UAB Shared Values Learning Programs

The UAB Shared Values provide a framework and common language for collaboration and strategic goals that build on our strong foundation. We serve students and patients while recognizing that we are also embedded in a vibrant community. Select the value below to explore learning opportunities that support the UAB Shared Values that propel our institution forward.

To register for these learning opportunities, click on a registration button below or log in to the Campus Learning System and search by program title. For information on Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) courses, see Diversity Education. For information on Finance courses, see Financial Affairs Training. For information on UAB Learning & Development courses, visit the Learning Center.

UAB Shared Values: We CARE

  • Collaborate: Work as a team for the greater good.
  • Act with integrity: Be accountable and always do the right thing.
  • Respect all: Champion diversity and opportunities for all, with civility.
  • Excel: Innovate and strive for excellence in everything we do.

  • UAB Shared Value: Collaborate
    Work as a team for the greater good.

    DISC: Understanding Your Behavioral Style

    By increasing self-awareness using the DISC Behavior Model, participants can adapt their communication and behavior to work more effectively with individuals whose styles may differ. This model is often used in team-building workshops, leadership development programs, and conflict-resolution processes to improve communication and collaboration within groups and organizations.

    Multigenerational Workforce

    This program is designed to address the unique dynamics and opportunities presented by a workplace comprised of individuals from diverse age groups. Participants will leave equipped with practical strategies for maximizing the collective potential of a multigenerational team, enhancing team cohesion, and promoting a workplace culture that values the contributions of individuals across all age groups.

    Understanding Your True Colors

    Learners will use new knowledge gained by completing the True Colors Assessment to better relate to others who do not share their “color spectrum.”

    LinkedIn Learning Courses

  • UAB Shared Value: Act with Integrity
    Be accountable & always do the right thing.

    BuyUAB Training

    This training course is intended for new users of BuyUAB. BuyUAB is a Procurement system which allows employees to access and shop from contracted vendors using a UAB purchasing card (P-Card).


    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA is a federal law governing the privacy of educational records. This course is designed to give you an overview of the federal law on student records and UAB related policies, as well as the guidelines for the appropriate use of student records.

    Fiscal Axiom Software to Build Fiscal Year Budget

    This course explains how to use the Axiom Budgeting Software system. Topics of discussion include accessing and navigating the Axiom system, understanding the plan file layout, building budgets for labor, expenses and revenue, as well as creating transfers.

    UAB Enterprise Code of Conduct

    The UAB Enterprise Code of Conduct demonstrates UAB's Values in Action. Building on UAB's core values of integrity, respect, service, and collaboration, the Code includes eight standards of behavior that are expected of all UAB community members. It is intended to be used as a framework for guiding ethical decisions and a reference tool when evaluating best next steps.

    UAB/UABHS HIPAA Privacy and Security Training

    By completing this training program and successfully completing the post-test you will be able to understand your obligations related to HIPAA privacy and security and will be able to abide by relevant UAB policies on HIPAA privacy and security.

    Understanding Payroll and Labor Distributions in the Oracle and Finance Systems

    In this course, we will overview the importance of payroll and labor distribution. Topics covered will include the following: the ORACLE ACT document, the UAB Payroll process, labor costs and how they are distributed to fund employee assignments, proactive management of labor costs, and corrective management of labor costs using available Oracle resources.

    LinkedIn Learning Courses

  • UAB Shared Value: Respect All
    Champion diversity & opportunities for all with civility.

    Bystander Intervention

    Bystander behavior has been the focus of social psychological research for over four decades. Originally developed to reduce the incidence of sexual assault and sexual violence on college campuses, the bystander model is now also used for noticing and intervening with harassing behaviors related to bullying and discrimination of all kinds. Bystander Intervention is the fifth in the series of five classes required to achieve the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Certificate, and/or the faculty CTL Global Awareness Certificate.

    Cultural Awareness Building Blocks

    Cultural Awareness Building Blocks provides the framework for gaining a nuanced understanding of the various meanings and the potential impact of diversity in higher education and the workplace. The session explores the impact of identities in workplace interactions and relationships and presents strategies and resources to better navigate and embrace cultural difference. Cultural Awareness Building Blocks is the foundational session in in the series of four classes required to achieve the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Certificate, and the faculty CTL Global Awareness Certificate.

    Emotional Intelligence: Building Relationships and Communicating Effectively

    Emotions can influence how we act and react in the workplace. Emotional Intelligence is recognizing our behaviors, moods, and impulses and positively managing them to communicate effectively, empathize with others, manage stress, overcome challenges, and diffuse conflict. Emotional Intelligence can be quickly learned, and it helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at work, and achieve your career and personal goals.


    The SafeZone program offers LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning) awareness training is designed for all UAB faculty and staff. This two-hour session provides an opportunity to learn about identities, terminology, concepts of gender and sexuality, and ways to create a welcoming and inclusive campus. Participants will also be able to sign up to receive a SafeZone trained sticker to communicate their LGBTQ friendliness, although this is not a requirement of the session. SafeZone is third in the series of five classes required to achieve the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Certificate, and/or the faculty CTL Global Awareness Certificate.

    Title IX: Building Supportive Communities

    The Building Supportive Communities course is a comprehensive education solution that introduces learners to Title IX and the Clery Act and prepares them to provide supportive and effective responses when someone may have experienced sexual violence, relationship abuse or violence, or stalking. Learners will have the opportunity to practice identifying signs that someone may be experiencing abuse or violence and learn how to respond in a supportive manner.

    Unconscious Bias

    Bias is a "personal, sometimes unreasoned judgement" that can provide unconscious and often erroneous information. Understanding how our personal and cultural biases influence our decision-making and interpersonal interactions is an important step to reducing unconscious bias. Unconscious Bias is the fourth in the series of five classes required to achieve the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Certificate, or the faculty CTL Global Awareness Certificate.

    LinkedIn Learning Courses

  • UAB Shared Value: Excel
    Innovate & strive for excellence in everything we do.

    Creating an Exceptional Service Experience

    Regardless of position, we must all practice some form of service. Learn and practice communication techniques for different situations, including building rapport, diffusing tension, and recovering service. This class will outline the hallmarks of exceptional service and demonstrate practical communication models that will empower you across all interactions, from the warm and straightforward to difficult ones.

    Learning from Leaders

    A monthly HR Learning & Development series featuring influential UAB leaders sharing life-changing learning experiences from overcoming challenges. The program illustrates change and resiliency happen at UAB when leaders are vulnerable, adventurous, trustworthy, and adaptable and model the core principles of thriving in today's ever-challenging landscape.

    LinkedIn Learning Courses