Research Digital Marketplace
UAB IT offers a variety of technology solutions for researchers. As our digital marketplace for researchers evolves, we will continue to update this site with more detailed resources.
Click here for some tips on choosing the right resource.
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Couple high performance computing and storage for active analysis, with hundreds of CPUs and GPUs to scale analyses.
Researcher-friendly explanations for how to use Research Computing services and platforms.
Maximize productivity and help your team collaborate with version control; get clear code reviews.
Globus Data Transfer
Transfer large amounts of data within UAB and across external organizations using a secure, easy interface.

Introduction Workshops
Provides information on a range 'getting started' topics such as Intro to R for Data Analysis, Intro to Python for Data Analysis, Intro to using the High Performance Computer
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Demonstrate to granting agencies that research groups have consulted with the research computing group to lay out actionable plans for analysis workflows, data management plans, budgets associated with data science, etc.
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Store data for longer periods of time (3-10 years) to meet requirements from granting agencies, publications, or research communities.
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Store data that's not actively being analyzed but needs to be managed near computing resources like UAB HPC and UAB Research Cloud.
Open OnDemand HPC Interface
Easily access Research Computing resources from any device. Visit the URL to register automatically.
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For graduate students at UAB and wishing to learn more about HPC usage, Data Science, Data Analytics. Contact us or the instructor of record Kristina Visscher for more information.
Support Tickets
An email-based ticketing system at

RC YouTube Channel
Pre-recorded topics for researchers to learn more about analysis, storage, and other research computing topics at their own pace.
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Get benchmarking, profiling, and scaling research computing analyses to assist in optimizing open-source software code.
Research Cloud
Develop and deploy analysis tools; interact with your own virtualized, remote computer to create and test workflows for longer periods of time than the HPC environment allows.
Research Computing Office Hours
Open 'office hours' where researchers can ask questions about research computing topics, get direct support from RC staff for problems or questions they may have about RC topics. Visit the URL and follow Zoom Links at the listed times.
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Use this prewritten document detailing UAB Research Computing related facilities, support, and services to add information to facilities documents and other grant-supporting documentation.
This is currently a pilot program.
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Extend computing and storage quotas beyond the standard allocations on Cheaha, Research Cloud, and UAB Kubernetes provided to all research groups at UAB.
This is currently a pilot program.
US XSEDE National Cyberinfrastructure
Get access to computing and storage on the eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) cyberinfrastructure for free. UAB Research Computing can help UAB researchers request allocations of times on these XSEDE machines.