Substance use disorders, including the non-medical use of prescription medications, illicit substances (e.g., heroin, cocaine), alcohol, and nicotine, represent one of the most prevalent mental health disorders with a significant public health impact.
For example, the cost of substance use disorders totals $700 billion annually; this is significantly more than the cost of other diseases with significant public health impact such as diabetes ($245 billion) or cancer ($216 billion). The impact of substance use is felt across most families and communities.
We are conducting clinical research trials to help understand and treat substance use disorders. Our group is developing and testing novel therapeutics, behavioral techniques, and technology interventions to address substance use in our community. The objective of our work is to increase the efficacy of existing treatments as well as to develop novel therapies.

Cropsey, Karen, Psy.D.

Dantzler, John, Ph.D.

Lane, Pete, D.O.