Nearly half of all employees say financial challenges cause them the most stress in their lives. It’s important to target stress at the source. Through the Financial Wellness Program, the Employee Assistance & Counseling Center provides personalized counseling and various resources designed to help employees cope with financial stressors. This program is here to empower you to take charge of your finances and financial wellbeing.

See the EACC's financial wellness services below for more information.

  • Counseling

    Financial Wellness Counseling

    Need financial guidance but not sure where to start? An individualized financial wellness counseling session will help you gain a better understanding of your financial situation, while teaching you the best options for managing your finances and paying off debt.

    The UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center offers free financial counseling services to help you develop a personal financial assessment and take control of your finances. To schedule a one-on-one appointment with an EACC counselor, call 205-934-2281. Appointments available Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to noon and Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m.

  • UAB Financial Wellness Program

    UAB Financial Wellness Program

    The UAB Financial Wellness Program offers financial tools for early, mid and late career employees, as well as student loan assistance and additional financial wellness resources designed to help employees cope with financial stressors, build financial skills and feel confident about their future.

    Visit to explore the variety of financial wellness resources available to UAB employees.

  • Financial Tip of the Month

    Financial Tip of the Month

    Protect your finances from scams, identity theft and fraud

    Identity theft, fraud and scams have become common occurrences in our lives. Research shows that more than 60 percent of Americans reported they have been a victim of identity theft, scams and/or fraud. Consider the following tips to help protect yourself and your finances:

    1. Protect all your personal information (especially your social security number).
    2. Shred important documents that contain anything unique to you i.e. letters, mailing, etc.
    3. Review your account statements carefully and often.
    4. Stay informed of recent scams.
    5. Listen to your instincts: Never give out personal information; don’t click on unknown links.
    6. Know your credit score: Federal law entitles you to a free credit report every year. Check for suspicious activity and accuracy.
    7. For more financial wellness resources for UAB employees, visit

    Look for the Financial Tip of the Month in the UAB HR Monthly Newsletter.