Location: UAB, Shelby Biomedical Building Rooms 135, 130, & 136
Take advantage of this opportunity to engage with our imaging experts, learn more about HRIF's resources, and discover how our technologies can enhance your research. We welcome feedback from all investigators on how we can continue to improve services and instrumentation for future research.
We look forward to welcoming you to the UAB High Resolution Imaging Facility Open House event. https://forms.office.com/r/mCxzyPPgge

Coming by the end of 2023: New JEOL JEM-1400 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)!
We are happy to announce that the TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) Lab has relocated from the basement to the HRIF main location at the first floor of the Shelby building, and will be operational by the end of 2023. We will house a new JEOL TEM 120 kV with a AMT NanoSprint 43L Digital Camera, new Leica ultramicrotomes, and new accesory equipment. The flood recovery effort has been long and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we assume normal operations.
Zeiss Lightsheet 7 is here!
We are very excited to announce that our Zeiss Lightsheet7 microscope, purchased with support of a NIH S10 grant, is fully operational! This microscope brings unique imaging capabilities previously unavailable to UAB research community, The Zeiss Lightsheet 7 Fluorescent Microscope (LSFM) is ideal for fast and gentle imaging of whole living model organisms (zebrafish, organoids, tadpole embryo, various tissues) as they develop over extended periods of time and imaging of large optically cleared specimens with subcellular resolution. Dedicated optics, sample chambers and holders allow adaption to the refractive index of your chosen clearing method.
HRIF presents Nikon AXR Confocal with NSPARC.
We are very excited to host a seminar (August 29th, 2023, at 10AM, Shelby building room 105) and hands on demonstration (August, 30-31st, 2023, Shelby building, room 136a) of the newest and most advanced Nikon AXR confocal microscope with NSPARC. We sincerely invite all our patrons at UAB research community to attend the seminar and register for hands on demonstration.

Upcoming Renovation
Upcoming renovations to expand the B40 TEM Suite will occur between July 2021 - January 2022. There may be delays in project turnaround time during facility upgrades and construction. We appreciate your patience and flexibility during this time. Check with Melissa Chimento

New High Speed TEM Camera
October 08, 2019 We are pleased to announce a recent upgrade in the Transmission Electron Microscopy Lab in the HRIF. Our TEM Lab (located in the Shelby Building Basement in Suite B40) has acquired an Advanced Microscopy Techniques (AMT) BioSprint 29, a high speed 29 Megapixel TEM camera which employs the use of AMT’s high precision ActiveVu lens. This system provides high definition images that are perfect for any life science application. The new addition of the camera to our existing transmission electron microscope allows investigators to capture images in the magnification range of 18.5x-650kx. This upgrade was generously funded by UAB’s Health Services Foundation(HSF) and is due to the kind support of investigators like you. We look forward to any feedback on our newly installed system and appreciate your continued support as we apply for future grants so that we can continue to offer technology in support of your research. To schedule imaging time on our new camera, please contact Melissa Chimento or Ed Phillips at 205-934-1926.

New Lionheart FX Automated Microscope
October 02, 2019 We are excited to announce the latest microscope to be added to our supply of research resources in the confocal lab. The new Lionheart FX Automated microscope will allow for environmental control during fluorescence, brightfield, and phase contrast studies. In addition, it has a 60X air, and 60X and 100X oil-immersion lenses to give the user a choice of imaging modalities. More information is available in the link below: Lionheart FX Automated Microscope Please feel free to email Shawn Williams (

UAB Core Day 2019
July 30, 2019 Hello core users, we are happy to announce that we will be at UAB's Core Day this year on August 28th, 2019 from 11AM to 1PM in the West Pavilion Atrium. Stop by to learn more about what HRIF can do for your research and check out all the other amazing resources available here at UAB!

DEMO: Leica Microsystems Confocal Innovations
July 09, 2019 We would like to announce that Leica Microsystems will be here at UAB offering demos on their machines from July 16-25. Please RSVP for sample preparation information and to reserve your time on the instrument! Please email Shawn Williams (

SEMINAR: Leica Microsystems Confocal Innovations
June 13, 2019 Thank you to everyone who turned out for the Leica seminar on Tuesday, June 11th. We had a great turnout and enjoyed learning about Leica's exciting new products! Please don't forget that that they'll be offering demos on these machines from July 16-25. Please RSVP for sample preparation information and to reserve your time on the instrument! Please email Shawn Williams (

SEMINAR: Leica Microsystems Confocal Innovations
June 4, 2019 We're pleased to announce Leica microsystems will be here at UAB on June 11, 2019 for a seminar on their confocal innovations, including FALCON (FLIM), STED Nanoscopy, and LIGHTNING. In addition, there will be hands-on demonstrations available from July 16-25. - FALCON - The future of functional imaging. FRET, fluorescence lifetime, metabolic imaging and more at 10x faster than conventional systems. - LIGHTNING - Super-resolution down to 120 nm and below 50 nm when combined with Leica Microsystems' STED. - LAS X Navigator - The GPS for your samples. Define and capture wide area z-stacks easier than ever before. Please feel free to email Shawn Williams (

Nikon A1R HD 25 Resonance Scanner Upgrade
April 30, 2019 We have recently upgraded the scanner on our Nikon A1R confocal in Shelby Room 130A to a High-Definition Resonance Scanner (AIR HD 125). This will allow us to do high-speed time-lapse imaging at 1024x1024 pixels as opposed to the old scanner with 512x512 resolution. You can find more information about the benefits of this instrument in the link below. https://www.microscope.healthcare.nikon.com/products/confocal-microscopes/a1hd25-a1rhd25 Please feel free to email Shawn Williams (

Multi-Photon Mini-Symposium and Demos
Multi-photon, Two-photon, Intra-vital imaging Many names, one microscope at your HRIF core!
Always wondered about multi-photon? Interested in intra-vital imaging? Come learn what it is all about! The High Resolution Imaging Facility (HRIF) is hosting a 3 day multi-photon event. Join us for a multi-photon mini-symposium and hands-on demos with experts from Nikon.

Tour of the TEM Lab with Melissa Harris’s BY327 Histology Course
March 20, 2019
As part of the Histology Course (BY327/527) offered by the Department of Biology at UAB we visit the UAB High Resolution Imaging Facility. Our objective for this field trip is for students to gain a better appreciation of the applied science of transmission electron microscopy. Specialists at the facility provide an overview of aspects of tissue preparation, microscopy and imaging that are unique to electron microscopy. Students have the opportunity to see numerous examples of tissues studied by UAB researchers using electron microscopy and can literally see the value of this tool in making discoveries at the intracellular level.