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Lin J, Smith MA, Benjamin WH Jr, Kaminski RW, Wenzel H, Nahm MH. 2016. Monoclonal antibodies to Shigella LPS useful for vaccine production. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 23(8):681-8. PMID: 27280622

Burton RL, Geno KA, Saad JS, Nahm MH. 2016. Pneumococcus with the "6E" cps locus produces serotype 6B capsular polysaccharide. J Clin Microbiol. 54(4):967-71 PMID: 26818670; PMCID: PMC4809907.

Hotomi M, Nakajima K, Hiraoka M, Nahm MH, Yamanaka N. 2016. Molecular epidemiology of nonencapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae among Japanese children with acute otitis media. J Infect Chemother. 22(2):72-7. PMID: 26705748.

Kim YK, Shin JS, Nahm MH. 2016. NOD-like receptors in infection, immunity, and diseases. Yonsei Med J. 57(1):5-14. PMID: 26632377; PMCID: PMC4696971.

Geno KA, Gilbert GL, Song JY, Skovsted IC, Klugman KP, Jones C, Konradsen HB, Nahm MH. 2015. Pneumococcal capsules and their types: Past, Present, and Future. Clin Microbiol Rev. 28(3):871-99. PMID: 26085553; PMCID: PMC4475641.

Geno KA, Spencer BL, Nahm MH. 2015. Rapid and efficient purification of ficolin-2 using a disposable CELLine bioreactor. J Immunol Methods. 424 106-110 PMID: 26021447.

Park IH, Geno KA, Yu J, Oliver MB, Kim KH, Nahm MH. 2015. Genetic, biochemical, and serological characterization of a new pneumococcal serotype, 6H, and generation of a pneumococcal strain producing three different capsular repeat units. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 22(3):313-8. PMID: 25589550; PMCID: PMC4340893.

Keller LE, Friley J, Dixit C, Nahm MH, McDaniel LS. 2014. Nonencapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae cause acute otitis media in the chinchilla that is enhanced by pneumococcal surface protein K. Open Forum Infect Dis. 1(2):ofu037. PMID: 25734113; PMCID: PMC4281809.

Brady AM, Geno KA, Dalecki AG, Cheng X, Nahm MH. 2014. Commercially available complement component-depleted sera are unexpectedly codepleted of ficolin-2. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 21(9):1323-9. PMID: 25030054; PMCID: PMC4178573.

Camilli R, Spencer BL, Moschioni M, Pinto V, Berti F, Nahm MH, Pantosti A. 2014. Identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 11E, serovariant 11Av and mixed populations by high-resolution magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (HR-MAS NMR) spectroscopy and flow cytometric serotyping assay (FCSA). PLoS One. 9(6):e100722. PMID: 24967818; PMCID: PMC4072641.

Park IH, Geno KA, Sherwood LK, Nahm MH, Beall B. 2014. Population-based analysis of invasive nontypeable pneumococci reveals that most have defective capsule synthesis genes. PLoS One. 9(5):e97825. PMID: 24831650; PMCID: PMC4022640.

Song JY, Nahm MH, Cheong HJ, Kim WJ. 2014. Impact of preceding flu-like illness on the serotype distribution of pneumococcal pneumonia. PLoS One. 9(4):e93477. PMID: 24691515; PMCID: PMC3972234.

Brady AM, Calix JJ, Yu J, Geno KA, Cutter GR, Nahm MH. 2014. Low Invasiveness of Pneumococcal Serotype 11A Is Linked to Ficolin-2 Recognition of O-acetylated Capsule Epitopes and Lectin Complement Pathway Activation. J Infect Dis. 210(7):1155-65 PMID: 24683196.

Oliver MB, van der Linden MP, Küntzel SA, Saad JS, Nahm MH. 2013. Discovery of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6 variants with glycosyltransferases synthesizing two differing repeating units. J Biol Chem. 288(36):25976-85. PMID: 23897812 PMCID: PMC3764802

Park IH, Kim KH, Andrade AL, Briles DE, McDaniel LS, Nahm MH. 2012. Nontypeable pneumococci can be divided into multiple cps types, including one type expressing the novel gene pspK. MBio. 3(3). PMID: 22532557  PMCID: PMC3340917

Park S, Nahm MH. 2010. Older adults have low capacity to opsonize pneumococci due to low IgM antibody response to pneumococcal vaccinations. Infect Immun79(1):314-20  PMID: 21041499

Porat N, Park IH, Nahm MH, Dagan R. 2010. Differential Circulation of Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 6C Clones in Two Israeli Pediatric Populations. J Clin Microbiol. 48(12):4649-51. PMID: 20943862

Bratcher PE, Park IH, Oliver MB, Hortal M, Camilli R, Hollingshead SK, Camou T, Nahm MH. 2011. Evolution of the Capsular Gene Locus of Streptococcus pneumoniae Serogroup 6. Microbiology.  157(Pt 1):189-98 PMID: 20929956

Jung JA, Kita H, Dhillon R, Jacobson RM, Nahm MH, Park M, Tsigrelis C, Juhn YJ. 2010. Influence of asthma status on serotype-specific pneumococcal antibody levels. Postgrad Med. 122(5):116-24. PMID: 20861595

Nahm MH,
Oliver M, Siira L, Kaijalainen T, Lambertsen L, Virolainen AR. 2010. First report of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6D in Europe. J Med Microbiol. 60(Pt 1):46-8 PMID: 20829399

Andrade AL, Franco CM, Lamaro-Cardoso J, André MC, Oliveira LL, Kipnis A, Rocha CG, Andrade JG, Alves SL, Park IH, Nahm MH, Almeida SG, Brandileone MC. 2010. Non-typeable Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage isolates genetically similar to invasive and carriage isolates expressing capsular type 14 in Brazilian infants. J Infect. 61(4):314-22. PMID: 20637229

Bratcher PE, Nahm MH. 2010. Cross-reactivity of current serogroup 6 factor sera from Statens Serum Institut with the recently described pneumococcal serotype 6d. J Clin Microbiol. 48(8):3044-5. PMID: 20573866

Calix JJ, Nahm MH. 2010. A new pneumococcal serotype, 11E, has a variably inactivated wcjE gene. J Infect Dis. 202(1):29-38. PMID: 20507232

D'Angio CT, Heyne RJ, O'Shea TM, Schelonka RL, Shankaran S, Duara S, Goldberg RN, Stoll BJ, Van Meurs KP, Vohr BR, Das A, Li L, Burton RL, Hastings B, Phelps DL, Sanchez PJ, Carlo WA, Stevenson DK, Higgins RD; NICHD Neonatal Research Network. 2010. Heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine immunogenicity in very-low-birth-weight, premature infants. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 29(7):600-6. PMID: 20234331

Lee H, Nahm MH, Kim KH. 2010. The effect of age on the response to the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. BMC Infect Dis. 10:60. PMID: 20219110

Clarke ML, Burton RL, Hill AN, Litorja M, Nahm MH, Hwang J. 2010. Low-cost, high-throughput, automated counting of bacterial colonies. Cytometry A. 77(8):790-7. PMID: 20140968

Bratcher PE, Kim KH, Kang JH, Hong JY, Nahm MH. 2010. Identification of natural pneumococcal isolates expressing serotype 6D by genetic, biochemical and serological characterization. Microbiology. 156(Pt 2):555-60. PMID: 19942663

Franco CM, Andrade AL, Andrade JG, Almeida e Silva S, Oliveira CR, Pimenta FC, Lamaro-Cardoso J, Brandão AP, Almeida SC, Calix JJ, Nahm MH, de Cunto Brandileone MC. 2010. Survey of nonsusceptible nasopharyngeal Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates in children attending day-care centers in Brazil. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 29(1):77-9. PMID: 19935117

Zartler ER, Porambo RJ, Anderson CL, Yu J, Nahm MH. 2009. Identification of 3-O-acetylglycerol, a novel structural element in bacterial polysaccharides. Carbohydr Res. 344(18):2586-90. PMID: 19880097

Parameswar AR, Park IH, Saksena R, Kovác P, Nahm MH, Demchenko AV. 2009. Synthesis, conjugation, and immunological evaluation of the serogroup 6 pneumococcal oligosaccharides. Chembiochem. 10(18):2893-9. PMID: 19856369

Dransfield MT, Nahm MH, Han MK, Harnden S, Criner GJ, Martinez FJ, Scanlon PD, Woodruff PG, Washko GR, Connett JE, Anthonisen NR, Bailey WC. 2009. Superior Immune Response to Protein-conjugate vs. Free Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine in COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 180(6):499-505  PMID: 19556517.

Seo HS, Nahm MH. Lipoprotein lipase and hydrofluoric acid deactivate both bacterial lipoproteins and lipoteichoic acids, but platelet-activating factor-acetylhydrolase degrades only lipoteichoic acids. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 16(8):1187-95. PMID: 19553557.

Park S, Parameswar AR, Demchenko AV, Nahm MH. 2009. Identification of a simple chemical structure associated with protective human antibodies against multiple pneumococcal serogroups. Infect Immun. 77(8):3374-9.  PMID: 19451241.

Bratcher PE, Park IH, Hollingshead SK, Nahm MH. 2009. Production of a unique pneumococcal capsule serotype belonging to serogroup 6. Microbiology. 155(Pt 2):576-83. PMID: 19202106.

Nahm MH,
Lin J, Finkelstein JA, Pelton SI. 2009.  Increase in the prevalence of the newly discovered pneumococcal serotype 6C in the nasopharynx after introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. J Infect Dis. 199(3):320-5. PMID: 19099489.

Li J, Szalai AJ, Hollingshead SK, Nahm MH, Briles DE. 2009. Antibody to the type 3 capsule facilitates immune adherence of pneumococci to erythrocytes and augments their transfer to macrophages. Infect Immun. 77(1):464-71. Epub 2008 Nov 10. PMID: 19001076

Park IH, Moore MR, Treanor JJ, Pelton SI, Pilishvili T, Beall B, Shelly MA, Mahon BE, Nahm MH.  2008. Active Bacterial Core Surveillance Team. Differential effects of pneumococcal vaccines against serotypes 6A and 6C.J Infect Dis. 198(12):1818-22. PMID: 18983249.

Schenkein JG, Park S, Nahm MH. 2008. Pneumococcal vaccination in older adults induces antibodies with low opsonic capacity and reduced antibody potency. Vaccine. 26(43):5521-6. PMID: 18706464

Waites KB, Canupp KC, Chen YY, DeVivo MJ, Nahm MH. 2008. Revaccination of adults with spinal cord injury using the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. J Spinal Cord Med. 31(1):53-9. PMID: 18533412

Wang D, Burton RL, Nahm MH, Soong SJ. 2008. A four-parameter logistic model for estimating titers of functional multiplexed pneumococcal opsonophagocytic killing assay. J Biopharm Stat. 18(2):307-25. PMID: 18327723.

Seo HS, Cartee RT, Pritchard DG, Nahm MH. 2008. A new model of pneumococcal lipoteichoic acid structure resolves biochemical, biosynthetic, and serologic inconsistencies of the current model. J Bacteriol. 190(7):2379-87. . PMID: 18245291