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Yu T, Parks BW, Yu S, Srivastava R, Gupta K, Wu X, Khaled S, Chang PY, Kabarowski JH, Kucik DF. 2011. Iron-ion radiation accelerates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein e-deficient mice. Radiat Res. 175(6):766-73.  PMID:21466380

Yu T, Wu X, Gupta KB, Kucik DF. 2010. Affinity, lateral mobility, and clustering contribute independently to beta 2-integrin-mediated adhesion. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 299(2):C399-410. PMID: 20445173

Kucik DF
. 2009. Measurement of adhesion under flow conditions. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. Chapter 9:Unit 9.6. PMID: 19499509

Yuan K, Kucik D, Singh RK, Listinsky CM, Listinsky JJ, Siegal GP. 2008. Alterations in human breast cancer adhesion-motility in response to changes in cell surface glycoproteins displaying alpha-L-fucose moieties. Int J Oncol. 32(4):797-807. PMID: 18360707

Mundhekar AN, Bullard DC, Kucik DF. 2006. Intracellular heterogeneity in adhesiveness of endothelium affects early steps in leukocyte adhesion. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 291(1):C130-7. PMID: 16769816

Mangan PR, O'Quinn D, Harrington L, Bonder CS, Kubes P, Kucik DF, Bullard DC, Weaver CT. 2005. Both Th1 and Th2 cells require P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 for optimal rolling on inflamed endothelium. Am J Pathol. 167(6):1661-75. PMID: 16314478

Chacko BK, Chandler RT, Mundhekar A, Khoo N, Pruitt HM, Kucik DF, Parks DA, Kevil CG, Barnes S, Patel RP. 2005. Revealing anti-inflammatory mechanisms of soy isoflavones by flow: modulation of leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 289(2):H908-15. PMID: 15805228

Kucik DF
, Wu C. 2005. Cell-adhesion assays. Methods Mol Biol. 294:43-54. PMID: 15576904

Kevil CG, Orr AW, Langston W, Mickett K, Murphy-Ullrich J, Patel RP, Kucik DF, Bullard DC. 2004. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) regulates endothelial cell motility through a nitric oxide-dependent pathway. J Biol Chem. 279(18):19230-8. PMID: 14985356

Ni N, Kevil CG, Bullard DC, Kucik DF. 2003. Avidity modulation activates adhesion under flow and requires cooperativity among adhesion receptors. Biophys J. 85(6):4122-33. PMID: 14645099

Kucik DF.
2003. Measurement of adhesion under flow conditions. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. ;Chapter 9:Unit 9.6. PMID: 18228437