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Foote JB, Mahmoud TI, Vale AM, Kearney JF. 2012.Long-term maintenance of polysaccharide-specific antibodies by IgM-secreting cells. J Immunol. 188(1):57-67. PMID:22116821

Mahmoud TI, Schroeder HW Jr, Kearney JF. 2011. Limiting CDR-H3 Diversity Abrogates the Antibody Response to the Bacterial Polysaccharide {alpha} 1->3 Dextran. J Immunol. 187(2):879-86.PMID:21677133

You Y, Myers RC, Freeberg L, Foote J, Kearney JF, Justement LB, Carter RH. 2011. Marginal zone B cells regulate antigen capture by marginal zone macrophages. J Immunol. 186(4):2172-81. PMID:21257969

McPherson SA, Li M, Kearney JF, Turnbough CL Jr. 2010. ExsB, an unusually highly phosphorylated protein required for the stable attachment of the exosporium of Bacillus anthracis. Mol Microbiol. 76(6):1527-38. PMID: 20444088

Mahmoud TI, Kearney JF. 2010. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase is required for an optimal response to the polysaccharide alpha-1,3 dextran J Immunol. 184(2):851-8. PMID: 20018621

Srinivasan L, Sasaki Y, Calado DP, Zhang B, Paik JH, DePinho RA, Kutok JL, Kearney JF, Otipoby KL, Rajewsky K. 2009. PI3 kinase signals BCR-dependent mature B cell survival. Cell. 139(3):573-86. PMID: 19879843

Foote JB, Kearney JF. 2009. Generation of B cell memory to the bacterial polysaccharide alpha-1,3 dextran. J Immunol. 183(10):6359-68. PMID: 19841173

Oliva C, Turnbough CL Jr, Kearney JF. 2009. CD14-Mac-1 interactions in Bacillus anthracis spore internalization by macrophages. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106(33):13957-62. PMID: 19666536

Lisanby MW, Swiecki MK, Dizon BL, Pflughoeft KJ, Koehler TM, Kearney JF. 2008. Cathelicidin administration protects mice from Bacillus anthracis spore challenge. J Immunol. 181(7):4989-5000. PMID: 18802102

Torii I, Oka S, Hotomi M, Benjamin WH Jr, Takai T, Kearney JF, Briles DE, Kubagawa H. 2008. PIR-B-deficient mice are susceptible to Salmonella infection. J Immunol. 181(6):4229-39. PMID: 18768880

Kin NW, Crawford DM, Liu J, Behrens TW, Kearney JF. 2008. DNA microarray gene expression profile of marginal zone versus follicular B cells and idiotype positive marginal zone B cells before and after immunization with Streptococcus pneumoniae. J Immunol. 180(10):6663-74. PMID: 18453586

Kearney JF
. 2008. B cell subpopulations and secondary lymphoid organ architecture. Semin Immunol. 20(1):1-3. PMID: 18272389

Oliva CR, Swiecki MK, Griguer CE, Lisanby MW, Bullard DC, Turnbough CL Jr, Kearney JF. 2008. The integrin Mac-1 (CR3) mediates internalization and directs Bacillus anthracis spores into professional phagocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(4):1261-6. PMID: 18216258

Won WJ, Bachmann MF, Kearney JF. 2008. CD36 is differentially expressed on B cell subsets during development and in responses to antigen. J Immunol. 180(1):230-7. PMID: 18097024