Drs. Bhatnagar (left) and Hunter (right)The UAB Comprehensive Diabetes Center (UCDC) would like to congratulate both Sushant Bhatnagar, Ph.D., who has earned tenure, and Chad Hunter, Ph.D., who was promoted to professor.
Sushant Bhatnagar, Ph.D.
Bhatnagar, associate professor in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism in the Department of Medicine, is also a senior scientist at the UCDC, where he leads a lab that is interested in understanding the role of pancreatic beta-cells in obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
Bhatnagar received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, and was a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Biochemistry. He then joined UAB in fall 2015 as an assistant professor.
The Bhatnagar laboratory integrates genetics, bioinformatics, biochemistry, cell biology, and physiology-based approaches to understand mechanisms underlying islet function in obesity and Type 2 diabetes. He has published numerous manuscripts from UAB and has given several invited lectures at universities and national conferences (American Diabetes Association and Keystone Conferences).
At UAB, Bhatnagar has received several awards for oral presentations, mentorship, and travel awards. In 2020, he was named the UAB Pittman Scholar Award for academic achievements by a young faculty.
In 2022, Bhatnagar was selected for the UAB Department of Medicine LEAD Program. He is a member of the American Diabetes Association, Endocrine Society, Islet Society, and more. He also serves as a review editor for the journal Frontiers of Diabetes: Molecular Mechanisms and is a member of the editorial board for the Diabetes Journal.
Bhatnagar is actively involved in national service as a manuscript reviewer, grant reviewer, conference organizer, and session moderator, and at UAB, he has served on multiple committees. He has been involved in about 50 distinct service activities at the national and UAB.
Bhatnagar has taught several courses and is a co-director of an advanced diabetes course at UAB. He has mentored several post-doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate trainees who have received numerous (>20) presentation awards from his laboratory.
Chad Hunter, Ph.D.
Hunter, professor in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism in the Department of Medicine, is also a senior scientist at the UCDC, where he leads a lab that is interested in further understanding pancreatic islet cell function.
Hunter received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Purdue University. In 2007, Hunter began a postdoctoral fellowship at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He then joined UAB as an assistant professor in 2014.
The Hunter laboratory is interested in understanding how transcription factors and transcriptional co-regulators control gene regulatory decisions governing the development and function of metabolic and/or endocrine tissues, for example in pancreatic islet beta- and alpha-cells. Its research may have direct benefits on future diabetes and obesity therapies.
At UAB, Hunter has received many awards and recognitions. In 2017, he was named a UAB Pittman Scholar for academic achievements made by young faculty.
Hunter serves as an editorial board member for the journal Diabetes as well as a topic editor for the journal Comprehensive Physiology and an ad hoc reviewer for many other scientific journals.
Hunter has had over 35 manuscripts published or accepted into major scientific journals and has completed over 30 national and international service activities, giving back to the scientific and diabetes professional community through ad hoc reviewing, moderating scientific presentations, serving as a career workshop panelist, and more.
Hunter has taught several courses while at UAB and mentored countless graduate and undergraduate students. In the last few years, the Hunter lab has had three Ph.D. students successfully defend their dissertations.
“A huge congratulations is due to Dr. Sushant Bhatnagar for being awarded tenure and Dr. Chad Hunter for promotion to full professor,” said Anath Shalev, M.D., director of the UCDC. “I look forward to all that Sushant and Chad will continue to accomplish at UAB and beyond. The UCDC is made stronger because of their dedication to diabetes research and training the next generation of diabetes professionals.”