Austad Steven N. PhD Purdue University Distinguished Professor and Chair Biology Level II
Austin Julia Stutts PhD University of Alabama Director of Educational Services Graduate School Level II
Austin Heather PhD Auburn University Associate Professor Pediatrics Level II
Avis Kristin T. PhD University of Southern Mississippi Associate Professor Pediatrics Level II
Ayers Douglas J PhD University of Kentucky Associate Professor Marketing Level II
Azuero Andres PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Azuero Casey MPH, PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Level I
Bach Rebecca Ann PhD University of Pennsylvania Professor English Level II
Bacha Jeffrey A PhD Purdue University Assistant Professor English Level II
Bachmann Laura H. MD University of North Carolina Associate Professor Infectious Diseases Level II
Baer Andrew PhD Northwestern University Professor History Level II
Bailey Kirstin PhD Washington State University Clinical Psychologist Developmental Psychology Level II
Bailey Shannon M PhD University of Oklahoma Professor Pathology Level II
Bair Steven Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Baker Elizabeth PhD Penn State University Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Baker Natalie R DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nursing Level II
Baker Sabria Danielle DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level II
Bakitas Marie DNSc Yale University Professor Nursing Level II
Balch Margaret W. MA University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor UAB Libraries Level I
Balkovetz Daniel Frederick MD, PhD Medical College of Georgia Professor Medicine Level II
Ball Karlene K PhD Northwestern University Professor Psychology Level II
Ballesteros Andre PhD Autonoma University, Madrid Assistant Professor Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Level II
Ballinger Scott W PhD Emory University of Medicine Professor Pathology Level II
Bamman Marcas M PhD University of Florida Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Banas Paulina PhD Binghamton University Visiting Assistant Professor Art and Art History Level I
Banaszak Holl Mark PhD Cornell University Professor Chemical and Biological Engineering Level I
Banerjee Ronadip R. MD,PhD University of Pennsylvania Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Banos James H. PhD University of Southern Mississippi Assistant Professor Medical Psychology Level II
Bansal Anju PhD Delhi University, India Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Barasch Andrei MDS University of Connecticut Associate Professor Dentistry Level II
Barber Martha EdD University of Alabama at Birmingham Credentialed Course Instructor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Barger John PhD Indiana University Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Barger John Bradley PhD Indiana University Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Barnes Margaux J. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor - Level II
Barnes Stephen PhD Imperial College of Science and Technology Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Barnes Jarrod W. PhD University of Georgia Assistant Professor Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Level II
Barrett Douglas MA University of Florida Associate Professor Art and Art History Level I
Barsh Gregory S. MD,PhD University of Washington, Seattle Professor School of Medicine, Dept of Genetics Level II
Barstow Elizabeth PhD University of the West of England, Bristol Asociate Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Bartolucci Alfred A PhD State University of New York at Buffalo Professor Emeritus Biostatistics Level II
Basilico David Anthony PhD University of Arizona Associate Professor English Level II
Basma Hussein MD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Dentistry/Periodontology Level II
Basu Rajatava PhD Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, India Assistant Professor Medicine/Pathology Level II
Basu Malay Kuman PhD Jawaharlal Nehru University, India Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Bateman Lori PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Preventitive Medicine Level II
Bates Cheryl A. PhD University of Alabama Credentialed Course Instructor Social Work Level I
Batey D. Scott PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Social Work Level I
Baulos Douglas MA University of New Orleans Assistant Professor Art and Art History Level I
Beale W. Mason PhD Virginia Tech University Visiting Assistant Professor Public Administration Level II
Beas Sofia PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Beasley Timothy PhD South Illinois University-Carbondale Professor Biostatistics Level II
Bebin Martina MD University of Mississippi Medical School Professor Medicine/Neurology Level II
Bebok Zsuzsanna MD University of Pecs Medical School Associate Professor Cell Biology Level II
Beck Adam MD Univeristy of Alabama School of Medicine Professor Surgery Level I
Becker David PhD University of California, Berkeley Associate Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Bedwell David M PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor and Chair Microbiology Level II
Beidleman William B. Adjunct - Credentialed Course Instructor Psychology Level II
Beierle Chen Elizabeth MD University of North Dakota Professor Surgery/Pediatric Surgery Level II
Bej Asim Kumar PhD University of Louisville Professor Biology Level II
Bell P. Darwin PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Emeritus Medicine/Nephrology Level II
Bell Megan MLIS Lousiana State University Assistant Professor Instructiomn and Scholarly Communication Level I
Bellis Peter J. PhD Johns Hopkins University Professor English Level II
Bellis Susan L PhD University of Rhode Island Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Benditt Theodore PhD - Professor Philosophy Level II
Benfield Mark MD Tulane University Professor Pediatrics Level II
Benitez Jorge A. PhD Centro Nat de Investigation Adjunct Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Benjamin Jr William H PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Pathology Level II
Benoit William (Bill) L PhD Wayne State University Profesor Communication Studies Level II
Bentley Jessica Nicole MD Medical College of Georgia Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Benveniste Etty PhD University of California-Los Angeles Professor Medicine Level II
Berdiev Bakhrom PhD Institute of Physiology Uzbek Academy of Science Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Berecek Kathleen PhD University of Michigan Professor Emeritus Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Berner Eta EdD Harvard Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Berry Joel L. PhD Wake Forest University Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Bertrand Fred E. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Clinical & Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Bertrand Brenda M. PhD, RD Auburn University Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Bevensee Mark O. PhD Yale Associate Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Bhatia Ravi MD All India Institute of Medical Sciences Professor Medicine Level II
Bhatia Smita MD All India Institute of Medical Sciences Professor Medicine/Pediatrics Level II
Bhatnagar Sushant PhD West Virginia University Assistant Professor Medicine/Endocrinology Level II
Bhatt Surya P. MD Mysore Medical School, Mysore, India Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Bi Wenli PhD Washington University in St. Louis Assistant Professor Physics Level II
Biasini Fred J PhD University of Alabama Associate Professor Developmental Psychology Level II
Bibb James A. PhD State University of New York at Stony Brook Professor Medicine Level II
Biga Christopher PhD Washington State University Associate Professor Sociology Level I
Biga Peggy R. PhD - Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Bijur Gautam Narayan PhD Ohio State University Assistant Professor Psychiatry/Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Birket Susan E. PhD University of Kentucky Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Birrer Michael J. PhD, MD Albert Einstein College of Medicine Professor Medicine Level II
Bjornstad Erica MD, PhD University of North Carolina Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level II
Bjornsti Mary-Ann PhD University of Minnesota Professor and Chair Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Black Nyesha C. PhD The Pennsylvania State University Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Blackburn Jeremy H. PhD University of South Florida Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
Blackburn Justin L. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Blalock J Edwin PhD University of Florida Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Blanchard Erin PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Blanton Paul PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Psychology and Neurosurgery Level II
Blanton Robert PhD University of South Carolina Professor Political Science and Public Administration Level II
Blaudeau Tamilane PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Blokh Alexander PhD Kharkov State University Professor Mathematics Level II
Blotcky Alan D PhD Vanderbilt University Clinical Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Bodduluri Sandeep PhD University of Iowa Instructor Biomedical Engineering Level I
Boggiano Mary PhD University of El Paso Associate Professor Behavioral Neuroscience Level II
Bolding Mark PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Radiology Level II
Bolisetty Subhashini PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level II
Boll Thomas J PhD Marquette University Professor Psychology Level II
Bolland Anneliese C. PhD University of Alabama Research Instructor Social Work Level I
Bolus Norman E. MSPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor / Director Health Professions / Clinical & Diagnostic Sciences Level I
Bonner James A. MD Wayne State University Professor and Chair Radiation Oncology Level II
Boohaker Rebecca J. PhD University of Central Florida Associate Research Fellow Southern Research Level II
Booth James S MD University of Texas at Houston Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level I
Boppana Suresh B. MBBS Guntur Medical College Professor Pediatrics Level II
Borch Casey Adam PhD University of Connecticut Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Bordelon, III Curry DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Borkowski Nancy DBA Nova Southeastern University Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Borovjagin Anton V. PhD Moscow State University Instructor Peridontology Level II
Borry Erin L. PhD University of Kansas Associate Professor Public Administration Level II
Bos Theodore PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Assistant Professor Economics Level II
Boulton Michael E. PhD CNAA Polytechnic of Central London, UK Professor Vision Science Level II
Bowen Pamela G. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Bowen Felesia PhD, DNP Columbia University Associate Dean Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Level II
Bowers Deborah A. DNP, CRNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level II
Boylan Douglas M. PhD Tulane University Research Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Bradley Laurence A PhD Vanderbilt University Professor Clinical Psychology Level II
Brady Sheek M.A.Ed Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nuclear Medicine Level I
Brande Scott PhD SUNY at Stony Brook Associate Professor Chemistry Level II
Bray Norman Winfield PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor Psychology Level II
Braziel James MFA Bowling Green State University Associate Professor English Level I
Bredel Markus MD-PhD University of Vienna Professor Cell Biology Level II
Breland Bryan K. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Brenner Micheal PhD - Professor Emeritus Neurobiology Level II
Brezovich Ivan PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Radiation Oncology Level II
Bridges Jr S Louis MD, PhD Louisiana State University - University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Medicine Level II
Briggs Samantha PhD University of Alabama Program Director III Human Studies Blanket Ad Hoc
Briggs Calvin Edd Alabama State University Director Human Studies Blanket Ad Hoc
Briles David PhD Rockefeller Professor Emeritus Microbiology Level II
Brisendine Anne DrPH Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Scientist I Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Britt William J MD University of Arizona Professor Pediatrics Level II
Brocato Brian DO Western University of Health Sciences Assistant Professor Maternal-Fetal Medicine Level I
Bronstein Janet M PhD University of Kentucky Professor Emeritus Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Brooker Megan PhD Univeristy of California Irvine Assistant Professor Sociology Level I
Brooks William S PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Cell Developmental & Integrative Biology Level I
Brooks Michael PhD University of Central Florida Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Broome James DDS University of North Carolina Professor Prosthodontics and Biomaterials Level II
Brott Brigitta C MD Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine Professor Medicine/Cardiology Level II
Brown Cynthia J. MD University of North Carolina Professor and Director Gerontology and Geriatric Level II
Brown Elizabeth PhD John Hopkins Univeristy Bloombert School of Public Health Professor Medicine Level II
Brown Michelle R. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level I
Brown David A PhD University of Iowa Professor Rehabilitation Science Level II
Browning Jillian MFA Florida State University Assistant Professor Art and Art History Level II
Bruess Clint E EdD Temple University Professor Emeritus Human Studies Level II
Brunache Peggy L PhD University of Texas at Austin Instructor Anthropology Level II
Bruns Heather PhD Indiana University Associate Professor Medicine/Microbiology Level I
Bruxvoort Katia PhD London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level II
Bryant Pamela DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level II
Buchalter Scott Md Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Medicine Level I
Buchsbaum Donald J. PhD University of Rochester Professor Pathology Level II
Bucy Ralph Patterson MD, PhD Washington University Professor Pathology Level II
Budhawani Henna PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Buford Thomas W. PhD Baylor University Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Bullard Daniel Charles PhD Case Western Reserve University Professor Genetics Level II
Bunn Michele PhD University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School Assistant Professor Business Level II
Burgess John O. DDS Emory University Professor Prosthodontics Level II
Burgio Kathryn Larsen PhD University of Notre Dame Professor Medicine Level II
Burke Darrell PhD Virginia Commonwealth Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Burke Donald S. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Burns Jonathan PhD Texas A&M University Assistant Professor Chemistry Level II
Burrows Peter Daniel PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Emeritus Microbiology Level II
Busettini Claudio PhD University of Trieste Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Butler Andrew John MD Emory University Dean School of Health Professions Level II
Buys Katie DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Byrd James D. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level I
Byrd William E. PhD Indiana University Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
Byrne Guerard PhD Princeton University Associate Professor Surgery Level II
Caffrey Emily PhD Oregon State Univeristy Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Cain Cindy L. PhD University of Arizona Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Calhoun Charles PhD Georgia State University Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Calix Juan PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Callahan Dale W. PhD - Assistant Professor and Associate Dean Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Camata Renato PhD California Institute of Technology Associate Professor Physics Level II
Campbell Sukhkamal MD The Univeristy of Alabam at Birmingham Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology Level I
Campos-Gomez Javier PhD Havana University Assistant Fellow Southern Research  
Cannon Ashley PhD Mayo Clinic Research Advisor Genetic Counseling Program Level I
Capo-Lugo Carmen PhD Northwestern University Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Cardenas Carlos PhD The University of Texas Associate Professor Radiation Oncology Level II
Carlo Waldemar MD University of Puerto Rico Director Pediatrics Level II
Carr Kimberly DDM University of Alabama Associate Professor Dentistry Level II
Carroll Nathaniel W PhD University of Michigan Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Carroll, III Andrew J PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Genetics Level II
Carson April P. PhD University of North Carolina Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean For Diversity Epidemiology Level II
Carson Tiffany L. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Carstens Julienne PhD Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Assistant Professor Hematology and Oncology Level II
Carter Christy S. PhD University of North Carolina Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Carter Kellie R. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Director of Educational Services Curriculum and Instruction Level I
Carter M. Josh PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Human Studies Level I
Carter Robert Hill MD Harvard University Professor Medicine Level II
Carter A. Brent MD University of Missouri, Columbia Professor Medicine/Pulmonary Level II
Cartner Samuel C. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Genetics Level II
Casey Jennifer L. PhD University of North Dakota Asssistant Professor Medicine Level I
Cate Yolanda MS University of Kansas Credentialed Course Instructor Occupational Therapy Level II
Catledge Shane Aaron PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Physics Level II
Causey Cora B. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Curriculum and Instruction Level I
Cedillo Yenni PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level I
Celaya Leandra M.Sc University of Salford Director of Operations Healthcare Leadership Level II
Chambless Krista Spradley PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Foreign Languages Level II
Chambliss Jessica H. PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Chandler-Laney Paula PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Chang Chenbei PhD University of California in Los Angeles Professor Cell Biology Level II
Chang Pi-Ling PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Chaplin David D MD, PhD Washington University Professor Microbiology Level II
Chapman Gary H MFA Cranbrook Academy of Art Professor and Chair Art History Level I
Chapman Alison A PhD University of Pennsylvania Professor and Chair English Level II
Chatham John PhD University of Oxford Professor Medicine Level II
Chatham Amy PhD The University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Education Level II
Chattopadhyay Debasish PhD Jadaypur University Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Chaudry Irshad H PhD Monash University Professor Surgery Level II
Chavali Rama Kiran V MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Dentistry Level II
Chawla Krishan PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor Emeritus Materials Science and Engineering Level I
Che Pulin PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Level I
Chen Bo-Ruei PhD Case Western Reserve University Asssistant Professor Medicine-Hematology/Oncology Level II
Chen Ching-Yi PhD Baylor College of Medicine Assistant Professor Biochemistry Level II
Chen Yabing PhD Xiamen University Professor Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology Level II
Chen Jake PhD The University of Minnesota Professor Medicine/Genetics Level II
Chen Herbert MD Duke University School of Medicine Professor and Chair Medicine/Surgery Level II
Chen Jianzhong PhD University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE Assistant Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Chen Haiyan PhD Nanjing Medical University Instructor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
Chen Wei MD Kunming Medical College Associate Professor Pathology Level I
Chen Yiu-Fai PhD University of Illinois Adjunct Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Chen Yuying PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Level II
Chen Cheng-Chien PhD Stanford University Assistant Professor Physics Level II
Chen Shu PhD State University of New York at Buffalo Professor Pathology Level II
Chen Yu Holly PhD The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Cheng Chih-Hsiung PhD University of Kansas Assistant Professor  Engineering Level II
Cheng Guangjie PhD Hunan Medical University Associate Professor Medicine - Pathology Level I
Cheon Kyounga DMD,MS Kyung Hee Dental College, Kyung Hee University Assistant Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Cherrington Andrea L. MD Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Chesnokov Igor N. PhD Leningrad State University & In Associate Professor Biochemistry Level II
Cheung Herbert C. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Emeritus Biochemistry/Physics Level II
Chiao-Wang Sun PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Chiasera Janelle M. PhD Ohio State University Professor Clinical Laboratory Sciences/DTS Level II
Childers Noel Karl PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor and Chair Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Childs Gwendolyn PhD University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Chong Zechen PhD Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Chow Louise T PhD California Institute of Technology Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Christensen Lois McFadyen PhD Texas A & M University Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Christou Terpsithea MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Clinical Instructor Orthodontics Level I
Christy Jennifer J. PhD University of Miami Associate Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Chu Daniel I-Hsin MD Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Assistant Professor Surgery Level I
Cimino James MD New York Medical College Professor Medicine/Internal Medicine Level II
Cinnella Pasquale PhD Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Clabough Jeremiah C. PhD University of Tennessee, Knoxville Associate Professor Education Level II
Clair Jeffrey Michael PhD Louisiana State University Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Clancy John P. MD University of Iowa College of Medicine Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level II
Clark Diane E. DSCPT University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Clark Cullen PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Clay Olivio J. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Clements Jill PhD University of Illinois Assistant Professor English Level II
Clevenger Caitlin PhD Univeristy of Tennessee-Knoxville Assistant Professor Psychistry and Behavioral Neurbiology Level II
Clines Gregory A. MD,PhD University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Assistant Professor Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Level II
Clinton Sarah PhD University of Michigan Ann Arbor Assistant Professor Psychiatry Level II
Cochran Jesse PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Adjunct Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
Cockerham William C PhD University of California-Berkeley Distinguished Professor Emeritus Sociology Level II
Cofield Stacey S. PhD Virginia Commonwealth University Associate Professor Biostatistics Level II
Coke John M. DDS Loyola University College of Dental Surgery Professor General Dental Sciences Level II
Cole Philip MD, DrPH University of Vermont - Harvard University Professor Emeritus Public Health Level II
Coleman Carrie PhD Louisiana State University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Coles Karen DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Collawn James F PhD Medical University of South Carolina Professor Cell Biology Level II
Cong Yingzi PhD Shandong University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Cong Zhen PhD University of Southern California Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Cook Edwin William III PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Cooper Gregory M. PhD Stanford University Associate Professor Genetics Adjunct
Cooper Sara J. PhD Stanford University Adjunct Instructor Genetics Level II
Cooper Max MD Tulane University Professor Medicine Level II
Cooper David K.C. MD,PhD University of London, United Kingdom Professor Medicine/Surgery Level II
Copeland Phillip L DMA Southern Baptist Seminary Assistant Professor Music Level II
Copes John Heith PhD University of Tennessee Assistant Professor Criminal Justice Level II
Corbett John A. PhD Utah State University Professor Cell Biology/Microbiology Level II
Corcoran Stephanie L. PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Curriculum & Instruction Level II
Corcoran Jessica PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Coric Tatjana PhD Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia Assistant Professor School of Medicine/Pharmacology and Toxicology Level II
Cormier Loretta A PhD Tulane University Professor Anthropology Level II
Cornell Carol Ellen PhD Yale University Assistant Professor - Level II
Cortes-Rodriguez Constanza PhD University of Chicago Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Cotlin Laura Fraser PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Cotten Sheila R. PhD North Carolina State University Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Cowell Rita M PhD University of Michigan Associate Professor Neuroscience Level II
Cracco Derek MA Syracuse University Associate Professor Art and Art History Level I
Crain Marilyn J MD University of Texas Med School Associate Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Cramer Sarah Schaible EdD Clemson University Visiting Assistant Professor Art and Art History Level I
Crawford David F. MD, PhD Univeristy of Texas Southwestern Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level II
Creel Sarah PhD Simon Fraser University Lead Instructor Graduate School Level I
Creighton Judy R. PhD University of South Alabama Assistant Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Crigler Paul D. MA University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Management, Information Systems, and Quantitative Methods Level II
Crist Dwayne A. Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Crockett Kaylee PhD University of Connecticut Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Cron Randall Q. MD, PhD University of Chicago Professor Pediatric Rheumatology Level II
Crooks Elizabeth DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level I
Cropsey Karen Lynn PsyD Indiana State University Professor Psychology Level II
Crossman David PhD The Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Bioinformations Level I
Crowder Camerron PhD Oregon State Univeristy Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Crowe Michael Gabriel PhD University of Southern California Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Crowley Michael PhD State University of New York Associate Professor Genetics Level II
Cruikshank Scott J. PhD U. C. Irvine Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Cruise James Franklin Adjunct University of Virginia Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Level II
Cui Xiangqin PhD Iowa State University Assistant Professor Surgery Level II
Culver Sarah PhD University of Houston Associate Professor Economics Level II
Cummings Cathleen PhD Ohio State University Associate Professor Art and Art History Level II
Cummings Kirstie PhD Univeristy of Buffalo Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Cunningham Anthony Deek MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Occupational Therapy Level I
Curcio Christine Angela PhD University of Rochester Associate Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Curiel David T MD Emory University Professor Medicine Level II
Curtis John J MD Georgetown University Professor Emeritus Medicine Level II
Curtis Lisa M. PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Nephrology Level II
Curtis Scott E MD Northeastern Ohio University Associate Professor Pediatrics Level II
Curtis Jeffrey R. MD Oregon Health Sciences Professor Rheumatology Level II
Curzon Lucy Adjunct University of Rochester Associate Professor Art History - UA Level II
Cutter Gary R. PhD University of Texas Helath Science Center Professor Biostatistics Level II
Czaja Wioletta PhD University of Idaho Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Dacheux Ramon F PhD State University of New York at Albany Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Dagley Amy PhD University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Assistant Professor Education/Human Studies Level II
Dagley Dave Adjunct University of Utah Credentialed Course Instructor Human Studies Level II
Dallow Jessica K. PhD University of North Carolina Professor and Chair Art and Art History Level II
Dalton S. Nelson PhD University of Alabama at Huntsville Instructor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Daniel Melanie DNP Samford University Instructor Nursing Level I
Daniel Shawona PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Danielou Catherine F PhD Michigan State University Associate Professor Foreign Languages Level II
Dantzler John PhD University of Alabama Associate Professor Education/EDL Level I
Darley-Usmar Victor Michael PhD University of Essex (UK) Professor Pathology Level II
Darnell Betty E MS University of Tennessee-Knoxville Director Clinical Nutrition Level II
DasGupta Manabendra PhD Southern Methodist University Associate Professor Economics Level II
Dashti Nassrin PhD University of Oklahoma Medical Center Professor Emeritus Medicine Level II
Datta Pran K. PhD Bose Institute, Calcutta, India Professor Hematology/Oncology Level II
Davenport Christopher L. PhD The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Credentialed Course Instructor Art & Art History Level II
Davis Randall S. MD University of Alabama Professor Medicine/Clinical Immunology Level II
Davis Richard D. MD University of Alabama School of Medicine Associate Professor Medicine/Pediatrics Level I
Davis Elizabeth PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level I
Daw Jonathan PhD University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Dawson Martha DNP Case Western University Assistant Professor Nursing / Family, Community and Health Systems Level II
Dawson John Ruby PhD West Virginia University Associate Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Day Jeremy J. PhD University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
De Carlo Thomas E. PhD University of Georgia Professor and Chair Marketing and Industrial Distribution Level II
De Langhe Stijn PhD Ghent University, Belgium Associate Professor Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Level II
De Luca Stephanie C. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
De Miguel Carmen PhD Medical College of Wisconsin Assistant Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level II
De Miranda Briana PhD Colorado State Univeristy Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
De Sarno Patrizia PhD University of Florence Assistant Professor Psychiatry/Beh Neurobiology Level II
Deatherage Joseph DMD - - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
DeBerry Jennifer PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Anesthesiology Level II
DeCarlo Dawn K. OD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Vision Science Level I
Deivanayagam Champion C.S. PhD Indian Inst of Science Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Del Bene Victor PhD Yeshiva Univeristy Assistant Professor Neurology Level I
Dell'Italia Louis J MD Georgetown University Professor Medicine Level II
Demark-Wahnefried Wendy PhD Syracuse University Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Denton Jessica J. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Genetic Counseling Level I
Descartes Maria MD University of Puerto Rico Professor Genetics Level II
Deshane Jessy S. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Pulmonary/Critical Care Level II
Detloff Peter Joseph PhD University of Chicago Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Deupree Joy PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Di Gangi Paul M. PhD Florida State University Assistant Professor Business/MISQM Level II
Dilworth James E PhD Oklahoma State University Professor Management Level II
Dilworth Paulette P. PhD Emory University VP for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Dept of Human Studies Level I
Dimmitt Reed A. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Medicine/Pediatrics Level II
Ding Qiang PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Cell Biology Level II
Ding Han-Fei PhD University of South Alabama Professor Medicine Level II
Dionne-Odom James PhD Boston College Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Dionne-Odom Jodie MD Dartmouth Medical School Associate Professor Medicine Level I
Dixon Karen T. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Dluhy Richard A. PhD Rutgers University Professor and Chair Chemistry Level II
Dobbins Allan PhD McGill University Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Doblar Dennis Delmar PhD, MD Rutgers University - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Professor Medicine Level II
Dobrunz Lynn E. PhD Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Dokland Terje PhD University of Oslo/EMBL Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Dominick Ann Ed.D. Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Dong Juan PhD University of Heidelberg (Germany) Research Instructor Orthodontics Level II
Dorsey Amanda MSHI University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level I
Dover Kayce MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Downs Lauren E. PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Anthropology Level II
Downs J. Crawford PhD Tulane University Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Dowswell Bo Adjunct University of Alabama at Birmingham Senior Engineer Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Level II
Drace William R. MAEd University of Phoenix Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Dransfield Mark MD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor Medicine/Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine Level I
Dreer Laura E. PhD Central Michigan University Assistant Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Drentea Patricia PhD Ohio State University Professor and Graduate Director Sociology Level II
Drews Judith E PhD University of Oregon Assistant Professor Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Dudgeon Brian J. PhD University of Washington Associate Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Dugger Kari J. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level I
Duke Linda Ruth Warren PhD University of California-Berkeley Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Dunbar Jessie L. PhD Emory University Assistant Professor English Level II
Duncan W Jack PhD Louisiana State University Professor Management Level II
Duncan Steven MD University of Washington, Seattle Professor Medicine Level II
Durant Raegan W. MD,MPH Johns Hopkins University Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Dutta Anindya PhD The Rockefeller University Professor Pathology Level II
Dutton Gareth R. PhD Louisiana State University Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Dwivedi Yogesh PhD Central Drug Research Institute, India Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Dwyer Zoe E B PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Lecturer Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Dybvig Kevin PhD University of Rochester Professor Genetics Level II
Earnshaw Yvonne PhD, M.ED Florida State University Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Eaton Ellen F. MD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Eberhardt Alan W PhD Northwestern University Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Edberg Jeffrey C PhD University of Virginia Professor Medicine Level II
Edmonds Mick D. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Edmonds Lori PhD University of Maryland Adjunct Assistant Professor Education Level I
Edwards Lloyd J PhD University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Professor & Chair Biostatistics Level II
Edwards Rebecca DNP MGH Institute of Health Professions Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Edwards Danielle PhD University of Kentucky Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Eidson Christpher A. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Ejem Deborah PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Acute, Chronic and Continuing Care Level II
el Kouni Mahmoud H PhD University of Alberta (Canada) Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Elder Keshia S. OD University of Alabama at Birmingham SOD Assistant Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Eleazer Paul DDS University of North Carolina Associate Professor Endodontics and Pulp Biology Level II
Elgavish Gabriel A PhD Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Elk Ronit PhD University of Cape Town, South Africa Professor Medicine Level I
Elliott Timothy R PhD University of Missouri-Columbia Associate Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Level II
Elmets Craig A MD University of Iowa Professor Pathology Level II
Elmisalami Tarek Elsayed Adjunct Iowa State University Instructor Civil Engineering Level II
Elson Charles O. MD Washington University Professor Microbiology Level II
Eltoum Islam-Eldin A. PhD  - Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Emfinger Kay PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Early Childhood Education Level II
Ennis Robin P. PhD Georgia State University Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Erba Harry P. MD, PhD Stanford University Professor Hematology/Oncology Level II
Erdmann Nathaniel B. MD, PhD University of Nebraska Medical Center Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Erdmann Mitzy A. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Chemistry Level I
Erlandsen Heidi PhD University of Tromso Instructor Periodontology Level II
Ernest James Robert M. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Ertas Nevbahar PhD Georgia State University Associate Professor Public Adminstration Level II
Esposito Richard A. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Essig Milton E DMD University of Alabama Professor Dentistry Level II
Eto Isao PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Evans Retta PhD University of Arkansas Professor Health Education/Health Promotion Level II
Evans Helen Hughes PhD Harvard University Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level II
Evans Paulette PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham UABTeach Director   Level I
Fahimipour Farahnaz PhD Tehran University of Mediacl Sciences, Iran Assistant Professor Periodontology Level II
Falany Charles Napoleon PhD University of Iowa Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Fambrough Gene DMA University of Alabama Instructor Music Level II
Fang Yu Hua PhD Case Western University Associate Professor School of Medicine, Department of Radiology Level II
Fanucchi Michelle V. PhD University of California, Davis Associate Professor Environmental Health Science Level II
Fargason Crayton A. MD Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Adjunct Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Fast Vladimir Phd Moscow Institute for Physics Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Fathalla-Shaykh Hassan M. MD-PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Associate Professor Neurology/Cell Biology/Mathematics Level II
Faught Raymond Edward MD Vanderbilt University Professor Neurology Level II
Faul Christian H. PhD Albert Einstein College of Medicine Associate Professor Nephrology Level II
Fazio Massimo A. PhD University of Calabria, Italy Assistant Professor Medicine, Ophthalmology Level II
Fedorov Vladmir V. PhD General Physics Institute, Moscow Research Associate Professor Physics Level II
Feldman Dale S PhD Clemson University Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Feldman Sue PhD Claremont Graduate University Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Feng Wenguang PhD Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute, China Assistant Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level II
Feng Xu PhD University of Vermont, Burlington Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Fernandez Jose R PhD Pennsylvania State University Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Ferreira Andre DMD University of Metropolitana-Brazil Assistant Professor Orthodontics Level II
Fiedler Michael A MS Baylor College of Medicine Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Fields John T. MFA University of New Orleans Professor Art and Art History Level I
Fifolt Matthew PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Public Health Level II
Filler Steven J DDS Loma Linda University Professor Dentistry Level II
Fine Jennifer L. Adjunct Ohio State University Credentialed Course Instructor Art & Art History Level II
Fine Philip Russell PhD University of Oklahoma Professor Medicine Level II
Fischbacher Christoph PhD University of Kent, Canterbury Assistant Professor Mathematics Level I
Fischer Kathleen PhD Harvard University Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Fisher Colleen PhD Washington University, St. Louis Associate Professor Social Work Level II
Fisher Gordon PhD Auburn University Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Fiveash John MD Medical College of Georgia Associate Professor Radiation Oncology Level II
Flannery Michael A. MLS University of Kentucky Professor Library Sciences, Sociology, History Level II
Floyd Candace L. PhD Medical College of Virginia Assistant Profrssor Physical Med & Rehab Level II
Floyd Josephat EdD Union University Associate Professor Health Professions Level II
Fobian Aaron PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychiatry Level II
Foley Robin D. PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Associate Professor Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Fontaine Kevin PhD Victoria University of Manchester Professor Health Behavior Level II
Foote Jeremy B. PhD, DVM Auburn University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level I
Ford Eric W. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Forman Michele MFA University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor History Level I
Fouad Fouad H PhD Texas A & M University Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Level II
Fouad Mona N MD University of Alexandria (Egypt) Professor Medicine Level II
Fouad Ashraf DDS University of Iowa College of Dentistry Professor Dentistry Level II
Fowler Karen B. DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Francis Kennon T PhD Auburn University Professor Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Frank Stuart J MD Harvard University Associate Professor Cell Biology Level II
Franklin Gregory A. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Franklin Frank A MD, PhD University of Maryland - Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Pediatrics Level II
Freedman David O MD University of Toronto (Canada) Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Frolov Ilya V. PhD Institute of Molecular Biology Professor Microbiology Level II
Frolova Elena I. PhD Novosibirsk Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Frost Andra MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Fu Chin-Chuan DDS Taipei Medical University, Taiwan Associate Professor Dentistry Level I
Fu Yuchang PhD Kyushu University Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Fujihashi Kohtaro DDS, PhD Nihon University Professor Graduate Biomedical Sciences Level II
Fullard Roderick John PhD University of Melbourne (Australia) Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Fuller Catherine Mary PhD University of Liverpool (UK) Associate Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Fultz Patricia N PhD University of Texas-Dallas Professor Microbiology Level II
Funkhouser Ellen M DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Med - Preventive Medicine Level II
Gabriel Kelley PhD University of Pittsburgh Associate Professor School of Public Health/Epidemiology Level II
Gaffo Angelo Md Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru Assistant Professor Immunology and Rheumatology Level I
Gaggar Amit MD,PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Gainer Hugh Samuel MSHA University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Galin Frederick Shawn PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Galli Aurelio A. PhD State University of Milan, Italy Professor Surgery Level II
Gamble Karen Lynnette PhD Georgia State University Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Gamlin Paul Douglas Roger PhD State University of New York at Stony Brook Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Garber David William PhD Penn State University Professor Emeritus Geront./Ger./Palliative Care Level II
Gardner Elizabeth PhD Michigan State University Associate Professor Forensic Sciences Level II
Gargiulo Richard M PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor Emeritus Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Garner Joseph N. PhD University of Maryland Assistant Professor Clinical Lab Sciences Level II
Garnett Colleen PhD University of Kentucky Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Gartin Meredith PhD Arizona State Univeristy Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Garver Robert I MD Johns Hopkins Professor Medicine Level II
Garvey Timothy MD St Louis University-School of Medicine Professor and Chair Nutrition Sciences Level II
Gary Lisa C. PhD Yale University Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Gassman Natalie PhD University of California at Los Angeles Associate Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Gauld Virginia D PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Gavin Cristin F. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level I
Gawne Timothy Jerner PhD Uniformed Services University Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Gee Moris Michael MA University of Alabama Director Internship Programs Business Level II
Geerts Suzanne E. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Clinical Assistant Professor Pediatric Neurology Level II
Geiger Brian Francis EdD University of South Carolina Professor Human Studies Level II
Geisinger Maria L. DDS, MS University of Texas Health Science Center Associate Professor Periodontology Level II
Geisler William M. MD University of Tennessee School of Medicine Professor Medicine Level II
Geldmacher David S. MD State University of New York, Syracuse Professor Neurology Level I
Genau Amber L. PhD Northwestern University Assistant Professor Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Geng Baocheng PhD Syracuse University Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
George Remo PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nuclear Medicine Technology Level I
George James F PhD University of Cincinnati Professor Surgery Level II
Gere Richard C. MFA University of Tennessee Professor Art and Art History Level II
Gerrity Lauretta W. DVM Texas A&M University Professor Genetics Level II
Geurs Nicolaas C DDS ACTA-Netherlands Professor and Chair Oral Biology Level II
Gezon Lisa PhD University of Michigan Professor Anthropology Level II
Ghanem Elie MD American University of Beirut Assistant Professor Orthapedics Level II
Ghanta Vithal K PhD Southern Illinois University Professor Biology Level II
Gibson Andrew W. PhD City University of New York Assistant Professor Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Level II
Gilbert Gregg DDS University of North Carolina Professor and Chair Dentistry Level II
Gilbert Shawn Robert MD University of North Carolina Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Giles Keith PhD Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Gilford Monifa MD Windsor University School of Medicine Course Instructor/Interim Program Director Physician Assistant Studies Level I
Gillespie George Yancey PhD University of Mississippi Professor Microbiology Level II
Gilliland Mary Janice PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Gilray Thomas PhD University of Utah Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
Ginter Peter M PhD North Texas State University Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Giordano_Mooga Samantha PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Director Undergraduate Honors and Research Level II
Girkin Christopher A. MD University of Arkansas Professor and Chair Ophthalmology Level II
Givan Daniel Allen DMD University of Mississippi Professor Dentistry Level II
Glasser Stephen P. MD University of Miami Medical School Professor Preventive Medicine Level II
Goepfert Paul MD Baylor College of Medicine Assistant Professor of Medicine Infectious Diseases Level II
Goldberg Matthew S. PhD Yale University Associate Professor Neurology Level II
Goldberg-Zimring Daniel PhD Israel Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Radiology Level II
Goldman Renitta PhD University of Missouri-Columbia Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Goldman Frederick D. MD Louisiana State University Professor Pediatrics Level II
Golightly Beverly A. Adjunct University of St. Francis in Joliet   Health Services Administration Level II
Goodman Adam PhD Auburn University Instructor Neurology Level I
Gorbatyuk Marina PhD Biotechnology Russian Institute of Biotechnology Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Gordetsky Jennifer MD Medical College of Wisconsin Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Gordon Victoria DPA University of Illinois Assistant Professor Political Science and Public Administration Level I
Gorelick Daniel A. PhD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Assistant Professor Pharmacology and Toxicology Level II
Goss Amy M. PhD, RD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Gower Barbara A PhD University of Utah Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Gowey Marissa PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level II
Grady Ellyn MPA University of Alabama at Birmingham Credentialed Course Instructor Public Administration Level II
Graham Zachary A. PhD University of Kansas Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Grams Jayleen MD,PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Surgery Level II
Granger Wesley M PhD Medical College of Georgia Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Grant Maria MD University of Florida, Gainesville Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Grant Merida M. PhD Duke University Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Gray Gary M PhD Lehigh University Professor Chemistry Level II
Gray Michael PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Gray Michelle PhD Ohio State University Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Green Todd J PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Gribble Matthew PhD John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Associate Professor Epidemiology Level II
Griffin Rusell L. PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Epidemiology Level II
Griffin Odis Hayden PhD Univeristy of Florida Associate Professor Criminal Justice Level II
Griffin John A. MS Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Materials Science Level II
Griffith Henry R. PhD Finch Univeristy of Health Science Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
Griguer Corinne E PhD University of Montpellier, France Associate Professor Surgery/Neurosurgery Level II
Grimaldi Maurizio PhD University of Napoli Adjunct Associate Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Grimes Leonard Kyle PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor English Level II
Grizzle William E MD, PhD Johns Hopkins University Professor Pathology Level II
Groen Thomas van PhD Universiteit van Amsterdam Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Gross Alecia K. PhD Brandeis University Assistant Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Grusenmeyer Patrick A. DSc Tulane University Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Grytz Rafael PhD Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany Assistant Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Gu Jianguo PhD University of Manitoba, Canada Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Gu Weidong PhD Acad. Mil. Med. Sci. Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases Level II
Guan Zhengrong PhD University of Queensland, Australia Assistant Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level I
Guest Kristi Carter PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Gunther-Canada Wendy PhD Rutgers University Professor Public Administration Level II
Gupta Himanshu MD University of Delhi, Maulana Azad Medical College Associate Professor Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Gupta Romi PhD Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Gurley Dennis Keith EdD Wichita State University Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Gutierrez Hector H. MD Catholic University of Chile Professor Pediatrics Level II
Gutierrez Orlando M. MD, MMSc University of Toledo College of Medicine / Harvard Medical School Professor Medicine Level I
Habegger Kirk PhD Indiana University Assistant Professor Medicine-Endocrinology Level II
Hablitz John Joseph PhD University of Houston Professor and Chair Neurobiology Level II
Haider Mohammad PhD University of Tennessee, Knoxville Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Halade Ganesh V. PhD University of Mumbai, India Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Halanych Jewell Adjunct Boston University Medical Center Assistant Professor Administration Health Services Level II
Hall Allyson G. PhD Johns Hopkins University Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Hall Randa S. MSHA University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Hall Sean B PhD Old Dominion University Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Hall Jeffrey PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Hallman Melanie Gibbons DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Hamid Tariq PhD Hamdard University, New Delhi Assistant Professor Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Hamilton Tracy P PhD University of Arkansas Associate Professor Chemistry Level II
Hammond Stephanie DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Hanaoka Beatriz Y. MD University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Assistant Professor Medicine/Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Level II
Hannon Lonnie PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Behavior Level II
Hansen John D PhD University of Alabama College of Commerce and Business Administration Associate Professor Marketing, Industrial Distribution & Economics Level II
Haque Akhlaque PhD Cleveland State University Professor Public Administration Level II
Hardaway James PhD Vanderbuilt University Assistant Professor Psychiatry Level II
Hardiman Karin PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Surgery Level II
Hardin James Michael MA University of Alabama Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Hardy Robert W PhD University of Toronto (Canada) Professor Pathology Level II
Harishanker Jeyarajan MD Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Assistant Professor Otolaryngology Level I
Harms Ashley N. PhD University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Assistant Professor Medicine/Neurology Level II
Harrell W. Andrew Adjunct Northwestern California University - Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Harrell Lindy E MD, PhD University of Massachusetts Professor Emeritus Neurology Level II
Harrelson Paul M. MPAS University of Nebraska Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Harrington Laurie E. PhD Emory University Associate Professor Cell Biology Level II
Harrington Kathleen F. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Medicine/Pulmonary Level II
Harris Bernard MA University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Harris Melissa PhD University of California, Davis Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Harris Yolanda PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level II
Harrod Kevin PhD University of Kentucky Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Hartman John MD - Associate Professor Genetics Level II
Hartzes Anastasia PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Biostatistics Level II
Hasan Ragib PhD University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Associate Professor Computer and Information Sciences Level II
Hassan Mohammad Q. PhD Indian Institute of Chemical Biology Associate Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
Hatton Robin D PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Hawkins Ian PhD Univeristy of Michigan Visiting Assistant Professor Communication Studies Level I
Hays Megan PhD University of South Florida Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Level I
Hearld Kristine Ria PhD University of Pennsylvania Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Hearld Larry R. PhD University of Michigan Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Heath Sonya L. MD - Associate Professor Medicine-Nephrology Level II
Heaton Karen PhD University of Kentucky Associate Professor Nursing Level II
Heaven Timothy John DDS University of Missouri-Kansas City Associate Professor Dentistry Level II
Hebard Stephen PhD - Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Hel Zdenek PhD McGill University Professor Pathology Level II
Hellemann Gerhard Stefan PhD University of California, Los Angeles Associate Professor Biostatistics Level II
Helova Anna DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Henostroza German MD Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Medical School Associate Professor Infectious Diseases Level II
Henrich Christoper PhD Yale University Professor Psychology Level II
Hernandez S. Robert DrPH University of North Carolina Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Herr Michael PhD University of Tennessee Health Science Center Associate Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Herskowitz Jeremy PhD Emory University Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
Heslin Martin MD Syracuse, College of Medicine Professor Epidemiology Level II
Hester Donna J PhD Ohio State University Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Hicks Joan C. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham - Health Services Administration Level II
Hickson, III Marcus Lafayette PhD Southern Illinois University Professor Communication Studies Level II
Hidalgo Berth A. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level II
Higgins Norman Patrick PhD University of Chicago Professor Emeritus Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Hildreth Blake PhD Ohio State University Assistant Professor Pathology/Molecular and Cellular Level II
Hill James PhD University of New Hampshire Professor Health Professins-Nutrition Sciences Education Level II
Hill Jeffrey David DMD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Comprehensive Dentistry Level II
Hill Donald PhD Vanderbilt University Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Hill Samantha MD Morehouse School of Medicine Assistant Professor Adolescent Medicine Level I
Hill Kelly PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Hitchcock Laurel I PhD University of Alabama Associate Professor Social Work Level I
Hites Lisle PhD Tulane University Associate Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Hjelmeland Anita PhD Duke University Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Holland Aimee C DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nursing Level II
Hollingshead Susan PhD University of Georgia Research Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Holloway Stacey MA University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Assistant Professor Art and Art History Level I
Holmes Ross PhD Australian National University Professor Medicine/Urology Level II
Holt Ruth Lynn MS University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Holt Michael M. Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Hood Anthony C. PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Business Level I
Hopkins Kristine OD University of Alabama Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Hopkins Maria PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Hosch Ian E. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Level II
House David DNP Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor Nursing - Family, Community, and Health Systems Level II
Houser Howard W PhD Iowa University Professor Emeritus Health Services Administration Level II
Houser Shannon PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Houston James T. MD Medical College of Georgia Assistant Professor Neurology Level I
Houston Thomas K. MD Bowman Gray School of Medicine Associate Professor Preventive Medicine Level II
Howard George DrPH University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor Biostatistics Level II
Howard Virginia J. PhD Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston SC Professor Epidemiology Level II
Howard Tera MD Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor Medicine-OBGYN Level I
Howard Thomas H MD Johns Hopkins University Professor Pediatrics Level II
Howell Carrie PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Hsu Hui-Chen PhD Rutgers University Associate Professor Immunology and Rheumatology Level II
Hsu Yung-Tsung MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Prosthodontics Level II
Hsu Shih-Min PhD LSU Adjunct Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Blanket Ad Hoc
Hu Kejin PhD Hong Kong University Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Hu Hui MD,PhD Shanghai Medical University Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Huang Xuan PhD University of Massachusetts Associate Professor Management, Information Systems and Quantitative Methods Level II
Huang Chen PhD Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Hubert Nancy Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Huh Warner MD Georgetown University Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Huke Sabine PhD WWU Muenster, Germany Associate Professor Medicine/Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Huls Forest B MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Biology Level I
Huma Fatima M.B.B.S. Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Associate Professor Pathology Level I
Hunter Gary PhD Michigan State University Professor Emeritus Education Level II
Hunter Chad PhD Indiana University-Purdue University Assistant Professor Medicine/Endocrinology Level II
Huntley Horace PhD University of Pittsburgh Assistant Professor Athletics Level II
Hurst Christina B MS University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Genetic Counseling Level I
Hurt Christopher P. PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Hurt Christopher PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Associate Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Hutchings John William Jr PhD University of Kentucky Professor English Level II
Hutchison Jeanne PhD University of California Assistant Professor Mathematics Level II
Hyndman Kelly PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Nephrology Level II
Ianov Lara PhD University of Florida Scientist I Neuroscience Ad Hoc
Ibelema Minabere PhD Ohio State University Associate Professor Communication Studies Level II
Iles Karen PhD University of Guelph Associate Professor Health Behavior Level II
Inscho Edward W. PhD University of Cincinnatti College of Medicine Professor Nephrology Level II
Irvin Marguerite PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Epidemiology Level II
Irving Howard W PhD Louisiana State University Professor Music Level II
Irwin Zachary PhD Univeristy of Michigan Assistant Professor Neurosurgery Level II
Isbill Susan D. PhD Brigham Young University Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Ivankova Nataliya PhD University of Nebraska Professor Nursing Level II
Iyer Anand MD UAB School of Medicine Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Jablonski Rita S. PhD University of Virginia at Charlottesville Professor Nursing Level II
Jack Eric P. PhD University of Cincinnati Professor and Dean Business Level II
Jackson James R PhD University of Alabama Professor Emeritus Medical Education Level II
Jackson Janice DMD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Pediatric Level II
Jackson Patricia PhD Purdue University Instructor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Jacobs Beth Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Jacobson Alex - - - Orthodontics Level II
Jain Viral MD Maharashtra State University of Health Sciences Assistant Professor Neonatology Level II
Jamison DeReef PhD Temple University Assistant Professor Psychology/African American Studies Level II
Jannett, III Thomas C I PhD Auburn University Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Janowski Gregg M PhD Michigan Technological University Professor Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Janzen Gayle Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Jaskula-Sztul Renata PhD Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science Assistant Professor Surgery Level II
Jaunarajs Karen PhD Binghamton University Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
Javed Amjad PhD Punjab University Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
Jedrzejas Marek J PhD Cleveland State University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Jeffcoat Michele C. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham - Clinical Nutrition Level II
Jenkins Gavin R. PhD University of the West of England, Bristol Associate Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Jepkemboi Grace PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Jessee Margaret J PhD University of Arizona Assistant Professor English Level II
Jessee William F. MD University of California, San Diego Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Jezewski Peter PhD University of Iowa Assistant Professor Periodontology Level II
Jiang Hao PhD Johns Hopkins University Associate Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Jiang Mengxi PhD University of Michigan Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Jiao Kai PhD University of Iowa Associate Professor Genetics Level II
Johnson Cori DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level I
Johnson Gail V W PhD University of Delaware Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Johnson Karmie DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Johnson Margaret A. PhD Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Canada Assistant Professor Chemistry Level II
Johnson Retta P MA University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Johnson Walter MD Medical University of South Carolina Professor School of Medicine/Dept of Pediatrics Level I
Johnston Allen C. PhD Mississippi State University Assistant Professor Management, Information Systems, and Quantiative Methods Level II
Johnston Emily E. MD Stanford University Assistant Professor Nursing Level I
Johnstone John K PhD Cornell University Associate Professor Computer and Information Sciences Level II
Joiner Cynthia J. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Med-Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Jolly Pauline Evadne PhD Johns Hopkins University Professor Epidemiology Level II
Jololian Leon PhD New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Jones Sharyn Rebecca PhD University of Florida Associate Professor Anthropology Level II
Jones Allison PhD University of Kentucky Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Jones Peter A. PhD University of Kentucky Assistant Professor Public Administration  Level II
Jonsson Colleen Adjunct Purdue University Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Judd Suzanne E. PhD Emory University Associate Professor Health Behavior Level II
Jun Ho-Wook PhD Rice University Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Justement Louis B PhD Ohio State University Professor Microbiology Level II
Kabarowski Janusz PhD University of London Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Kadish Inga PhD University of Kuopio Instructor Cell Biology Level II
Kaiser Kathryn A PhD University of North Texas Health Science Center Assistant Professor Health Behavior Level II
Kamata Masakazu PhD Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Associate Professor Medicine/Microbiology Level II
Kamii Constance Kazuko PhD University of Michigan Professor Emeritus Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Kannappan Ramaswamy PhD Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, Niigata, Japan Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Kano Shinichi MD, PhD University of Tokyo (Japan) Associate Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Kanter Julie MD Tulane University Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Kappes John C PhD St. Thomas Institute Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Karpechina Ioulia PhD Saint Petersburg University (Russia) Professor Mathematics Level II
Karthikeyan Mythreye PhD University of North Carolina Associate Professor Medicine/ Pathology Level II
Kasman Yakov PhD Moscow State Conservatory Professor Music Level II
Kasztan Malgorzata PhD Medical University of Gdansk, Poland Assistant Professor Pediatrics, Division of Hematology-Oncology Level II
Katholi Charles R PhD Adelphi University Emeritus Professor Biostatistics Level II
Katz Jannet DDS, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Kau Chung How PhD Cardiff University Professor and Chair Orthodontics Level II
Kaur Maninder MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Dentistry/Periodontology Level II
Kawai Ryoichi PhD Waseda University (Japan) Associate Professor Physics Level II
Kazamel Mohamed MS Mansoura Medical School, Egypt Assistant Professor Vision Science Level I
Kazzi Ziad Nabih MD American University of Beirut Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Kearney John F PhD University of Melbourne (Australia) Professor Microbiology Level II
Kedishvili Natalia Y. PhD Moscow State University Professor Biochemistry Level II
Keeling Kim M. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Keith Verna PhD University of Kentucky Chair and Professor Sociology Level II
Keitt Andrew W PhD University of California-Berkeley Associate Professor History Level II
Keltner Joan Grant DSN University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Nursing Level II
Kemp Dustin W. PhD University of Georgia Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Kemp George PhD State University of New York at Buffalo Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Kempf Mirjam-Colette PhD Inst. for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene Professor Nursing Level II
Kennedy Karen PhD University of South Florida Professor Marketing Level II
Kennedy Richard E. MD, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University Assistant Professor Medicine/Gerontology Level II
Kennedy Gregory D. MD, PhD University of Washington, School of Medicine Professor Medicine/Surgery Level II
Kennedy Bridge PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychology Level I
Kenzik Kelly PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Medicine/Hematology & Oncology Level I
Kerby Jeffrey MD, PhD University of Missouri Professor Medicine/Surgery Level II
Kerley Kent PhD University of Tennessee Professor and Chair Criminal Justice Level II
Kerman Ilan MD, PhD University of Pittsburgh Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Kerr Lisa M. PhD, EdD Oregon State University / Oklahome State University Instructor / Director Graduate School Level I
Key Susan K. PhD University of Pittsburgh Professor Business Level II
Keyser Kent T PhD State University of New York at Stony Brook Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Khaled M Abu PhD University of London (UK) Professor Emeritus Nutrition Sciences Level II
Kharlampieva Eugenia PhD Stevens Institute of Technology Associate Professor Chemistry Level II
Kiedrowski Megan R. PhD The University of Iowa Assistant Professor Medicine/Pulmonary Level II
Kilby J. Michael MD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Division of Infectious Disease Level II
Kilgo Jennifer L EdD University of Alabama Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Kilgore Meredith PhD Pardee RAND Graduate School Professor and Chair Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Killingsworth Cheryl Rae PhD Michigan State University Associate Professor Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Kim Jeonga PhD Iowa State University Associate Professor Cell Biology Level II
Kim Young-il PhD University of Alabama Associate Professor Medicine Level I
Kim Helen PhD University of Virginia Associate Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Kim Hyunki PhD University of Arizona Assistant Professor Radiology Level II
Kimberlin David MD University of Texas SW Professor Pediatrics Level II
Kimberly Robert Parker MD Harvard University Professor Medicine Level II
Kinard Brain Md Emory University Co-Director Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics Level I
Kinderknecht Keith E. DMD University of Kentucky Professor Prosthodontics Level II
King Timothy W. PhD Texas A&M University Associate Professor Medicine/Surgery Level II
King Rodney G. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
King Gwendalyn D. PhD University of Michigan Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
King Peter Herbruck MD Duke University Professor Neurology Level II
King Jennifer R. PharmD University of North Carolina Assistant Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
King Dione PhD University of Georgia Assistant Professor Social Work Level II
Kinney Francis Cleveland MD, PhD University of Alabama Professor Cell Biology Level II
Kiper Jordan PhD University of Connecticut Assistant Professor Anthropology Level II
Kirby Jason Thomas PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Level II
Kirby Russell S. PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Kirk Kevin Lee PhD University of Iowa Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Kirkland Lynn EdD University of Alabama Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Kirklin James K. MD Harvard Medicine School Professor Medicine/Surgery Level II
Klapow Joshua Charles PhD San Diego State University Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Kleinstein Robert N OD, PhD University of California-Berkeley Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Klerman Lorraine - Harvard University Professor Emeritus Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Klug Christopher A PhD University of Chicago Professor Microbiology Level II
Knight David C. PhD University of Wisconsin-Mil. Associate Professor Behavioral Neuroscience Level II
Knight John PhD University of Newcastle-upon Tyne, United Kingdom Assistant Professor Medicine/Urology Level II
Knight Candace PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Knight Amy PhD University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Level II
Knight Sara J. PhD Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Professor Preventive Medicine Level II
Knowles Ian Walker PhD Flinders University of South Australia Professor Mathematics Level II
Kobie James PhD University of Arizona Associate Professor Infectious Diseases Level II
Koomullil Roy PhD Mississippi State University Associate Professor Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Korf Bruce R. PhD Rockerfeller University Professor and Chair Genetics Level II
Kossick Mark A MS University of Kansas Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Kotler-Cope Susan Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Kovac Stacey PhD University of Southern Mississippi Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Kraft Timothy W PhD University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Professor and Chair Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Kraguljac Nina MD Paracelsus Medical University Associate Professor Psychiatry Level II
Krick Stefanie MD, PhD Justus-Liebig University of Giessen (Germany) Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Krishna Nepalli Rama PhD Indian Institute of Technology (India) Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Krishnamurthy Prasanna DVM, PhD Indian Veterinary Research Institute, India Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Krontiras Helen MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Krueger-Hadfield Stacy A. PhD Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Kulczycki Andrzej PhD Florida State University Associate Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Kumar Sidharth PhD University of Utah Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
Kuntz Ashley PhD University of Alabama Director Human Studies Level I
Kurz Michael C. MD University of Virginia, School of Medicine professor Emergency Medicine Level I
Kutsch Olaf PhD University of Wurzburg, Germany Professor Medicine/DOM Level II
Kwon MiYoung PhD University of Minnesota Assistant Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Kyle Chris PhD Columbia University Associate Professor Anthropology Level II
La Gory Mark Adjunct University of Cincinnati Professor Sociology Level II
LaChenaye Jenna PhD Louisiana State University Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Ladores Sigrid PhD University of Central Florida Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Lahti Adrienne C. MD University of Liege Professor Psychiatry Level II
Lai Byron PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Rehabilitation Sciences Level I
Lake Lauren MFA University of Wisconsin, Madison Chair Art and Art History Level II
Lal Hind PhD Indian Institute of Toxicology Associate Professor Division of Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Lamani Ejvis PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Orthodontics Level II
Lamartiniere Coral A PhD Louisiana State University Professor Emeritus Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Lamb Neil PhD Emory University Professor Genetics Adjunct
Lambert Crystal C. PhD University of South Florida Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Landar Aimee L. PhD University of South Alabama Assistant Professor Pathology/Molecular and Cell Biology Level II
Landen Charles N. MD Univeristy of North Carolina Sch of Medicine Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology/Cell Biology Level II
Landier Wendy PhD University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu Associate Professor Nursing Level II
Landry Amy Y. PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Services Admin. Level II
Langston Jaret PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Computer Science Level I
Lanzi Robin Gaines PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Health Behavior Level II
Lapi Suzanne PhD Simon Fraser University Associate Professor Radiology Level II
Larimer Benjamin M. PhD University of Missouri Assistant Professor Radiology Level II
Lasseigne Brittany PhD University of Alabama in Huntsville Assistant Professor Medicine/Cell, Developmental & Integrative Biology Level II
Laurent John PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Lawson Nathaniel C. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Clinical & Community Sciences Level II
Lawson Christopher M PhD Oklahoma State University Professor Physics Level II
Lazar Ronald PhD Northeastern University Professor Neurology Level II
Lazrak Ahmed PhD University of Poitiers Assistant Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Leach Justin PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Biostatistics Level II
Leal, Jr. Sixto M. MD, PhD Case Western Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Leaming James M. MD University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine Level II
Leavenworth Jianmei W. MD, PhD Southern Illinois University Assistant Professor Medicine/Neurosurgery Level II
Leban Lindsay PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Criminal Justice Level I
Lebensburger Jeffrey DO Nova Southeastern University Associate Professor Pediatrics-Hematology Oncology Level I
Lee Rachael A. MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Lee Seung-Dong PhD Southern Methodist University Professor Emeritus Economics Level II
Lee Timmy MD Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Associate Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level II
Lee Loretta PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Lee Hui-Ting PhD University of Nebraska Assistant Professor Chemistry Level II
Lee Junghee PhD Vanderbilt University Associate Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level I
Lefkowitz Elliot John PhD University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Professor Microbiology Level II
Leier Andre PhD University of Dortmund, Germany Assistant Professor Genetics Level I
Lein, Jr Donald H. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level I
Lemak Christy H. PhD University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Professor and Chair Health Services Administration Level II
Lemons Jack Eugene PhD University of Florida Professor Biomaterials Level II
Lenneman Carri MD Medical Univeristy of South Carolina Associate Professor Epidemiology Level I
Lennemann Nicholas PhD University of Iowa Assistant Professor Medicine/Microbiology Level II
Leon-Ruiz Beatriz PhD Autonoma University, Madrid Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Lesort Mathieu J. PhD University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris , France Assistant Professor Psychiatry Level II
Lester Robin A J PhD University of Bristol (UK) Professor Neurobiology Level II
Levine Brett M. MA University of New South Wales, Sydney Instructor Art and Art History Level II
Levine Timothy PhD Michigan State University Professor and Chair Communication Studies Level II
Levitan Emily Bess ScD Harvard University Associate Professor and Chair Epidemiology Level II
Levy Shawn Edward PhD Emory University Professor Epidemiology Adjunct
Lewis Cora E MD Indiana University Professor Medicine Level II
Li Junfang PhD University of Oklahoma Associate Professor Mathematics Level II
Li Li MD, PhD Georgia State University Assistant Professor Psychiatry/SOM Level II
Li Ling PhD Iowa State Assistant Professor Comparative Medicine Level II
Li Peng PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Scientist Biostatistics Level II
Li Qianjun PhD Beijing Agriculture University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Li Yi-Ping PhD Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry Professor Molecular and Cellular Pathology Level II
Li Yuanyuan MD, PhD Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy Instructor Hematology & Oncology Level II
Li Yuqing PhD Nagoya University Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Li Wei PhD The University of South Dakota Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level I
Li Wei PhD The Univeristy of South Daokta Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Li Lingyong PhD Nanjing Agricultural University Associate Professor Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Level II
Liang Wayne MD, MS Case Western Reserve Univ/Univ of Washington Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Lim Hyeyoung PhD Sam Houston State University Associate Professor Criminal Justice Level II
Lim Ssang-Taek Steve PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Molecular & Cellular Pathology Level II
Limdi Nita A. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Neurology Level II
Lin Fannie PhD Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Lin Fang-Tsyr PhD Johns Hopkins University Associate Professor Cellular and Molecular Biology Level II
Lin Chen MD Medical College of Georgia Assistant Professor Medicine/Neurology Level I
Lin Diana MD Medical College of Georgia Assistant Professor Pathology Level I
Lindeman Brenessa MD Vanderbilt Univeristy Adjunct Assistant Professor School of Medicine/Dept of Surgery Level I
Lindsey J. Russell DVM - Professor Comparative Medicine Level II
Lingasubramanian Karthikeyan PhD University of South Florida Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Linney Jean Ann   University of IL at Urbana-Charm. Professor Psychology Level II
Linville Jason G. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Forensic Sciences Level II
Litaker Mark PhD University of South Carolina Associate Professor General Dental Sciences Level II
Litovsky Silvio H. MD University of Buenos Aires Medical School Professor Pathology Level II
Littlefield David L. PhD GA Institute of Technology Professor and Chair Mechanical Engineering Level II
Litton Allison DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Physician Assistant Studies Level I
Liu Xiaoguang (Margaret) PhD Ohio State University Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Liu Perng-Ru DMD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor and Chair Comprehensive Dentistry Level II
Liu Runhua MD, PhD Miyazaki University School of Medicine, Japan Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Liu Gang MD, PhD Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Professor Medicine Level II
Liu Lei PhD University of California at Berkeley Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Lloyd Steven G. MD Emory University Professor Medicine Level II
Locher Julie Lynn PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Locke Jayme E. MD East Carolina University School of Medicine Associate Professor Surgery Levell II
Loder-Jackson Tondra PhD Northwestern University Professor Human Studies Level II
Lokken Kristine L. PhD University of North Dakota Clinical Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Long Marianna M PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Long Sheri Spaine PhD University of California-Los Angeles Associate Professor Foreign Languages Level II
Loop Michael Stuart PhD Florida State University Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Lorenz Robinna G PhD Washington University Professor Pathology Level II
Lose Edward J. MD University of Texas Southwestern Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Lothrop, Jr. Clinton D. PhD University of Tennessee Professor Biochemistry Level II
Louis Patrick J DDS, MD Louisiana State University Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
Lowman, Jr. John D. PhD Virginia Commonwealth University Associate Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Lubin Farah PhD Binghamton University Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Lucas Elizabeth PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychiatry & Behavorial Neurobiology Level II
Lucius Aaron PhD Washington University St. Louis Professor Chemistry Level II
Lui Perng-Ru DDS Chung Shan Medical and Dental College Professor and Chair Comprehensive Dentistry Level II
Lund Frances E. Phd Duke University Professor and Chair Microbiology Level II
Lungu Claudiu T. PhD University of South Carolina Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Luo Ming PhD Purdue University Professor Microbiology Level II
Lyman Ruth Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Macaluso Matthew DO University of medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level I
MacCarthy Sarah DSc Harvard School of Public Health Associate Professor Health Behavior Level II
MacDougall Mary J. PhD University of Southern California Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
MacLennan Paul PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Surgery Level I
Macrina David M PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Madan-Swain Avi PhD Georgia State University Professor Pediatrics Level II
Maday Kristopher MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level I
Madden Kerry MFA University of Tennesee Associate Professor English Level II
Mahapatra Manoj PhD Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Assistant Professor Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Maihoff Shirlee E MAEd University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Makhija Sonia DDS University of Missouri Assistant Professor General Dental Sciences Level II
Mann Ivan PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Computer Science Level I
Manne Upender PhD Osmania University, India Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Mannon Peter J MD Boston University School of Medicine Professor Medicine Level II
Mannon Roslyn B. MD Duke University Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level II
Maqbool Muhammad PhD Ohio University Associate Professor Physics Level II
March Joe L. PhD University of Texas Professor Chemistry Level II
Marion Ken B. PhD Washington University Professor Biology Level I
Mark Victor W. MD Albany Medical College Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Markaki Despina A. PhD University of Crete, Greece Associate Professor Nursing/Community and Health Systems Level II
Markert James M. MD Columbia University Professor and Chair Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Marques Guillermo PhD Universidad Complutenese de Madrin Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Marques Marisa Bicca MD Federal University of Rio Professor Pathology Level II
Marquez-Lago Tatiana T. PhD University of New Mexico Associate Professor School of Medicine/Gentics Level II
Marquez-Nostra Bernadette PhD University of California, Davis Associate Professor Radiology Level II
Marshall Caroline MD Baylor College of Medicine Assistant Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level II
Marsiglia William PhD New York University Assistant Professor Pharmacology and Toxicology Level II
Marson Daniel C JD, PhD University of Chicago - Northwestern University Professor Neurology Level II
Marstrander Jon R. Adjunct University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Electrical & Computer Engineering Level II
Martin Kathleen PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Martin Roy C. PhD Louisiana State University Associate Professor Neurology Level II
Martin Michelle Y. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Preventive Medicine Level II
Martins Emerson PhD University of Texas at San Antonio Assstatnt Professor Restorative Sciences Level II
Martins Catia PhD University of Surrey, UK Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Matalon Sadis PhD University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Mathes Rachel Clarke DMA University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Music Level II
Matlawska Ksenia PhD University of Lodz Associate Professor Pharmacology and Toxicology Level II
Matteo M. Daniel MSFS University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Forensic Science Level I
Matthews Qiana L. PhD Meharry Medical College Assistant Professor Medicine/Infectious Diseases Level II
Mattheyses Alexa PhD University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Matthies Heinrich PhD Univeristy of Chicago Assistant Professor Surgery Level II
May Thomas Adjunct Bowling Green State University Professor Genetics Level II
May Richard D. Adjunct University of Texas Health Science Cr Associate Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Maynard Craig L. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Molecular and Cellular Pathology Level II
Mayoral Hernandez Roberto PhD University of Southern California Associate Professor Foreign Languages Level II
Mays Lauren DNP UAB Instructor Nursing Level II
Mazer-Gurmendi Raquel B DDS Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor Dentistry Level II
McCarthy Shannon PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
McCaughey Deirdre PhD University of Manitoba Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
McClellan Christina MA University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Credentialed Course Instructor Art and Art History Level I
McCleskey Brandi MD University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Course Director Pathology Level I
McClintock James Bruce PhD University of South Florida Endowed Professor Biology Level II
McClure Leslie PhD University of Michigan Adjunct Professor Biostatistics Level II
McComiskey Bruce Thomas PhD Purdue University Professor English Level II
McConathy Jonathan MD, PhD Emory University Associate Professor Medicine/Radiology Level II
McCornack Steven PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor Communication Studies Level II
McCullumsmith Robert E. MD University of Michigan Assistant Professor Psychiatry/Neurobiology Level II
McCurry Valley O. MBA University of Alabama at Birmingham - Occupational Therapy Level II
McDaniel David R. PhD University of Colorado at Colo Springs Research Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
McDonald Merry-Lynn N. PhD Baylor College of Medicine Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
McDougal Julie A MA University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Education Level II
McFarland Braden PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level I
McGhee Tomeka PhD Auburn University Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
McGrath Shelly PhD Southern Illinois University Carbondale Assistant Professor Criminal Justice Level II
McGregor Keith PhD Unviersity of Florida Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
McGuinn Laura MD The University of Texas Medical Branch Professor Pediatrics Level II
McGwin, Jr. Gerald PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor and Vice Chair Epidemiology Level II
McInturff Bronwyn MSW University of Alabama   Social Work Level I
McKeag Ian MD Michigan State University Assistant Professor Family and Community Medicine Level I
McKnight Andrew PhD University of North Carolina Assistant Professor Educational Leadership, Special Education, Foundations Level II
McMahon Lori L PhD St. Louis University Emeritus Physiology and Biophysics Emeritus
McMullan Susan P. PhD Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Associate Professor Nursing Level II
McMurtry Teaira PhD Cardinal Stritch University Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
McNeese Rose M. PhD Georgia State University Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
McNicolas Carmel M. PhD University of Manchester Instructor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
McPherson Heather PhD University of Washington Professor Art History Level II
Meador Woodruff James H. MD Medical College of Virginia Commonwealth University Professor and Chair Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Meadows P Lee PhD University of Georgia Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Meakin Robert PhD Stanford University Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Meese Katherine PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Meezan Elias PhD Duke University Professor Emeritus Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Mehta Tapan PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Mei Lin MD, PhD University of Arizona Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Melendez-Ferro Miguel PhD Univ Santiago de Compo Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Melkani Girish PhD Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India Associate Professor Molecular & Cellular Pathology Level II
Melvin Ryan PhD Wake Forest University Assistant Professor Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Level I
Menachemi Nir PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Mendenhall Eric Adjunct University of Minnesota Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Menear Kristi PhD - Professor and Chair Human Studies Level II
Mennemeier Mark S PhD Southern Illinois University Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Mernik Marjan Adjunct University of Maribor Associate Professor Computer and Information Sciences Level II
Merriman Tony R. PhD Univeristy of Otago Professor Immunology and Rheumatology Level II
Merritt Stephen PhD Rutgers University Assistant Professor Anthropology Level II
Messiaen Ludwine PhD - Professor Genetics Level II
Messina Frank M DBA Mississippi State University Professor Accounting and Finance Level II
Messina Joseph L PhD University of Michigan Professor Pathology Level II
Mestecky Jiri (George) MD Charles University (Czechoslovakia) Professor Microbiology Level II
Michael Max MD Harvard Medical School Professor and Dean Public Health Level II
Michalek Suzanne M PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Microbiology Level II
Might Matthew B. PhD GA Institute of Technology Professor Medicine Level II
Mikhail Fady M. PhD University of Alexandria Professor Genetics Level II
Milena Stanislavova PhD University of Missouri, Columbia Professor Mathematics Level II
Milenkovic Aleksandar PhD The University of Belgrade Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Blanket Ad Hoc
Millard Andre J PhD Emory University Professor History Level II
Miller Michael PhD University of Irvine-California Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Miller Brianna V. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Professions Level I
Miller Kenneth EdD Vanderbilt University   School of Business Level I
Miller Christopher R. MD, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Pathology Level II
Miller Stephen J PhD UCLA Professor History Level II
Miller Gabe PhD Texas A & M University Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Milligan Gary DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Milner Adrienne PhD University of Miami Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Miltner Rebecca S. PhD University of Maryland Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Mindingall Arnold Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Minnix Christopher PhD University of Tennessee Assistant Professor English Level II
Mirbozorgi S Abdollah PhD Laval University (Quebec City, Canada) Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Mirman Daniel PhD Carnegie Mellon University Associate Professor Behavioral Neuroscience Level II
Mirov Sergey B PhD Physical Institute of USSR (Russia) Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Mishra Virendra PhD University of Texas at Arlington, and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (Joint program) Associate Professor Radiology Level II
Mitchell Dana DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level I
Mitchell Lillian M. DDS Georgetown University Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Level II
Mitchell Stephen C DMD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Mitchell Tanecia PhD University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Assistant Professor Medicine/Urology Level II
Mitra Kasturi PhD Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Moak Stacy C. PhD University of New Orleans Professor Social Work  
Mobley James A. PhD Ohio State University Assistant Professor Pharmacology and Toxicology Level II
Moellering Douglas R. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Mohamed Ismail S. MD Alexanderia University, Egypt Associate Proffesor Medicine/Pediatrics Level II
Mohr Robert PhD University of Alabama Instructor Physics Level I
Moldoveanu Zina PhD University of Bucharest, Romania Research Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Moneyham Linda D. DNS Indiana University Professor Nursing Level II
Monroe Charles A. PhD University of Iowa Assistant Professor Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Montgomery Ann E. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Behavior Level II
Montgomery John A. Adjunct - - Pharmaceutical Design Level II
Monti Denise PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Moody Myles PhD Univeristy of Kentucky Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Moore Randy DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Moore, Jr. John K. PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Foreign Language Education Level II
Morgan Charity PhD Harvard University Associate Professor Biostatistics Level II
Morgan Kathryn Diane PhD Florida State University Professor Criminal Justice Level II
Morlandt Anthony B. MD University of Alabama School of Medicine Assistant Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level I
Morris James Jeffrey PhD University of Tennessee, Knoxville Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Morris Cody E. PhD University of Mississippi Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Morris David M PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor and Chair Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Morrison Richard P. PhD University of Oklahoma Professor Infectious Diseases Level II
Morrison-McCornack Kelly PhD Michigan State University Professor Communication Studies Level II
Morrow Casey D PhD University of California-Los Angeles Professor Emeritus Microbiology Level II
Moser Stephen A PhD Ohio State University Professor Pathology Level II
Mosteller Paul W. DMA University of Iowa Associate Professor Music Level II
Motl Robert W. PhD University of Georgia Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Mountz John Douglas MD, PhD Michigan State University Professor Medicine Level II
Mowling Claire EdD Auburn University Assistant Professor   Level II
Mrug Sylvie Rydvalova PhD Purdue University Professor Developmental Psychology Level II
Mrug Michal MD Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Assistant Professor Nephrology Level II
Mueller Daniel K. PhD University of Missouri, Columbia Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Mugavero Michael J. MD Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Professor Medicine/Infectious Disease Level II
Muhlhofer Wolfgang G. MD Ruprecht-Karls University Medical School, Germany Assistant Professor Medicine/Neurology Level I
Mukhtar Karolina M PhD University of Cologne, Germany Associate Professor Biology Level II
Mumford Gregory D. PhD University of Toronto Assistant Professor Anthropology Level II
Munchus George PhD University of North Texas Professor Business Level II
Murdaugh Donna PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Murphy-Ullrich Joanne E PhD University of Wisconsin Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Murray Pamela S. PhD Tulane University Professor History Level II
Musa Philip PhD Texas Tech University Associate Professor Management Level II
Muzny Christina A. MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Mwenesongole Ellen PhD Anglia Ruskin University Associate Professor Criminal Justice Level II
Myers Richard PhD University of California Berkley Professor Genetics Level II
Nabell Lisle M. MD University of NC Chapel Hill Professor Epidemiology Level I
Nabors III Louis B. MD University of Tennessee Professor and Chair Neurology Level II
Nagareddy Prabhakara R. PhD University of British Columbia , Candada Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Nagy Timothy R PhD University of Utah Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Nahm Moon MD Washington University Professor Pathology Level II
Nakada Yuji PhD Osaka University, Osaka, Japan Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Level I
Nakano Ichiro MD, PhD Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine Professor Neurosurgery Level II
Nakazawa Kazutoshi MD, PhD Keio University, Tokyo, Japan Associate Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Nakhmani Arie PhD Israel Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Namakkal-Soorappan Rajasekaran PhD University of Madras, India Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Namasivayam Ambalavanan MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Pediatric/Neonatology Level II
Nanda Vivek PhD University of Rochester Assistant Professor School of Medicine/Pathology/MCP Level II
Napierala Jill Sergesketter PhD Indiana University Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Napierala Marek PhD Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Poznan, Poland Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Narayana Venkata Lakshmi Sthanam PhD Indian Institute of Technology (India) Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Nash David Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Navarrete Liliana MS University of Alabama Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Navasca Carmeliza PhD University of California at Davis Associate Professor Mathematics Level II
Needham Belinda L. PhD University of Texas Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Neiva Eduardo PhD UFRL-Brazil Professor Communication Studies Level II
Nelson Betty Adjunct - Associate Professor Education Level II
Nelson Catherine E. PhD University of North Texas Assistant Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Nelson Dalton PhD University of Alabama in Huntsville Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Nelson Kathleen Gail MD New York Medical College Professor Pediatrics Level II
Nelson Matthew J. PhD California Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Department of Neurosurgery Level II
Nelson Sharonica EdD Walden University Visiting Assistant Professor Education - Curriculum & Instruction Level I
Ness Timothy John MD, PhD University of Iowa Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Ness Jayne Marie MD, PhD University of Iowa Professor Neurobiology Level II
Newsome Cassandra Psy.D Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology Associate Professor Neurobiology Level I
Newton Rose M. EdD University of Louisville Assistant Professor Educational Leadership Level II
Ng Thian PhD University of Regina Professor Medicine Level II
Nghiem Van PhD The Univeristy of Texas Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Nicholas Anthony P MD University of Texas Medical Branch Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Nichols Jason J OD, PhD The Ohio State University Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Nichols Kelly K OD, PhD The Ohio State University Professor and Dean Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Nichols Robert PhD University of Tennessee at Knoxville Research Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Niederweis Michael PhD University of Erlangen Professor Microbiology Level II
Nikles Jacqueline PhD Case Western Res. Associate Professor Chemistry Level II
Ning Haibin PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Niranjan Soumya J. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Niwa Minae PhD Nagoya University, Japan Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Nkashama Mubenga N PhD Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) Professor Mathematics Level II
Noack Ralph W PhD University of Texas at Arlington Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Noah Diana Lee PhD North Carolina State University Research Virologist Biochemistry and Molecuar Biology Level II
Noah James W. PhD North Carolina State University Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Nobles Linda Baker MS University of Kansas Instructor Occupational Therapy Level II
Norian Lyse A. PhD University of Iowa Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Norton Thomas Tolles PhD University of California-Los Angeles Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Novack Thomas A PhD Memphis State University Professor Psychology Level II
Novak Jan PhD Institute of Microbiology (Czechoslovakia) Professor Microbiology Level II
Novak Robert J. PhD University of Illinois Professor Microbiology Level II
Nozell Elizabeth Susan PhD Medical College of Georgia Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Oakes Jerry W. MD Duke University School Of Medicine Professor Surgery Level II
Oakley Ingrid D. DVM Auburn University of Veterinary Medicine Assistant Professor Health Related Professions Level II
Oberman Albert MD Washington University Professor Emeritus Medicine Level II
Ochsenbauer Christina PhD Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat, Germany Assistant Professor Hematology/Oncology Level II
O'Connor Stephen J. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Health Related Professions Level II
Odame Emmanuel PhD East Tennessee State University Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level I
Oh Jonghwa PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Ojesina Akinyemi I. MD, PhD Harvard University Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level II
O'Kelley Sarah E PhD University of Alabama - Psychology Level II
O'Leary Malinda Blair PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Foreign Languages Level II
Olsen Michelle L. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Physiology and Biophysics/Neurobiology Level II
O'Neal Sandra Jean DMD University of Alabama Professor Emeritus Dentistry Level II
O'Neal Marcia R PhD University of Alabama Research Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Oparil Suzanne MD Columbia University Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Opoku-Agyeman William PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level I
Orihuela Carlos L PhD University of Pittsburgh Assistant Professor Foreign Languages Level II
Orihuela Carlos J PhD University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Osborne John D. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine Level II
Oster Robert A. PhD University of Cincinnati Associate Professor Preventive Medicine Level II
Osuka Satoru MD, PhD University of Tsukuba, Japan Assistant Professor Neurosurgery Level II
Ovalle Fernando MD University of Nuevo Leon Associate Professor Endocrinology Level II
Oversteegen Lex G PhD Wayne State University Professor Mathematics Level II
Owen John MD University of Texas Southewestern Medial School Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology Level II
Owsley Cynthia PhD Cornell University Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Ozaydin Bunyamin PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Packa Joseph MPA Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Visiting Professor Public Administration Level II
Pagani Catherine PhD University of Toronto Professor Art History - UA Level II
Palop Jorge J. PhD University of Valencia, Spain Assistant Professor Neurology Ad Hoc
Panion Henry III PhD Ohio State University Professor Music Level II
Parant John M PhD University of Texas Assistant Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Parcak Sarah H. PhD University of Cambridge Professor Anthropology Level II
Paris Wayne PhD University of Huddersfield, Yorkshire, United Kingdom Professor Social Work Level I
Parish Ashley PhD Unviersity of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Park Hee Sun PhD University of California, Santa Barbara Professor Communication Studies Level II
Parker Lanette Adjunct Arizona State University Credentialed Course Instructor Art & Art History Level II
Parker Jacqueline Nuss PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Pediatrics/Infectious Diseases Level II
Parker William B. PhD The George Washington University Adjunct Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Parks Dale A. PhD University of South Alabama Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Parpura Vladimir PhD Iowa State University Professor Neurobiology Level II
Parris Kaitrin DNP Case Western Reserve University Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Paschal Angelia M. PhD Kent State University Associate Professor Education/Human Studies Level II
Pasche Boris C. MD, PhD University of Lausanne Professor Cell Biology Level II
Pass Mary Ann MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Pass Robert F MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Medicine Level II
Patel Rakesh P. PhD University of Essex Professor Cellular and Molecular Pathology Level II
Paterson Andrew James PhD University of Otago Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Pati Sandipan M.B, B.S, MRCP JIPMER, Pondicherry, India Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
Patrician Patricia A. PhD University of Pennsylvania Professor Nursing Level II
Patterson James PhD University of California Assistant Professor Chemistry Level II
Patterson Anthony W. MSHA University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Health Services Administration Level II
Patterson Jerry L PhD Ohio University Associate Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Paul Julie PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Early Childhood Education Level I
Paustian Pamela E. Adjunct Faulkner University Assistant Professor Health Information Management Level II
Pavela Gregory PhD University of Florida Associate Professor Health Behavior Level II
Payami Haydeh PhD UC Berkeley Professor Neurology Level II
Payne Daniel C. PhD Tulane University Adjunct Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level II
Payne Gregory A. Md, PhD Indiana University Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Pearce Tara S. DHS University of Indianapolis Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Pearson Craig Charles MS University of Alabama at Birmingham - Health Services Administration Level II
Pekmezi Dorothy W. PhD Louisiana State University Professor Health Behavior Level II
Pellathy Elisabeth MA Alfred University School of Art and Design Assistant Professor Art and Art History Level I
Pence Gregory PhD New York University Professor and Chair Philosophy Level II
Peng Ji-Bin PhD Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology Assistant Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Perakis Ilias E. PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor and Chair Physics Level II
Percy Alan K. MD Standord University School of Medicine Professor and Director Pediatrics Level I
Pereboev Alexander PhD - Research Assistant Professor Gene Therapy Level II
Perez Patricia L. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Pernell Brandi DNP Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level I
Perry Gilbert J. MD College of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Professor Medicine/Cardiovascular Level II
Perumean-Chaney Suzanne E. PhD State University of New York Assistant Professor Biostatistics Level II
Peters Robert W. PhD Iowa State University Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Level II
Peters Gary Brian PhD University of Alabmama at Birmingham Associate Professor LSEF Level II
Peterson Courtney M. PhD Harvard University Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Petit Chad PhD Louisiana State University Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Pfister Neil MD, PhD Columbia University Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology Level II
Philips Joseph B MD University of North Carolina Professor Pediatrics Level II
Phillips Frank S. Adjunct New York University School of Law Adjunct Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Phillips Scott E. PhD University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Piazza Gary PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Adjunct Associate Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Pickering Andrew PhD University of Southern California Assistant Professor Medicine/Neurology Level II
Pillay Selvum PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor and Chair Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Pillay Rubin PhD University of Cape Town GSB Professor Medicine Level II
Pillion Dennis J PhD Medical College of Georgia Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Piper James R. Adjunct - - Pharmaceutical Design Level II
Pirkelbauer Peter PhD Texas A&M University Assistant Professor Computer and Information Sciences Level II
Pisu Maria PhD Penn State Assistant Professor Health Administration Level II
Pittet Jean-Francois R. MD University of Lausanne, Switzerland Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Pittler Steven R PhD Baylor College of Medicine Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Pitts Robert Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Pius Fasinu PhD University of Stellenbosch Associate Professor Pharmacology Level II
Piyathilake Chandrika J PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Placzek William PhD The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Plaisance Eric P. PhD Auburn University Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Pogwizd Steven M. MD Washington University Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Polancich Shea PhD Texas Woman's University Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Pollard Andrew E PhD Duke University Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Pollock David M. Ph.D University of Cincinnati Professor Nephrology Level II
Pollock Jennifer S. Ph.D University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor Nephrology Level II
Ponder Jennifer Ph.D Indiana University Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Ponnazhagan Selvarangan Ph.D University of Madras Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Poore Thomas MD University of Georgia Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level I
Popov Kirill M. PhD Institute of Organic Chemistry Associate Professor Biochemistry Level II
Porrett Paige MD, PhD Northwestern University Assistant Professor Surgery Level II
Porter Chebon Adjnuct Oklahoma State University Assistant Professor Medical Psychology Level II
Porterfield John MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Epidemiology Level I
Potesta Fiorella DDS San Martin De Porres University Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Level II
Powell Craig M. PhD Baylor College of Medicine Professor Medicine Level II
Powell Mickie L. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistance Professor Biology Level II
Powell J Larry PhD Florida State University-Gainseville Professor Communication Studies Level II
Powell Kathlyn MD,DMD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
Powers Thomas L PhD Michigan State University Professor Marketing Level II
Powers Summer B. DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Powers Marc MFA Pennsylvania State University Professor and Chair Theatre and Dance Level II
Pozzo-Miller Lucas D. PhD Cordoba National University Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Prabhu Sumanth D. MD Pennsylvania State University Professor Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Prado Josie PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Prasain Jeevan PhD Toyama Med/Pharm University Assistant Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Preskitt Julie K. PhD Auburn University Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Prevelige Peter Edward Jr PhD Brandeis University Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Pritchard Mark Neal PhD University of Michigan Associate Professor Pediatrics Infectious Disease Level II
Pruett Brandon MD, PhD Lousiana State University Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Pucker Andrew D. OD, PhD Ohio State University Assistant Professor Vision Science Level II
Puga Frank PhD The University of Texas at Austin Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Purnachandra Ganji PhD Sri Venkateswara University Assistant Professor Hematology and Oncology Level II
Qiao Aijun PhD Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Tsinghua University, Beijing China. Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Level I
Qiao Xiaofei PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Clinical Data Specialist/Manager   Level I
Qin Gangjian MD, PhD Tongji Medical University, China Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Qin Hongwei PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Cell Biology Level II
Qu Haiyan PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate professor Health Services Administration Level II
Quinlan Kieran PhD Vanderbilt University Professor English Level II
Quintana Jose B PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Racette Lyne PhD Carleton University Associate Professor Ophthalmology Level I
Rahemtulla Firoz PhD University of Umea (Sweden) Professor Oral Biology Level II
Rahman AKM Fazlur PhD University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Biostatistics Level II
Raju Sammeta V. PhD Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-NO Assistant Professor SOM/DOM Pulmonary Division Level II
Raman Chander PhD Southern Illinois University Professor Microbiology Level II
Ramanadham Sasanka PhD Texas Tech University Associate Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Ramey Craig Thomas PhD West Virginia University Professor Psychology Level II
Ramey Sharon Landesman PhD University of Washington Professor Psychology Level II
Ramp Merrie DMD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Comprehensive Dentistry Level II
Rampe Rebecca Psy D Georgia School of Professional Psychology Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level I
Rana Md Shohel PhD University of Southern Mississippi Assistant Professor Computer Science Level I
Randall Troy D. PhD Duke University Professor Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Level II
Randolph David A MD, PhD Washington University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Randolph Brittney PhD Fielding Graduate University Assistant Professor Psychiatry Level I
Ransburg-Brown Cynthia Adjunct Cumberland School of Law Adjunct Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Raut Samiksha A. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Ray Midge Noel MSN University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Read Russell W. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Redden David T PhD University of Alabama Professor & Vice Chair Biostatistics Level II
Reddy Baleed Vishnu MD Kakateya Medical College Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Reddy Michael S DMD Harvard University Professor Periodontology Level II
Redmond Nicole MD, PhD Medical University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Preventive Medicine Level II
Reed William R. PhD University of Louisville Associate Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Reily Colin R. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Ren Bin PhD University of Science and Technology of China Associate Professor Surgery Level II
Renfrow Matthew Blain PhD University of Georgia Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Reuter Tina Kempin PhD University of Zurich, Switzerland Associate Professor Anthropology Level II
Reynolds Jeff W. DMA University of Illinois Associate Professor Music Level II
Reynolds Richard J. PhD University of Maryland Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Reynolds Robert C. Adjunct Duke University Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Rhodes Lindsay A. MD Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University Assistant Professor Ophthalmology Level I
Rhodes S. Craig DMD University of Florida Associate Professor Endodontics Level II
Rice Martha H PhD Georgia State University Professor Nursing Level II
Richards J Scott PhD Kent State University Professor Psychology Level II
Richardson Woodrow D PhD University of Arkansas Associate Professor Management Level II
Richardson Elizabeth J. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Richman Joshua MD, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Preventive Medicine Level II
Richmond Virginia Peck PhD University of Nebraska Professor Communication Studies Level II
Richter Jillian R. PhD Wake Forest University Assistant Professor Medicine/Surgery Level II
Richter Caroline PhD University of Louisville Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Riddle Nicole PhD Washington University Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Ridings Herbert D. MA University of Kentucky Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Rieger Sonja O MFA Rutgers University Professor Art History Level I
Rimmer James H PhD Texas Woman's University Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Rinker John R. MD Medical College of Georgia Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Ritchey Ferris J PhD University of Texas at Austin Emeritus Professor Sociology Level II
Rivera Julio C DBA Mississippi State University Associate Professor Management, Information Systems, and Quantitative Methods Level II
Rivers Carleton RDN University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Rizk Dana V. MD American University of Beirut Associate Professor Medicine / Nephrology Level I
Robel Stefanie PhD Ludwig-Maximilian University Associate Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Roberson Erik D. MD, PhD Baylor College of Medicine Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Roberts Rosalinda C. PhD University of California, Irvine Professor Psychiatry Level II
Robin Nathaniel MD Albert Einstein College of Medicine Professor Genetics Level II
Robinson Michelle L. DMD Rutgers University Associate Professor School of Dentistry Clincal/ Community Sciences Level II
Robles Augusto A. DDS University of Michigan School of Dentistry Assistant Professor Dentistry Level II
Rocque Brandon G. MD Washington University School of Medicine Assistant Professor Medicine/Neurosurgery Level II
Rocque Gabrielle B. MD University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Rodriguez J. Martin MD Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Lima, Peru Professor Infectious Diseases Level II
Rodriguez Christina PhD University of Florida Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Rogan Willam Boyd Jr EdD Western Michigan University Associate Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Rogers David A. MD University of Illonois Professor Medicine/Surgery Level I
Rogers Jack PhD University of San Diego, San Diego Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Rogers Laura Q. MD University of South Florida College of Medicine Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Rokosh Donald Gregg PhD University of Saskatchewan Associate Professor Medicine - Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Roque Gloria M. Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Rosa Garrido Manuel PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Rose John MD Univeristy of Illinois,Champaign-Urbana and Peoria, Illinios Assistant Professor Surgery Level II
Roseman Jeffrey M MD, PhD University of Chicago Professor Emeritus Epidemiology Level II
Rosenberg Alexander F. PhD University of Pittsburgh Associate Professor Microbiology Level I
Rosenblum Donath Frida MD Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Ross Don PhD University of Western Ontario Professor Philosophy Level II
Roth Kevin A Adjunct Stanford University Professor Pathology Level II
Roth Justin PhD Case Western Reserve University Instructor Pediatrics - Infectious Disease Level II
Rowe Glenn C. PhD Yale University Instructor Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Rowe Kimberly Martin PhD Yale University Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level II
Rowe Steven Mark MD Vanderbilt University Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Roy Jane PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Rubery Melanie R. MS University of Southern Mississippi - - Level II
Ruby John D. PhD West Virginia University Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Rue Loring W MD Univ. of Virginia Professor and Vice Chair Surgery Level II
Rumbaugh Gavin PhD Georgetown University Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Ruppert Susan M Lobo PhD Florida State University Assistant Professor Biochemistry Level II
Ruppert J Michael MD, PhD Johns Hopkins University Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Russell Derek W. MD University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicinie Clinical Instructor Medicine Level I
Rutledge Susan Lane MD University of South Alabama Professor Genetics Level II
Ryan Thomas PhD University of AL at Birmingham Associate Professor Biochemistry Level II
Ryan Cynthia A PhD Purdue University Associate Professor English Level II
Saad Jamil S. PhD Emory University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Saag Kenneth Gary MD Northwestern University Professor Epidemiology Adjunct
Sabbaj Steffanie PhD Ohio State University Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Sadowsky Percival Lionel DMD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Orthodontics Level II
Saigusa Takamitsu MD National Defense Medical College, Saitama, Japan Assistant Professor Medicine/Nephrology Level I
Salama Talat PhD Rutgers University Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Level II
Saleh Mansoor MD University of Heidelberg (Germany) Professor Medicine/Hematology/Oncology Level II
Salihu Hamisu PhD University of South Florida Adjunct Associate Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Salter E George Jr PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Cell Biology Level II
Salvador Carolina MD University of Texas Health Science Center Assistant Professor Hematology/Oncology Level II
Samant Lalita R. PhD University of Mumbai, India Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Sampson Larry MS Emory University Clinical Assistant Professor Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Sanchez-Lopez Lourdes PhD University of Jaen, Spain Professor Foreign Languages Level II
Sanders Tommy Adjunct University of Alabama at Birmingham - Health Services Administration Level II
Sanders Paul William MD University of South Alabama Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Sanders Yan Y. MD Hunan Medical University, China Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Sanderson Ralph D. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Pathology/Molecular and Cell Biology Level II
Sandroff Brian PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Sanspree Mary Jean PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Santoro Nick J MS University of Alabama Research Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering Level I
Sapp Gary L EdD University of Tennessee Professor Human Studies Level II
Sathiakumar Nalini MD, DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Epidemiology Level II
Savage Grant T. PhD Ohio State University Professor Management, Information Systems Level II
Sawyer Patricia PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Gerontology Level II
Saxena Nitesh PhD University of California, Irvine Associate Professor Computer and Information Sciences Level II
Sayer Drew PhD Purdue University Assistant Professor Health Professions Level I
Scarduzio Mariangela PhD University of Perugia, Italy Assistant Professor Neurology Level I
Scarinci-Searles Isabel C PhD Louisiana State University Professor Psychology Level II
Schexnayder Julie PhD Case Western Reserve University Assistant Professor Nursing level I
Schneider David Alan PhD University of Wisconsin Professor and Associate Dean Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Schoeb Trenton PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Genetics Level II
Schroeder Harry W Jr MD, PhD Baylor College of Medicine Associate Professor Developmental and Clinical Immunology Level II
Schwartz Justin MD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level II
Schwebel David C. PhD University of Iowa Professor and Associate Dean Developmental Psychology Level II
Schwiebert Lisa Marshall PhD Dartmouth College Professor and Associate Dean Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Scoffield Jessica A. PhD Auburn University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Scott Robert A PhD Georgia State University Associate Professor Emeritus Management Level II
Searby Linda J. PhD Illinois State University Assistant Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Segrest Jere P. MD, PhD Vanderbilt University Professor Pathology Level II
Seifert Michael MD Washington University in St. Louis Associate Professor SOPH Biostatistics Level I
Selinger Nikita PhD Jacobs University Bremen, Germany Assistant Professor Mathematics Level II
Sen Bisakha PhD Ohio State University Associate Professor   Level II
Serra Rosa A PhD Pennsylvania State University Professor Cell Biology Level II
Sethu Palaniappan PhD University of Michigan Associate Professor Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Severson William Edward PhD New Mexico State University Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Sewell-Loftin Mary Kathryn PhD Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Sha Bingdong PhD Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Professor Cell Biology Level II
Shacka John Joseph PhD VCU/MCV Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Shalev Anath MD University of Basel, Switzerland Professor Medicine Level II
Shan Liang PhD Virginia Tech Assistant Professor Acute, Chronic and Continuing Care Level II
Sharafeldin Noha PhD University of Alberta, Canada Assistant Professor Hematology and Oncology Level II
Sharer Daniel PhD - Professor Genetics Level II
Sharlach Lisa B. PhD University of California Associate Professor Political Science and Public Administration Level I
Shaw George Meade MD, PhD Ohio State University Professor Cellular and Molecular Biology Level II
Shebib Samantha PhD Michigan State University Assistant Professor Communication Studies Level II
Sheek Lesley PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Early Childhood Education Level I
Shelton Richard C MD University of Louisville School of Medicine Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Sheng Shibin PhD Virginia Tech University Associate Professor Marketing, Industrial Distribution & Economics Level II
Sherer Carolyn L MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Sherif Muhammad PhD University of Virginia, Charlottesville Assistant Professor Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Level II
Shevde-Samant Lalita PhD Indian Institute of Technology Professor Pathology Level II
Shi Lewis PhD, MD Purdue University Associate Professor Radiation Oncology Level II
Shikany James DrPH University of California, Los Angeles Professor Preventive Medicine Level I
Shirey Maria R. PhD Indiana University Professor and Chair Nursing Level II
Shivers Charles H. PhD University of Alabama in Huntsville Professor Engineering/Advanced Safety Level II
Shores Melanie L. PhD Auburn University Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Shorten Allison PhD University of Sydney, Australia Professor Nursing Level II
Shrestha Sadeep PhD Johns Hopkins University Associate Professor Epidemiology Level II
Shterenberg Roman PhD St. Petersburg State University Professor Mathematics Level II
Sibley Lynn PhD University of Colorado Adjunct Associate Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Sicking Dean L. PhD Texas A&M University Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Siegal Gene Philip MD, PhD University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Professor Pathology Level II
Siegel Daniel PhD University of Virginia Associate Professor English Level II
Silvera Geoffrey PhD The Pennsylvania State Univeristy Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Simanyi Nandor PhD Roland Eotvos University Budapest Professor Mathematics Level II
Simien Clayton E. PhD Rice University Assistant Professor Physics Level II
Simmons Warren L PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Sims Brian MD,PhD University of Alabama School of Medicine Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Sims Michele EdD University of Pennsylvania Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Sims Janene OD, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Sims Sandra PhD University of Southern Mississippi Assistant Professor Physical Education Level II
Sims Omar PhD University of Georgia Assistant Professor Social Work Level II
Sincich Lawrence C. PhD Harvard University Assistant Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Singh Keshav K. PhD University of Wollongong Professor Genetics Level II
Singh Sanjay Kumar PhD University of Georgia Associate Professor Management, Information Systems, and Quantitative Methods Level II
Singh Harshvardhan PhD University of Delaware, Newark Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Sisiopiku Virginia PhD University of Illinoise at Chicago Associate Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Level II
Sittitavornwong Somsak DMD - - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
Skidmore Frank M. MD University of Virginia Assistant Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering/Neurology Level II
Slaughter Lauren MA University of Montana Assistant Professor English Level I
Sleckman Barry PhD Harvard University Professor Medicine Level II
Sloane Michael E PhD Northwestern University Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Slominski Andrzej T. MD/PhD Medical University of Gdansk, Poland Professor Dermatology Level II
Slovensky Donna J PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Administration-Health Services Level II
Smith Dean PhD Texas A&M University Professor Health Management and Policy Level II
Smith Jeffrey B PhD University of Colorado Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Smith Peter Richard PhD Clemson University Associate Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Smith Phillip Doyle MD University of Rochester Professor Pathology Level II
Smith Tedra S. DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Smith Tommy G EdD Auburn University Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Smith Tamika PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Behavior Level II
Smith Andrew MD, PhD Medical College of Ohio Professor Radiology Level II
Smith Nathan DMD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Geriatric Dentistry Level I
Smith Melissa PhD University of Iowa Assistant Professor Biostatistics Level II
Smith Kimberly PhD University of Southern Mississippi Assistant Professor Family and Community Medicine Level I
Smith, Jr. Daniel L PhD University of Virginia, Charlottesville Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Smythies Lesley E. PhD Wye College, London University Associate Professor Gastroenterology & Hepatology Level II
Snyder Scott W PhD Purdue University Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Sodhi Monsheel PhD University of London Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Solomon George MD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Somerall William MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Song Yuhua PhD Harbin Institute of Technology Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Sontheimer Harald W PhD University of Heidelberg (Germany) Professor Neurobiology Level II
Sorace Anna PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Diagnostic Medicine Level II
Sorge Robert PhD Concordia University Assistant Professor Behavioral Neuroscience Level II
Sorscher Eric J MD Harvard University Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Souccar Nada MS American University of Beirut Instructor Orthodontics Level II
Speck Patricia M. DNSc University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Nursing Associate Professor Nursing Level II
Spezzini Susan K. PhD University of Alabama Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Srivastava Om P PhD University of Western Ontario (Canada) Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Stallworth Kelley DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level I
Stalvey Michael S. MD University of Florida, Gainesville Associate Professor Medicine/Pediatrics Level I
Standaert David George MD, PhD Washington University School of Medicine Professor Cellular and Molecular Biology Level II
Stanford Robert E PhD University of California-Berkeley Professor Emeritus Economics Level II
Stanishevsky Andrei V. PhD Inst of Solid State Physics and Semiconductors, Belarus Associate Professor Physics Level II
Starr Shannon PhD University of California at Davis Associate Professor Mathematics Level II
Stavrinos Despina PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Steadman Laura EdD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Steele Claude H. PhD LSU Health Sciences Ctr Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Steele Brian D. PhD University of North Carolina Associate Professor   Level II
Stefanov Atanas PhD Univeristy of Missouri Professor Mathematics Level II
Steiss Janet E. Ph.D. University of Georgia Associate Professor Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Stepanikova Irena PhD Stanford University Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Stephens Lynn Ph.D. University of Massachusetts Professor Philosophy Level II
Stern Josh PhD University of Sydney, Australia Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Stevens Alan B PhD University of New Orleans Adjunct Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Steves Ann M MS State University of New York at Buffalo Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Steyn Adries J PhD University of Stellenbosch Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Sthanam Narayana PhD Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay India Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Stoll Matthew MD, PhD SUNY Upstate Medical University Assistant Professor Medicine/Pediatrics Level II
Stolz Gunter PhD Universitat Frankfurt (Germany) Professor Mathematics Level II
Stowe Angela PhD Auburn Univeristy Adjunct Professor Health Behavior Level I
Strevy Deborah PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Stricker Stephen R. Adjunct University of Missouri Assistant Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Strong Theresa V PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Genetics and Genomics Level II
Subramaniam Akila Md Louisiana State University Associate Professor and Director Maternal-Fetal Medicine Level I
Sudarshan Sunil MD Duke University School of Medicine Associate Professor Urology Level II
Sui Mingxiao PhD Lousiana State University Assistant Professor Communication Studies Level II
Sullender Wayne Martin MD Baylor College of Medicine Professor Pediatrics Level II
Sullivan Andrew J. MSCE University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Level I
Summerlin Jennifer PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Curriculum and Instruction Level II
Sun Liou Y. MD, PhD Southern Illinois University Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Sun HaoSheng PhD Icahn School of Medicine Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Sun Ruoyan PhD University of Michigan Assiatant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Suto Mark J PhD State Univeristy of New York Adjunct Professor Chemistry Level I
Suttle Becky M. DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level II
Swaminathan Shailender PhD University of Southern California Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Swanson Mark W. OD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Swatzell Kelley E. DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Swords William Edward PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor School of Medicine Level II
Szaflarski Jerzy MD, PhD Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun/Poland Professor Neurology Level II
Szaflarski Magdalena PhD University of Cincinnati Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Szalai Alexander J. PhD University of Manitoba Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Sztul Elizabeth S PhD Yale University Professor Cell Biology Level II
Szychowski Jeffery M. PhD University of Alabama Associate Professor Biostatistics Level II
Taherian Hessam PhD Dalhousie University Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Taichman Russell DMD,DMSc Harvard University Professor Dentistry/Periodontology Level II
Talbott-Forbes Laura L. PhD University of South Carolina Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Talley Michele PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Tamura Tsunenobu MD Fukishima Medical College - Tohodu University (Japan) Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Tang Jainming (James) DVM, PhD University of Queensland (Australia) Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Tanik Murat M PhD Texas A & M University Professor and Chair Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Tarter C. J. Ed.D Rutgers University Professor Educational Leadership Level II
Taub Edward PhD New York University Professor Psychology Level II
Taylor Kenneth PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Emeritus Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Taylor Jennifer Fries PhD Georgia State University Assistant Professor Business Level II
Taylor Michael MD University of Louisville School of Medicine Professor Medicine - Pediatrics Level I
Taylor Richard DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Taylor Jared PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Microbiology Level I
Temple Gale M. PhD Loyola University Associate Professor English Level II
Tesmer Casey MFA Herron School of Art Design Adjunct Instructor   Level I
Thalacker-Mercer Anna PhD Purdue University Assistant Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Thannickal Victor J MD Oral Roberts University Professor Medicine/Pulmonary Level II
Theibert Willis Anne Burton PhD Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Theodore George M. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Thiel Jennifer PhD The Univeristy of Georgia Instructor Univeristy Honors Program Level II
Thirumalai Mohanraj PhD University of Illinois Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Thomas Vinoy PhD Science and Technology (SCTIMST), India Assistant Professor Materials Science and Engineering Level II
Thomas Joe P DDS Emory University Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Thomas Huw F. PhD University of Connecticut Professor and Dean Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Thomas Stephen Justin PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Psychiatry Level II
Thomas Carissa PhD Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Assistant Professor Otolaryngology Level I
Thomeer-McBride Mieke Beth PhD University of Texas at Austin Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Thompson Linda Brindley MD Emory University Associate Professor Medicine Level I
Thompson Raymond G. PhD Vanderbilt University Adjunct Professor Engineering Level I
Thompson Sunnie R. PhD University of Wisconsin Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Thompson William R. PhD Univeristy of Delaware Associate Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Thornton John B DMD, DMSc University of Alabama Professor Dentistry Level II
Thottassery Jaideep PhD University of Missouri Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Thurstin Adrian Hal PhD University of Alabama Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Thurston Keha DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Thyme Summer B. PhD University of Washington Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Timares Laura PhD University of California Assistant Professor Dermatology Level II
Tita Alan MD, PhD University of Texas Health Science Center Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology Level II
Tiwari Hemant PhD University of Notre Dame Professor Biostatistics Level II
Todak Natalie PhD Arizona State University Assistant Professor Criminal Justice Level II
Tollefsbol Trygve PhD University of North Texas Professor Biology Level II
Townes Tim Mendler PhD University of Tennessee Professor Biochemistry Level II
Triebel Kristen Leigh PsyD Forest Institute of Prof. Psy. Associate Professor Neurology Level II
Trigg Becky M. MA University of Alabama at Birmingham Teaching Assistant Professor Sociology Level II
Trimm Jerry M. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Trost Zina PhD Ohio University, Athens, OH Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Tse Hubert M PhD Univeristy of Colorado Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Tubbs R. Shane PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Tucker Sarah C MS Ithaca College Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapy Level I
Tucker Diane C PhD University of Iowa Professor Psychology Level II
Turan Bulent PhD Stanford University Assistant Professor Behavioral Neuroscience Level II
Turan Janet M. PhD Johns Hopkins University Associate Professor Health Organization and Policy Level II
Turel Noa PhD University of California, Santa Barbara Assistant Professor Art and Art History Level II
Turnbough Charles L PhD University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Professor Microbiology Level II
Turner Lori Waite Adjunct University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Professor Health Education Level II
Twa Michael D OD, PhD The Ohio State University Associate Professor Optometry and Vision Science Level II
Tyler William PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Biomedical Engineering Level I
Tyrrell Daniel PhD Wake Forest School of Medicine Assistant Professor Molecular & Cellular Pathology Level II
Tyson Lawrence E. PhD Mississippi State University Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Ubil Eric J PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Microbiology Level II
Ubogu Eroboghene MD University of Logos, Lagos, Nigeria Professor Neurology Level II
Uddin Nasim PhD State University of New York Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Level II
Unan Mahmut PhD Univerity of Houston Assistant Professor Computer Science Level I
Unlap Menjor Tino PhD Kansas State University Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Urthaler Ferdinand MD University of Zurich (Switzerland) Professor Medicine Level II
Uswatte-Aratchi Gitendra PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Psychology Level II
Van Matre Joseph G PhD University of Alabama Professor Economics Level II
Van Meir Erwin G. PhD University of Lausanne, Switzerland Professor Neurosurgery Level II
Van Sant John E. PhD University of Oregon Associate Professor and Chair History Level II
Van Waardenburg Robert PhD University of Groningen Assistant Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Vance David E. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nursing Level II
Vance Gaye B. Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
VanDer Pol Barbara J. PhD Indiana University Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Vantsevich Vladimir V. PhD Belarusian National Technical University Professor Mechanical Engineering Level II
Varambally Sooryanarayana PhD Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Associate Professor Pathology/Molecular and Cellular Level II
Vassylyev Dmitry PhD Institute of Molecular Biology Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Velu Sadanandan PhD University of Madras Associate Professor Chemistry Level II
Ver Hoef Larry W. MD Wake Forest University Associate Professor Neurology Level II
Verbeek Peter PhD Emory University Associate Professor Anthropology Level II
Verma Suresh Kumar PhD PGIMER, Chandigarh, India Associate Professor Medicine/Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Vice Jon E. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Vice Jason E. MS University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Occupational Therapy Level I
Vilcassim Ruzmyn PhD New York University Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Vines Adam MFA University of Florida Assistant Professor English Level II
Visscher Kristina PhD Washington University, St. Louis Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Vitturi Dario PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Vlachos Christos DDS UAB School of Dentistry Adjunct Professor Orthodontics Level II
Vogtle Laura PhD University of Virginia Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Vohra Yogesh K PhD University of Mumbai, India Professor and Associate Dean Physics Level II
Volmer Sarah PhD University of Maryland Research Assistant Professor Philosophy Level II
Volpicelli-Daley Laura PhD Emory University Assistant Professor Neurology Level II
Voltz Deborah EdD University of Alabama Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Vyazovkin Sergey PhD Belorussian University Professor Chemistry Level II
Wadiche Jacques PhD OHSU, Vollum Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Wadiche Linda Overstreet PhD Northwestern University Medical School Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Wadley Virginia G. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Gerontology Level II
Wagener Brant MD, PhD University of New Mexico School of Medicine Assistant Professor Anesthesiology Level II
Waite Peter D DDS, MD University of Alabama Professor and Chair Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level II
Waites Ken Baker MD University of Alabama Professor Pathology Level II
Walcott Gregory P. MD University of Massachusetts Medical School Associate Professor Cardiovascular Disease/Biomedical Engineering Level II
Waldron Christopher J. PhD Virginia Polytechnic Inst. Assistant Professor Civil, Const. & Env. Engineering Level II
Waldrum Michael R. MD University of Alabama SOM at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Walker Jefferson D. PhD University of Alabama Director/Instructor Graduate School Level I
Walker Jeffery T PhD Sam Houston State University Professor and Chair Criminal Justice Level II
Walker Harrison C. MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Neurology Level II
Walker Chris MSW University of Alabama Assistant Professor Social Work Level I
Wallis Schultz Deeann PhD University of Pennsylvania Associate Professor Genetics Level II
Walsh Edward George PhD Worcester Polytechnic Assistant Professor Cardiovascular Disease/Biomedical Engineering Level II
Walsh Peter PhD Cornell University Research Professor Interdisciplinary Engineering Level II
Walter Mark PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Microbiology/Pharmacology Level II
Wang Hengbin PhD China Agriculture University Associate Profeesor Biochemistry Level II
Wang Jianbo PhD Case Western Reserve University Associate Professor Cell Biology Level II
Wang Pengfei PhD University of Wisconsin Professor Chemistry Level II
Wang Lizhong MD, PhD Akita University School of Medicine, Japan Associate Professor Genetics Level II
Wang Yu-Mei PhD University of Oregon Associate Professor Leadership, Special Education and Foundations Level II
Wang Amy Y MD Northwestern University Medical School Associate Professor Medicine/Informatics Institute Level II
Wang Shu-Zhen PhD Virginia Polytechnic Institute Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Wang Qin MD Beijing Medical University Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Wang Wei PhD Juntendo University Assistant Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level IIg
Wang Fengbin (Jerry) PhD Rice University Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Wang Yuchen PhD Purdue University Assistant Professor Optometry Level II
Wang Yajing MD, PhD Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, China Professor Biomedical and Engineering Level II
Ward Walter D. PhD UCLA Professor History Level II
Warner David F. PhD Pennsylvania State University Associate Professor Department of Sociology Level II
Warner Tara D. PhD Bowling Green State University Associate Professor Criminal Justice Level I
Warnock David Gene MD University of California at Berkeley Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Warram Jason M. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine/Surgery Level II
Warren Mary PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Warriner Amy MD University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Professor DOM- Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Level I
Washington Teneasha PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Behavior Level II
Waterbor John Md, PhD Univeristy of Pennsylvania Associate Professor Epidemiology Level I
Watson R Douglas PhD University of Iowa Professor Biology Level II
Watson Dayna PhD University of Florida Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Watson Amy PhD Yale Univeristy Assistant Professor History Level I
Watts Stephen Andrew PhD University of South Florida Professor Biology Level II
Watts Penni PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level II
Waugh Jonathan B PhD Ohio State University Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Weaver Casey Todd MD University of Florida Professor Pathology Level II
Wech Barbara A. PhD Louisiana State University Associate Professor Management-Marketing Level II
Weech-Maldonado Robert PhD Temple University Professor Health Services Admin Level II
Weems Richard Allen DMD - Associate Professor Diagnostic and Therapeutic Sciences Level II
Weigent Douglas A PhD University of Washington Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
Weikard Rudi PhD Technische Universitat Braunschweig (Germany) Professor and Chair Mathematics Level II
Weinmann Amy PhD University of California, Los Angeles Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Weisberg James PhD Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University Associate Professor Anesthesiology/Psychology Level II
Weiser Peter MD P. J. Safarik University in Kosice, Slovak Republic Associate Professor Psychology Level I
Weiser Katherine OD Illinois College of Optometry Professor Optometry Level I
Weiss Eta Berner EdD Harvard University Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Welch Danny R. PhD University of Texas at Houston Professor Pathology/Cell Biology Level II
Wells Jaclyn PhD Purdue University Assistant Professor English Level II
Wells James M. MD University of Texas, Houston Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Wells, Jr. Earl B. PhD University of Alabama Professor Electrical and Civil Engineering Level II
Welner Robert S. PhD University of Oklahoma, Medical Center Assistant Professor Medicine/Hematology Level II
Wende Adam R. PhD Washington University School of Medicine Assistant Professor Pathology/Molecular and Cellular Level II
Wertz Gail Williams PhD University of Pittsburgh Professor Microbiology Level II
Wesselmann Ursula MD, PhD Christian-Albrechts University Professor Psychology Level II
Westbrook Philip EdD Vanderbilt University Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Westenberger Scott PhD Stanford University Assistant Professor Sociology Level I
Whall Mary B. PhD University of Georgia Instructor Philosophy Level II
Wheeler Pariya Fazeli PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Whitaker Kerry L. MS George Washington University Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level I
White C Roger PhD University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor Physiology and Biophysics Level II
White Sharon L. PhD University of Tennessee Assistant Professor Radiology Level II
White Tracie DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
White Dwayne PhD Auburn Univeristy Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
White-Williams Connie PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Whitley Richard James MD George Washington University Distinguished Professor Microbiology Level II
Whitley Sally B MA University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Rehabilitation Sciences Level II
Wibbels Thane PhD Texas A & M University Professor Biology Level II
Wick Timothy M. PhD Rice University Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Wickliffe Jeffrey PhD Texas Tech University Professor and Department Chair Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Wiederman Michael PhD Bowling Green State University Professor Medicine Level I
Wiesen Jonathan PhD Brown University Professor and Chair History Level II
Wijeratne Gayan B PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Chemistry Level II
Wijting Kathleen P Adjunct Gallaudet University Adjunct Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Wilbanks Bryan DNP, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursnig Level II
Wilborn Teresa PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Wilkinson Larrell PhD University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Human Studies Level II
Willey Christopher D. MD, PhD Med. University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Williams O Dale PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor Biostatistics Level II
Williams Joe R PhD Union Institute & University Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Williams Jessica H. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Williams, III Lawrence A. MD Ross University Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Willig Amanda L. PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Willig James H MD Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Willis Kent MD Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level II
Wilroy Jereme D PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Level II
Wilson Bettye G MaED University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Wilson Craig M MD University of Wisconsin, Madison Professor Epidemiology Level II
Wilson Linda Adjunct University of Alabama at Birmingham Adjunct Instructor Health Services Administration Level II
Wilson Scott PhD University of Florida Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Wilson Kenneth L PhD University of Texas at Austin Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Wilson Michele PhD University of Connecticut Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Wilson Charles PhD Louisiana State University Assistant Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Wingate Martha S. DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Care Organization and Policy Level II
Wingo Brooks C. PhD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Wingo R. Steven PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Blanket Ad Hoc
Winokur Thomas Seth MD Washington University Professor Pathology Level II
Wise Jenni PhD The University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Wisely Dale W. Adjunct - - Psychology Level II
Witherspoon Taajah PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level I
Wolfe Joseph D. PhD Indiana University Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Wolfson Julie A. MD University of Florida College of Medicine Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level I
Wolschendorf Frank PhD Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen, Germany Associate Professor Infectious Diseases Level II
Womack William B. PhD SOAS, University of London Visiting Assistant Professor History Level I
Wood Tara DNP University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Nursing Level I
Woodby Lesa PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Woods Anne PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Emeritus Cell Biology Level II
Woodworth Bradford MD Tulane University School of Medicine Professor Medicine Level I
Worrell James Lloyd PhD Florida State University Associate Professor Accounting and Finance Level II
Worthey Elizabeth PhD Imperial College London Section Head - Molecular Bioinformatics Lab Pediatrics and Pathology Level II
Worthington Lou Anne PhD University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa Assistant Professor Leadership, Special Education, and Foundations Level II
Worthington Camille PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level I
Wright Erin MA University of Arizona Professor Art and Art History Level I
Wright Nicole C. PhD University of Arizona, Tucson Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level II
Wright Rex Alton PhD University of Kansas Professor Medical Psychology Level II
Wu Hui PhD University of Vermont Assistant Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Wu Hongju PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor   Level II
Wu Wen-Chou DDS Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan Associate Professor Dentistry Level I
Wyss J Michael PhD Washington University Professor Cell Biology Level II
Xie Min MD, PhD Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Assistant Professor Medicine/Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Xiong Wen-Cheng PhD Johns Hopkins University Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Xu Zhi-Xiang MD, PhD Soochow University, Suzhou China Assistant Professor Medicine/Hematology/Oncology Level II
Xu Jia PhD University of Texas-Health Science Center at Houston Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Xue Fei PhD The Univeristy of Texas at Austin Assistant Professor Physics Level II
Yacoubian Talene Alene MD, PhD Duke University Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Yamamoto Masato PhD Osaka University Research Assistant Professor Gene Therapy Level II
Yan Da PhD The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon Assistant Professor Computer and Information Sciences Level II
Yang Fan PhD University of Miami Assistant Professor Communication Studies Level II
Yang Qinglin PhD Washington State University Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Yang Yang MD, PhD China Medical University, China Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Yang Eddy MD, PhD University of Miami Professor Radiation Oncology Level II
Yang George MD, PhD University of Illinois College of Medicine Professor Medicine Level II
Yang Fan PhD University of Miami Visiting Assistant Professor Communication Studies Level I
Yarar-Fisher Ceren PhD Auburn University Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Level II
Ye Lei PhD National University of Singapore Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Yemelyanova Anna MD Russian State Medical University Professor Pathology Level I
Yeo Nan Cher PhD Medical College of Wisconsin Assistant Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Yester Michael V. PhD Iowa State University Professor Radiology Level II
Yi Nengjun PhD Zhejiang University Professor Biostatistics Level II
Yildirim Abidin PhD Texas Tech University Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Ying Yedeh MD Harvard University Assistant Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Level I
Yoder Bradley K PhD University of Maryland Baltimore Assistant Professor Cell Biology Level II
Yoder Stephen A. JD Northwestern University Professor Marketing, Industrial Distribution, and Economics Level II
Yoon Karina J. PhD Florida A&M University Associate Professor Pharmacology/Toxicology Level II
Yother Janet L PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Microbiology Level II
Young Martin E D.Phil University of Oxford Professor Cardiovascular Disease Level II
Younger Jarred PhD University of Tennessee, Knoxville Associate Professor Psychology Level II
Yu Feliciano Adjunct Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center Mentor Health Services Administration Level II
Yuen Hon K. PhD University of Florida Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Yun Huifeng PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Research Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level II
Yusuf Nabiha PhD Aligarh Muslim University Associate Professor Dermatology Level II
Zacharias Wolfgang PhD Philipps University (Germany) Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Zajac Allan J. PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor Pathology Level II
Zaretsky Natasha PhD Brown University Professor History Level I
Zayzafoon Lamia PhD Michigan State University Assistant Professor Foreign Languages Level II
Zayzafoon Majd PhD College of Medicine, Michigan State University Professor Pathology Level II
Zech Wesley C. PhD State University of New York at Buffalo Professor Engineering Level II
Zehren Steven John PhD University of Chicago Professor Cell Biology Level II
Zeng Yanni PhD Courant Institute New York Professor Mathematics Level II
Zengul Ferhat PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Zhai Yusen PhD The Pennsylvania State Univeristy Assistant Professor Community Couseling Level II
Zhang Chunxiang (Kevin) MD, PhD Guangdong Cardiovascular Institute, China Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Zhang Jianyi MD, PhD University of Minnesota Professor and Chair Biomedical Engineering/Medicine Level II
Zhang Jun PhD University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Chemistry Level II
Zhang Chengcui PhD Florida Int'l University Professor Computer and Information Sciences Level II
Zhang Yuhua PhD Tianjin University Associate Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Zhang Jianhua PhD University of Texas SW Medical Center Associate Professor Pathology/Molecular and Cell Biology Level II
Zhang Ping PhD Hubei Med-Univ of Stoma. Assistant Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Zhang Zhou PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology Level II
Zhao Rui PhD University Of Iowa Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Zhao Xinyang PhD Suny at Buffalo Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Zhao Kai PhD University of California Assistant Professor Computer Science Level I
Zheng Yuliang PhD Yokohama National University, Japan Professor and Chair Computer and Information Sciences Level II
Zheng Xinglong MD, PhD Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Professor Pathology Level II
Zhi Degui PhD University of California, San Diego Associate Professor Biostatistics Level II
Zhou Yong MD, PhD Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Zhou LuFang PhD Case Western Reserve University Associate Professor Medicine - Cardiovascular Level II
Zhou Yang PhD Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Level I
Zhu Wuqiang MD, PhD Tongji Medical College Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Ziemanski Jillian F. PhD, OD University of Houston / Ohio State University Clinical Assistant Professor Optometry Level I
Zierold Kristina PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Associate Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Zina Trost PhD Ohio University Assistant Professor Behavioral Neuroscience Level II
Zinn Kurt PhD University of Missouri, Columbia Professor Radiology Level II
Zinski Anne PhD Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Medical Education Level I
Zmijewski Jaroslaw W. PhD University of Gdansk, Poland Associate Professor Medicine/PACCM Level II
Zou Henghui PhD University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Associate Professor Mathematics Level II
Zvanut Mary Ellen PhD Lehigh University Professor Physics Level II
Corvey Kathryn DrPH University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Scott Karen PhD University of Glasgow, UK Associate Professor Pathology Level II
Shimoga Chandrashekar Darshan PhD Manipal University, India Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Nafziger Sarah MD University of Alabama School of Medicine Professor Emergency Medicine and Neurology Level II
Richardson Molly PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Wilson Christina PhD Virgina Commonwealth University Assistant Professor Nursing Level II
Foti Kathryn PhD Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level I
Dooley Erin PhD University of Texas Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level I
Ghazi Lama PhD Unviersity of Minnesota Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level I
Thompson Matthew Psy.D. Nova Southeastern University Adjunct Professor Psychology Level I
Edwards Yvonne PhD University of London, United Kingdom Associate Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level I
Heimann Matthew MD Florida State University Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine Level II
Abdullatif Hussein MD Jordan University, Amman Jordan Professor Pediatrics Level I
Kahn Andrea MD Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina Professor Pathology Level II
Chen Po-Hsu DDS Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan Assistant Professor Prosthodontics Level II
Becker Bryan PhD University of Nebraska Medical Center Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Gibbs Victoria (Katie) PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level I
Smith Rachel June PhD University of California, Irvine Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level II
Amerson-Brown Megan PhD University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston Assistant Professor Pathology Level I
Heffron Renee PhD Univeristy of Washington Professor Medicine Level II
McCormick Lisa PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Loyd Christine PhD University of Cincinnati Associate Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Aneja Ritu PhD University of Delhi, India Professor Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences Level II
Jones Jesse G.A. MD Chicago Medical School Assistant Professor Neurosurgery Level II
Peters Jamie Ph.D. Medical University of South Carolina Associate Professor Neurobiology Level II
Heinsbroek Jasper Ph.D. Medical University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Neurobiology Level II
Bell Camilla Ph.D. Emory University Assistant Professor Pathology Level II
Dolby Greer Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Crockett Kaylee Ph.D. University of Connecticut Assistant Professor Family and Community Medicine Level II
Su Zhangli Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Li Fu Jun Ph.D. Yamaguchi University, Japan Assistant Professor Department of Medicine Level I
Antony Veena MD Christian Medical College, India Professor Department of Medicine Level I
Salas Ariel MD Universidad Mayor de San Andres Associate Professor Pediatrics Level II
Walter Lauren MD University of Michigan Medical School Associate Professor Department of Medicine Level I
Gajos Jamie PhD Florida State University Assistant Professor Family and Community Medicine Level II
Tong Ching Man Carmen DO Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine Assistant Professor Urology Level I
Morris Peter MD Cornell University Medical College Professor Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Level II
Jones Raymond PhD University of Southern Mississippi Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Carter Angela PhD University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Assistant Professor Surgery Level II
Wadhwa Aman MD M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, India Assistant Professor Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Level I
Johnson Maria PhD University of Aberdeen, Scotland Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level I
Wille Coral PhD University of Wisconsin Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Lancaster Winston PhD University of North Carolina Associate Professor Biology Level II
Sen Arko PhD Wayne State University Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Hashizume Rintaro PhD St. Marianna University Associate Professor Pediatrics Level II
Bates William DDM University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Orthodontics Level I
Kertesz Stefan MD Harvard Medical School Professor Medicine Level I
Banaszak-Holl Jane PhD Cornell University Chair and Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Lee Seung-Yup (Joshua) PhD Wayne State University Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Howard Steven PhD Oregon State Univeristy Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Rizzardi Lindsay PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Campbell Susan PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Hernandez Abigail (Abbi) Ph.D. University of Florida Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Genschmer Kristopher Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Ashe Timothy Ph.D. Arizona State University Assistant Professor World Languages and Literature Level II
Young Bruhn Maury Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Assistant Professor World Languages and Literature Level II
Lin Yu-Yin DDS Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan Assistant Professor Pediatric Dentistry Level II
Comba Andrea Ph.D. National University of Cordoba Assistant Professor Neuropathology Level II
Bolding Mark Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Radiology Level I
Totsch Stacie Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Psychology Level I
Anderson Amanda Ph.D. Tulane University Professor Epidemiology Level II
Mohebujjaman Muhammad Ph.D. Clemson University Assistant Professor Mathematics Level II
Grujic Zoran Ph.D. Indiana University Professor Mathematics Level II
Fowler Mackenzie Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Epidemiology Level I
Armstrong Nicole Ph.D. East Carolina University Instructor Epidemiology Level I
Wagner Amber Ph.D. University of Alabama Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
Wang Tianyang Ph.D. Southern Illinois University Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
Li Keren Ph.D. University of Illinois Assistant Professor Mathematics Level II
Wu Bo-Kuan Ph.D. University Of Iowa Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Golaszewski Devon Ph.D. Columbia University Assistant Professor History Level II
Cendoma Philip Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Willoughby William (Ryan) Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Radiology Level I
Johnson Heather Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Alonge Olakunle Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Giannouchos Theodoros Ph.D. Texas A&M University Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Fargue Sonia Ph.D. University College London, UK Assistant Professor Urology Level I
Lukhele Bhekumusa Ph.D. Kyoto University, Japan Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Hernandez Caesar M. Ph.D. Univeristy of Florida Assistant Professor Medine Level II
Jackson Pamela Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences Level II
Tant Cynthia Ph.D. University of Georgia Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Zhao Qing Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Instructor Medicine Level II
Sullivan Angela Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Behavior Level II
Khass Mohamed Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Endodontics Level II
Elopre Latesha Ph.D. University of Florida College of Medicine Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Dudeja Vikas MD All India Institute of Medical Sciences Professor Surgery Level II
Polanka Brittanny Ph.D. Indiana University Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Bello Marissa Ph.D. Mississippi State University Instructor Human Studies Level II
Ballmann Christopher Ph.D. Auburn University Associate Professor Human Studies Level II
Wahl Angela Ph.D. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Associate Professor Microbiology Level II
Owens Michael A. Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychiatry Level I
Cingolani Gino Ph.D. European Molecular Biology Lab Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level II
Nelson-Brantley Heather Ph.D. University of Kansas Associate Professor Nursing Level II
Banerjee Nilam Sanjib Ph.D. Bose Institute, University of Calcutta Assistant Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Level I
Sato Priscila Ph.D. New York University Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Dsouza Kevin MD Ramaiah Medical College Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Qi Yubo Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania Assistant Professor Physics Level II
Zhang Hao Ph.D. Texas A&M University Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Newbrough Mark A. MD West Virginia University Associate Professor Medicine Level I
Garcia-Martinez Jose Victor Ph.D. Georgetown University Professor and Chair Microbiology Level II
Saxena Ankur Ph.D. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Associate Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Skains Rachel MD Wake Forest School of Medicine Assistant Professor Emergengy Medicine Level I
Contreras-Galindo Rafael Ph.D. Ponce School of Health Sciences Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Cheng Changde Ph.D. University of Notre Dame Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Yohannes Abebaw Ph.D. University of Manchester Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Malla Midhun MD Guntur Medical College, India Associate Professor Medicine Level I
Jennings J'Aime Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Health Services Administration Level II
Hayes Leslis MD The Ohio State University Professor Pediatrics Level II
Malone Laurie Ph.D. University of Alberta Associate Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Richter Robert MD University of South Carolina School of Medicine Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Keinanen Outi Ph.D. University of Helsinki, Finland Assistant Professor Chemistry Level II
Duran Elizabeth Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Chemistry Level II
Edmonds Lori Ph.D. University of Maryland Baltimore Assistant Professor Curriculum Instruction Level II
Gutnik Lily MD Ben Gurion University/Columbia University Assistant Professor Surgery Level II
Pearson Keith Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences Level I
Ferguson Christine Ph.D. The University of Alabama Assistant Professor Nutrition Sciences Level I
Juergensen Miyoshi Ph.D. Emory University Assistant Professor Educational Leadership Level II
Samal Juhi Ph.D. National University of Ireland, Galway Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Level II
Kana Rajesh Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Professor Psychology Level II
Machado Costa Kaue Ph.D. Max Planck Institute for Brain Research Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Cunha-Cruz Silva Joana Ph.D. State University of Rio de Janeiro Professor Community and Clinical Sciences Level II
Sadid Zadeh Ramtin Ph.D. Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashad Professor Dentistry Level II
Guo Gao Ph.D. Free University of Berlin, Germany Assistant Professor Neurosurgery Level II
Kay Emma Ph.D. University of Alabama Associate Professor Nursing Level II
Strang Christianne E. Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychology Level I
Oates Gabriela Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Goodman Adam Ph.D. Auburn University Assistant Professor Psychology Level II
Chen Jieyang Ph.D. University of California Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
Tian Qing Ph.D. McGill University, Canada Assistant Professor Computer Science Level II
Phillips Tricia Ph.D. University of Tennesee Assistant Professor Mathematics Level I
Donaldson Jonan Ph.D. Drexel University Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level I
Oechslin Tamara Ph.D. The Ohio State University Associate Professor Optometry Level II
De Luca Maria Ph.D. University of Calabria, Italy Associate Professor Nutrition Sciences Level II
Wickman Lauren Ph.D. University of Florida Assistant Professor Mathematics Level I
Horan Holly Ph.D. Oregon State Univeristy Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology Level I
Ithurburn Matthew Ph.D. The Ohio State University Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Level II
Watts Kristen Ph.D. University of Alabama Assistant Professor Preventive Medicine Level I
Luo Zaili Ph.D. Fudan University, China Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Schoonover Kirsten Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Hofto Angeline Meghan E MD University of Tennessee College of Medicine Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level II
Buchanan Taylor Ph.D. University of Florida Assistant Professor Family and Community Medicine Level I
Brady Lillian Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Zindl Carlene Ph.D. Washington University Assistant Professor Molecular & Cellular Pathology Level II
Lopez Michael Alonzo Ph.D. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Assistant Professor Pediatrics Level I
Song Cheng (Jack) Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Surolia Ranu Ph.D. University of Delhi, India Assistant Professor Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Level II
Wyatt Holly MD Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Professor Nutrition Sciences Level I
Padilla Luz MD Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico Associate Professor Epidemiology Level II
Liu Zhiyong Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology Level II
Sallese Mary Rose Ph.D. Texas A&M University Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level I
Hendricks Peter Ph.D. University of South Florida Professor Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology Level II
Vijaykumar Kadambari MD M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, India Assistant Professor Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Level I
Khanal Safal Ph.D. University of Auckland, New Zealand Assistant Professor Optometry Level II
Sample Llewellyn (Lew) DMD University of Alabama Assistant Professor Orthodontics Level I
Villegas Brendon Ph.D. University of California Assistant Professor Radiology Level I
Danila Maria I. MD Carol Davila University, Romania Professor Immunology and Rheumatology Level II
Overstreet Demario Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Surgery Level I
Zarjou Abolfazl Ph.D. University of Alabmama at Birmingham Associate Professor Nephrology Level II
Singh Jasvinder MD University College of Medical Sciences, India Professor Medicine Level I
Cobo Isidoro Ph.D. Spanish National Cancer Centre, Madrid Assistant Professor Immunology and Rheumatology Level I
Crivelli Joseph MD Weill Cornell Medical College Assistant Professor Urology Level I
Quinet Julie Ph.D. Claude Bernard Lyon Univeristy, France Assistant Professor Optometry Level II
Burkholder Greer MD University of South Florida College of Medicine Associate Professor Medicine Level I
Sinkey Rachel MD University of Kentucky College of Medicine Associate Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology Level I
Taylor (Buchanan) Taylor Ph.D. University of Florida Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Chen Jin Ph.D. National University of Singapore Associate Professor Medicine Level II
Harms Joseph Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Mukherjee Konark Ph.D. Nehru Univesity, New Delhi, India Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
Srivastava Sarika Ph.D. University of Miami Assistant Professor Genetics Level II
dos Anjos Sarah Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Occupational Therapy Level II
Gazaway Shena Ph.D. Augusta University Assistant Professor Nursing Level I
Clarkson Stephen A. MD University of South Carolina Assistant Professor Medicine Level I
Englund Davis Ph.D. University of Kentucky Assistant Professor Medicine Level II
Chiou Kenneth Ph.D. Washington University Assistant Professor Biology Level II
Godwin Ryan Ph.D. Wake Forest University Instructor Medicine Level II
Popple Richard Ph.D. Rice University Professor Radiation Oncology Level I
Lewis Tylor Ph.D. Medical College of Wisconsin Assistant Professor Ophthalmology Level II
Vendrell-Llopis Nuria Ph.D. KU Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Belgium Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Level I
Wei Shi Ph.D. Okayama University, Japan Professor Pathology Level I
Boitet Laurence Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Medical Education Level I
Falci Christina Ph.D. University of Minnesota Associate Professor Sociology Level II
Clark Kathleen Ph.D. University of Maryland Chair and Professor Curriculum and Instruction Level I
Rothenberg Steven MD George Washington University Assistant Professor Radiology Level I
Sartin Emma Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Eskander Shaikh Ph.D. University of Wyoming Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Liu Ye Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Health Policy and Organization Level II
Akce Mehmet MD Marmara University School of Medicine, Turkey Associate Professor Hematology and Oncology Level I
Guenter Rachael Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor Surgical Oncology Level I
Singh Keshav Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Philosophy Level II
King Matthew Ph.D. University of Maryland Professor Philosophy Level I
Brainard Lindsay Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Assistant Professor Philosophy Level II
Pence Gregory Ph.D. New York University Professor Philosophy Level I
May Joshua D. Ph.D. University of California Professor Philosophy Level II
Chan David K. Ph.D. Stanford University Professor Philosophy Level I
Welch Brynn Ph.D. University of Wisconsin Associate Professor Philosophy Level I
McCain Kevin R. Ph.D. University of Rochester Professor and Chair Philosophy Level II
Abrams Marshall Ph.D. University of Chicago Associate Professor Philosophy Level II

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