September 10 - October 19
The University of Alabama at Birmingham will host the 2018 SECAC Conference, Oct. 17-20. SECAC is a national non-profit organization devoted to education and research in the visual arts. More than 500 artists, art historians, designers, curators and educators will come together for 120 sessions focusing on a wide range of historical and contemporary topics, including art history, studio art, education, design, and community engagement.
The conference will include the 2017 SECAC Artist’s Fellowship and 2018 SECAC Juried Exhibition. The exhibitions will run Sept. 10-Oct. 20 at AEIVA.
Works by Assistant Professor of Sculpture Stacey Holloway, MFA, in the UAB Department of Art and Art History, will be highlighted in the SECAC Artist’s Fellowship exhibition at UAB’s AEIVA. The SECAC Fellowship was established in 1981 to support member artists and to encourage individual creative growth‚ the development of new ideas for exhibitions and creative projects. A committee selects the recipient, who is awarded $5,000. Holloway won the 2017 award, which provided her with the opportunity to work with new materials and processes, and on a larger scale.
Stacey Holloway, from Not to be Otherwise, 2018.
From Holloway: “Not to be Otherwise focuses on interspecies bonds and considers universal experiences of alienation, isolation and longing. In a surreal, immersive installation featuring a life-size bison and scores of porcelain rabbits, squirrels, birds and bees patterned with Blue Willow floral and arabesque patterns, the exhibition takes a topsy-turvy turn on the trope of the bull in a china shop.”