Explore UAB

Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology

Nicolas Berbari
Dr. Nick Berbari
Associate Professor
IU Center for Regenerative Biology and Medicine
Departments of Biology, Neuroscience
Indiana University-Perdue University Indianapolis

Dr. Berbari is a former postdoc from Dr. Brad Yoder's lab.

Former Trainee

retreat garcia mata
Dr. Sade Williams Clayton
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Washington University in St. Louis

Dr. Williams Clayton is a former trainee from Dr. Rosa Serra's lab.


Dr. Williams Clayton is a 2nd year Rita Levi-Montalcini Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Washington University in St. Louis in the laboratories of Dr. Simon Tang and Dr. Lori Setton. She use's cell and molecular biology techniques to study how the immune system affects tissue repair and wound healing in the spine after injury or degeneration. She uses her expertise in developmental biology to discover the key signaling molecules and cell types that stimulate regeneration of damaged intervertebral discs in the spinal column using mouse and chick model systems. She is a highly trained researcher, highly involved in organizational leadership, and passionate about outreach and advocacy.