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Celebrating 10 Years of IMPACT on Research, Training, and Service

See 10 Years of Impact

The impact of the CRPM could never have been accomplished without the dedication and engagement of our students, fellows, and collaborating faculty. Importantly, the pipeline for trainees and early career faculty extends from undergraduate students to early career faculty transitioning to independent investigator status. We are especially proud of our faculty who have transitioned from trainees to become world-renowned experts and leaders in Cardio-Renal Physiology & Medicine at UAB and other institutions across the US.

From investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying cardiovascular and renal diseases to developing novel therapies and interventions, our faculty, students, fellows, and staff are dedicated to advancing the field and improving outcomes for patients. Much of our success during the past 10 years has been supported by access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources and collaboration opportunities with leading experts across disciplines. We remain steadfast in our commitment to advancing scientific knowledge, supporting the biomedical community, and training the next generation of researchers in the cardiovascular and kidney fields.

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