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Pulmonary Update Photos Album Two 105The UAB CF Research Center places high value on its Enrichment Program, which supports training in CF-related disciplines under the direction of established scientists and coordinates activities to promote scientific discussions and exchange of ideas.

The current goals of the Program are to:
  • Enhance partnerships with other existing training programs at UAB, thereby introducing trainees and junior faculty to CF-related research and encourage their interest and development in this field
  • Invite prominent speakers and organize workshops and scientific retreats to boost training and success of those who are already conducting CF-related research, both in basic and translational science field
  • Establish a CF Research Day to foster interactions between junior and senior CF investigators and further increase the presence of the CF Center in the UAB research community
  • Disseminate knowledge to the wider community by web postings and seminars concentrating on new developments in CF care

Diversity statement: Approximately equal numbers of men and women utilize the CF Enrichment Program, and recent trainees have included individuals of Hispanic, African American, Asian, White, and other backgrounds. Equity is meant to include equal access to all educational opportunities and to deal fairly and equally with all members of the UAB community. UAB trainees have taken advantage of recent NIH diversity fellowships.