Health & Medicine

Adrenalin-suppressing beta-blockers may delay need for valve-replacement surgery if used early in a growing cause of heart disease.

Data could lead to better advice for primary-care doctors struggling with a rising tide of older adult patients still in throes of youthful bad habits.

Quirky evolution yields clues to a fatal condition.

With a grant from the Gates Foundation, UAB researchers will target a bacteria blamed for birth defects in the Indian subcontinent.

Newly named condition, “isolated diastolic hypotension,” can be difficult to treat while increasing risk of death.
Blueberries provide nutritious benefits and prevent cell damage that can lead to cancer.

There’s ticks in them-there woods, and that means the possibility of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, as one UAB patient recently discovered.

There's a new designer drug wreaking havoc across the United States, and even though it sounds innocent, it can be deadly.

UAB Hospital went to a full-time room-service approach for all patient meals in October 2010