Participating Cores and Posters
Adaptive Human Performance Lab
The Adaptive Human Performance Lab (AHPL) was designed to provide innovative and extensive services for exercise, nutrition, physical activity, and health assessments and interventions for research related to improving physical and psychological well-being of people with disabilities.
Advanced Materials Characterization Core
We provide analysis and characterization of samples including elemental composition, chemical bonding, crystal structure, surface imaging at small scale, and chemical structure. The instruments we have for service are: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and energy dispersive x-ray analysis.
Antibody Characterization and Serology
The goal of the Antibody Characterization and Serology (ACS) Recharge Facility is to offer research reagents, multiplex immunoassays and high-throughput technologies.
CCTS Bionutrition
CCTS Bionutritionconnects investigators with approved dietary protocols, study planning, registered dieticians, cooks, facilities, and equipment in support of human nutrition studies.
CCTS Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD)
The CCTS Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) provides consultation, guidance and expertise on study design, data management and statistical analysis throughout the CCTS Partner Network.
CCTS Clinical Research Support Program (CRSP)
The CCTS Clinical Research Support Program (CRSP) provides clinical research training and support services that inform and enable clinical studies from regulatory approval through closeout.
CCTS Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
The Clinical Research Unit provides dedicated clinical space, equipment and nursing to support clinical studies involving outpatient visits at the CCTS Hub.
CCTS Dissemination and Implementation Science
CCTS Dissemination and Implementation Science raises awareness, adoption and integration of evidence-based practices, interventions, and policies into routine health care and public health settings to improve the impact on population health.
CCTS Engagement of Communities
The CCTS supports the development of authentic partnerships between researchers and the populations we serve. Through our Engagement of Communities domain, we provide learning and collaboration opportunities to a wide variety of community stakeholders.
CCTS Informatics
CCTS Informatics connects investigators with biomedical data and analytics.
CCTS Partner Network
The missionof the CCTS Partner Network is to discover and advance scientific findings that can ameliorate disparities in chronic diseases disproportionately affecting the under-represented communities we serve.
CCTS Research Commons
CCTS Research Commons connects investigators to translational expertise and platforms that accelerate the pace of discovery, thereby improving health and healthcare access in our region.
CCTS Specimen Processing and Biorepository
The CCTS Specimen Processing and Biorepository specializes in research based clinical specimen processing and biobankingwith barcoded inventory management. Our lab is located within the CCTS Clinical Research Unit (CRU) in Jefferson Tower. More complex blood processing occurs in our facility located in Shelby 230.
CCTS Training Academy
theacademic career arc including graduate and postgraduate students, staff professionals, early career and established faculty and the community.
Center For AIDS Research
The UAB CFAR cores provide an exceptionally cost-effective mechanism for supporting and stimulating cutting-efge HIV research that is available to researchers at UAB and external collaborating institutions.
Center for Palliative and Supportive Care
The UAB Center for Palliative and Supportive Care is a driving force in the field of palliative and supportive care, leading the way in competent and compassionate clinical care, collaborative research, community outreach and training. Our research is collaborative, extensive and reaches local, regional, national and international forums.
Child Health Research Unit (CHRU)
The Child Health Research Unit provides dedicated clinical space, and essential equipment to support pediatric clinical studies requiring outpatient visits.
COERE Dissemination and Implementation Sciences
A subsidiary of the COERE, the Dissemination, Implementation, and Improvement Science Core (DIISC) supports investigators pursuing extramurally funded research projects that examine how to implement and disseminate evidence-based interventions.
Community Health Coaches Core
The MHERC Community Health Coaches Core supports translational research and community health projects that address social determinants of health and other barriers to mitigate health disparities and achieve better health outcomes.
Comparative Organismal Energetic Core
The Comparative Organismal Energetics Core (Organismal Core) provides consultation in methods and study design, training, expertise and state-of-the-art instrumentation to facilitate research on the role of whole animal energetics and metabolism in aging.
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility (CEMF)
The Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility (CEMF) advances the overall UAB mission by supporting the application of cryo-EM in making new scientific discoveries. We provide access and training in the use of cutting edge cryo-EM technology and techniques for the characterization of biological samples from the cellular to the atomic scale.
Flow Cytometry and Single-Cell Core Facility
The facility provides services of flow cytometry analysis and is equipped with BD LSRII, BD Symphony A5, BD Symphony A3, BD LSR Fortessa, and Attune NxT custom-designed flow analyzers and Amnis ImageStream imaging flow cytometer. Sorting services are provided by the BD FACS ARIA II, ARIA SORP, BD FACS ARIA III, and BD Melody sorters.
High Resolution Imaging Facility
The High Resolution Imaging Facility (HRIF) provides state-of-the-art imaging resources and technical support to the UAB community. Â The HRIF offers electron microscopy and light microscopy including confocal, live cell, multi-photon, widefield, super resolution, sub-micron nanoparticle imaging and image analysis.
Metabolism Core
The Metabolism Core provides state-of-the-art, cost-effective, centralized services for assessment of biochemical analytes, human body composition and energy metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and beta-cell function for research studies related to nutrition, obesity, and diabetes.
Mixed Methods, CBPR and Qualitative Research Approaches
The Mixed Methods Research-Community Based Participatory Research-Qualitative Research Approaches (MMR-CBPR-QR) Core was developed following the increase in recognition of these approaches in social and behavioral sciences, and in the increased calls by funders for research using these methodologies.
Multidisciplinary Molecular Interaction Core (MMIC)
The Multidisciplinary Molecular Interaction Core (MMIC) provides use of a Biacore T200 Biosensor Instrument that is capable of determining the binding kinetics, affinity, specificities, and thermodynamics of biomolecular interactions. The Biacore T200 uses surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology to precisely monitor label-free binding activity between proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids or small drugs (200-1000 Daltons) in real-time.
National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability (NCHPAD)
Established in 1999, the National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability (NCHPAD) serves as both an information hub and a public health practice center. Its mission is to enhance health and well-being by promoting the substantial benefits of engaging in health-enhancing activities for people with disabilities.
nCounter/NanoString Core Service
Nanostring nCounter platform enables the profiling of hundreds of gene targets simultaneously (up to 800) with high sensitivity and precision, in most sample including even decades-old formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues, without the need for amplification steps except in single cell or low input experiments.
O'Brien Center for Acute Kidney Injury
We support shared core facilities to enhance collaborations and further research in kidney-related research, foster interactions among investigators from different backgrounds and disciplines whose shared interest is in kidney research, and provide intellectual resources and infrastructure to attract new and established investigators to AKI research.
Recruitment and Retention Shared Facility
The Recruitment and Retention Shared Facility (RRSF) supports health equity research by providing participant recruitment, retention, and data collection services for research studies and clinical trials.
Research MRI Core and Civitan International Neuroimaging Laboratory (RMRIC)
The Research MRI Core provides resources at UAB for state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging experiments and analyses for examining brain and body anatomy and function both in health and disease.
The Civitan International Neuroimaging Lab serves as a core resource at UAB for neuroimaging experiments and analyses that examine brain anatomy and function in health and disease.
Small Animal Glycemic Clamp Core
We provide various types of glucose clamps in conscious, unrestrained rodents to get a mechanistic interrogation of insulin action in whole body and insulin responsive tissues.
Small Animal Imaging Facility
Small Animal Imaging Shared Facility provides state-of-the-art molecular imaging for preclinical studies in small animals, and support transition to human imaging studies. SAIF provide training to Cancer Center members in the applications of molecular imaging in cancer models. To establish methods for image analyses and maintain the instruments and keep them accurately calibrated.
Small Animal Microsurgical Core
The UAB Small Animal Microsurgical Core Facility (UMCF) was originally established to fulfill an acute need for complex rodent microsurgical services in a cost-effective and timely manner on the UAB campus. Specific procedures include organ transplantation, models of ischemia reperfusion injury, cannulations, and other microvascular procedures.
Small Animal Phenotyping Core
This core provides state-of-the-art instrumentation and methodology for the determination of energy balance and body composition in small animals.
Social Determinants of Health Core
We provide one-on-one consultation on individual- and area-level measures of social determinants of health (SDH). Methodological expertise on obtaining and analyzing area- and individual-level SDH. Additionally we provide geo-linking services to obtain area-level SDH measures and integrate them with data from electronic health record, patient registries or cohorts, administrative claims, and other clinic or research data.
The Bio-Analytical Redox Biology Core
The Bio-Analytical Redox Biology (BARB) Core provides state-of-the-art services in mitochondrial metabolism, oxidative stress, psychological and physiological stress assessment research in diabetes, obesity, exercise, pediatric neonatology, cancer, aging, optometry, microbiology, neurobiology, nutrition, pain, psychology, urology, and cardiometabolic disease research on a fee-for-service basis.
The Immunophenotyping Core
Immunophenotyping is the identification and quantitation of heterogeneous populations of cells by multi-parameter flow cytometry using a panel of fluorescently-labelled antibodies that recognize specific antigens on a cell surface, known as cell markers.
The Smart Drug Discovery Alliance
At SmartDrugDiscovery.org, we are not just reimagining the future of drug discovery—we are building it. Join us on our mission to make drug discovery more personalized, accelerated, and economically feasible for all.
Tissue Biorepository-Pathology Core Research Lab
The MISSION of the UAB Tissue Biorepository (UAB-TBR), formerly known as the UAB Tissue Collection and Banking Facility, is to collect, process, store, and distribute high quality human tissue specimens to investigators of UAB.
UAB Behavioral Assessment Core
The UAB Behavioral Core is here to support researchers in studying animal behavior with precision and reliability. We offer a variety of tests to explore cognitive, emotional, social, and motor functions, using advanced tools like EthoVision for automated tracking and analysis.
UAB Biological Data Science Core (U-BDS)
The UAB Biological Data Science Core (U-BDS) offers access to computational biology capabilities. We aim to provide services, foster long-term collaborations with the UAB research community, and provide training for biomedical investigators on a specific set of analysis tools and techniques.
UAB Center for Exercise Medicine
The UAB Center for Exercise Medicine (UCEM) focuses on improving the health and well-being of children and adults of all ages through acceleration of innovative, exercise-based interdisciplinary research across five pillars – precision, regeneration, rehabilitation, interaction, and sustainability.
UAB Harbert Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (HIIE) fosters an entrepreneurial community and innovative ecosystem at UAB and provides the infrastructure required for faculty, staff, and students to commercialize innovation within the region and beyond.
UAB Healthy Donor Cohort
The UAB Healthy Donor Cohort (UAB HDC) is an initiative of the HSOM Immunology Institute and UAB CCTS. The UAB HDC serves as a platform to provide fresh blood samples from healthy adult volunteers to UAB investigators.
UAB Kinome Core
Kinomics is the study of the kinome, a global description of kinases and kinase signaling. In our facility, we utilize the PamStation®12 (PamGene International) Kinomic Array platform to study the kinome. This system utilizes a high content peptide microarray containing phosphorylatable tyrosine (PTK chip) or serine/threonine (STK chip) residues within kinase substrates.
UAB Lung Health Center
Our mission is to advance lung health through innovative research, education, and patient-centered care. Whether you are a study participant or a scientific investigator, we are committed to ensuring that your experience with the UAB Lung Health Center is worthwhile.
UAB Integrative Center for Aging Research
The UAB Integrative Center for Aging Research (ICAR) is a University-Wide Interdisciplinary Research Center. The mission of this interdisciplinary community is to promote the health and well-being of older adults and their families through research, education and outreach initiatives.
UAB IT - Research Computing
We are UAB IT Research Computing, dedicated to empowering UAB researchers through access to our team of RC experts, high-performance computing resources, data management, and collaboration tools.
UAB Spatial Core
UAB Spatial Core is focused on Spatial Transcriptomics, providing analysis on the GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler. We also collaborate with other UAB cores such as the Nanostring lab, Genomics Core, Pathology Core & Bioinformatics Core.
Yeast Phenomic Modeling Core
New instrumentation and software for high-resolution, high-throughput yeast fitness profiling to measure genetic interaction globally, discover phenomic modules, and model genetic buffering of disease.