We are committed to training the next generation of surgeons in a diverse, inclusive environment. The Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery offers fellowship training in minimally invasive surgery and colorectal surgery, and our faculty are very involved in the General Surgery Residency Program, as well as medical student training.
Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship
MIS fellows gain invaluable experience in benign foregut pathology and in evaluating and treating morbid obesity, while also learning to master procedures such as laparoscopic gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric fundoplication and Heller myotomy, as well as robotic colorectal surgeries.
Colorectal Surgery Fellowship
Colorectal surgery fellows train at one of the highest-volume robotic colorectal experiences in the country and receive a variety of cases from bread-and-butter cases to complex referrals. Fellows learn a variety of skills such as advanced straight laparoscopy, hand-assist laparoscopy and advanced sphincter sparing techniques including intersphincteric proctectomies and robotic transanal excisions.
General Surgery Residency
General surgery residents receive extensive training in preoperative evaluation in the clinic and hospital settings, intraoperative technique, postoperative and critical care management, and follow-up care. Surgical residents train at four hospitals located within the downtown medical center: University, VA, UAB Highlands and Children's hospitals. Students complete gastrointestinal surgery cases throughout the program beginning in the first year.