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    High Resolution Imaging Facility at UAB

Mission Statement

The High Resolution Imaging Facility (HRIF) provides state-of-the-art imaging resources and technical support to the UAB community. HRIF offers electron microscopy and light microscopy including confocal, live cell, multi-photon, widefield, super resolution, and image analysis. To effectively implement these technologies, we provide consultations, expert training, and support for all our systems. We are open to all UAB investigators as well as other investigators in the research community.


HRIF News & Events


  • Data Management Notice for IRCP Cores

    Please read important information regarding data management, specifically noting that IRCP cores are not responsible for data storage after services have been rendered. A formal policy document will be posted soon. Please have attached flyer image as well.
  • UAB High Resolution Imaging Facility Open House event

    We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to you for an Open House event at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's High Resolution Imaging Facility. This event will be hosted on January 23 from 9 a.m. to noon in a "come and go" format. It will allow you to explore our facility, see our newly installed microscope systems, participate in an imaging contest to win prizes, and speak with HRIF staff while enjoying refreshments.
    Location: UAB, Shelby Biomedical Building Rooms 135, 130, & 136
    Take advantage of this opportunity to engage with our imaging experts, learn more about HRIF's resources, and discover how our technologies can enhance your research. We welcome feedback from all investigators on how we can continue to improve services and instrumentation for future research.
    We look forward to welcoming you to the UAB High Resolution Imaging Facility Open House event. https://forms.office.com/r/mCxzyPPgge
  • 4 cutting-edge machines powering UAB discoveries

    Photo by ANDREA MABRY | University Relations

    Alexa Mattheyses, Ph.D. (right), director of the UAB High-Resolution Imaging Facility, and Robert Grabski, Ph.D., research associate in the High-Resolution Imaging Facility. They are pictured with the Zeiss Lightsheet 7 light sheet microscope, an advanced imaging device capable of fluorescent imaging of living cells and tissues.

    What it does: A light sheet fluorescent microscope, or LSFM, allows researchers to visualize the relationships between cells and proteins in intact tissues, organs and organisms at high volume and at a range of sizes and resolutions. Because of its image acquisition speed, the Zeiss Lightsheet 7 can perform data collection from large samples rapidly and efficiently, “allowing us to image far larger samples than we are currently capable of, including whole organisms and intact cleared tissues,” Mattheyses wrote in her grant abstract. Light sheet fluorescent microscopy also “substantially reduces photobleaching and photodamage,” she added. Samples do not need to be mounted on a slide or coverslip, “allowing more physiological imaging of model organisms and intact tissues,” Mattheyses said. “Finally, samples can be rotated relative to the imaging plane, allowing ideal orientation and collection of multiple views.”

    Read more

  • Zeiss Lightsheet 7 is here!

    We are very excited to announce that our Zeiss Lightsheet7 microscope, purchased with support of a NIH S10 grant, is fully operational! This microscope brings unique imaging capabilities previously unavailable to UAB research community, The Zeiss Lightsheet 7 Fluorescent Microscope (LSFM) is ideal for fast and gentle imaging of whole living model organisms (zebrafish, organoids, tadpole embryo, various tissues) as they develop over extended periods of time and imaging of large optically cleared specimens with subcellular resolution. Dedicated optics, sample chambers and holders allow adaption to the refractive index of your chosen clearing method.