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Looking for a start-up to invest in?
Here are UAB's active start-up companies. Interested in learning more about a specific company? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll help you get in touch!

Adjuvax, LLC

Focuses on developing novel saponin-based vaccine adjuvants

Alpha Young, LLC

Develops therapies to improve kidney function and health span in chronic kidney disease patients

Alveolus Bio

Pioneering biotherapeutic delivery for the prevention and treatment of chronic lung disease.

AI Metrics, LLC

A platform that leverages artificial intelligence and guided workflows to assist radiologists with image analysis.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Designs and develops small molecule medicines for rare diseases.

Endomimetics, LLC

Developing natural bionanomatrix coating technologies to mimic human tissue on devices implanted into the human body.

Guideway Care, Inc.

Serves patients and providers with a proven, technology-enabled care guidance program that integrates with a hospital's current care team.

Humboldt Innovations, LLC

Develops and sells EPA-approved products for mosquito abatement.

ImmPrev Bio, Inc.

Founded to explore the potential of a groundbreaking new treatment concept for Crohn’s disease

IN8bio, Inc. (formerly Incysus Ltd.)

Uses genetically-modified gamma-delta T-cells to address the challenges with cold, low-mutation cancers.

iNOvodel, Inc.

Develops non-gas-tank-based devices for the delivery of inhaled nitric oxide for treatment of pulmonary hypertension and heart failure

Interaction Advisory Group, LLC

Provides customized disabilities awareness and training for first responders, public service officials, educators and private sector workers.

Kirklin Solutions, LLC

Specializes in streamlining medical data capture and realizing its true potential by delivering data-driven analytics that can be used directly at the point of care.

NovAb, Inc.

Commercializes a new class of antibodies that enable new targets and functions.

Open Sky Health, LLC

Offers a suite of applications making it easier and quicker for care providers to access patient health records.

Peri-Op Ortho, LLC

Focuses on proactive preparedness, personalized care, and seamless postoperative support to optimize outcomes of orthopedic surgery and enhance patient satisfaction

RedIon LLC

Specializes in automation software for healthcare professionals and data scientists, focusing on radiation oncology and radiology.

Reliant Glycosciences LLC

Biotechnology company that focuses on developing diagnostic and prognostic tools for patients with IgA nephropathy.

ResBiotic Nutrition Inc.

Pioneering microbiome-based products for respiratory health.

SunFire Biotechnologies LLC

A clinical research organization for pneumococcal vaccine development support.


Developer of oral therapeutics treatment intended to treat Type 1 and 2 Diabetes and NAFLD.

TPM Research, Inc

Provides services to transform the way healthcare providers transport and care for patients.

Trialtus Bioscience, LLC

Develops innovative tools for the production and purification of genetically-engineered proteins.

Tricorder Array Technologies, LLC

Offers an inexpensive device that can detect mouse pups, monitor light-temperature-humidity at the cage level and collect census.

Truspin Nanomaterial Innovation, LLC

First company in the world to utilize A/C electrospinning process to commercially manufactor nanofibers.

Vista Engineering

Serving clients in express witness product liability investigations and industrial materials analysis.

Yuva Bisciences Inc.

Developer of cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical products designed to target aging-related hair loss, wrinkled skin, and reduced energy.

Zorro-Flow, Inc

Developer of neonatal external urine-collection devices.

Start-Up Snapshot


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