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TGUY 3 1Tiffany GuyThe Department of Orthopaedic Surgery is excited to recognize the commendable dedication of two long-standing employees, Tammy Williams and Tiffany Guy, who have been invaluable contributors to the UAB community for over 25 years. Both Tiffany Guy and Tammy Williams are Patient Encounter Specialists in the HSF- Orthopaedic Surgery Department at UAB Highlands.

To celebrate Tiffany and Tammy, we asked them about their years of service and what they enjoyed about UAB.

Tiffany Guy:

Throughout your tenure at UAB, which departments or areas have you gained experience working in?

I have gained experience in various roles across UAB, including working at the Radiology front desk, in the Cardiology Department–specifically in the Heart Failure Area under HSF–as well as part-time positions at the UAB Switchboard and EVS. Currently, I also dedicate my weekends to working at the North Pavilion gift shop.

What is it about the field of health care that captivates and motivates you?

The act of providing aid to others is always a rewarding experience, and I find it truly gratifying.

When you're not at work, what activities or hobbies do you find enjoyable?

Outside of work, I find pleasure in traveling and engaging in shopping activities.

What specifically attracts you to the orthopaedics sector and makes it fulfilling for you to work in that field?

Since the very beginning, the individuals within this department have always been like an extended family to me.

Tammy Williams (not pictured):

Throughout your tenure at UAB, which departments or areas have you gained experience working in?

Exclusively, my professional experience has been focused solely within the field of orthopaedics.

What is it about the field of health care that captivated you?

It was my faith that led me towards pursuing a career in health care.

When you're not at work, what activities or hobbies do you find enjoyable?

I find relaxation and leisure activities important outside of work, as we tend to spend a considerable amount of time at our workplace.

What specifically attracts you to orthopaedics and makes it fulfilling for you to work in that field?

In the orthopaedics department, we foster a strong sense of family. When one person is going through a difficult time, we all feel the impact and come together to support and assist one another.