Health & Medicine - News
UAB eMedicine uses advanced monitoring technology that allows UAB physicians to monitor and help manage the treatment of stroke patients who are located at other hospitals.
Grant will further investigate the recent evidence from military and civilian medicine that suggests outcomes may be better when trauma patients receive whole blood, instead of previously separated blood products.
UAB physicians urge people to get flu shots early in the season.
UAB Medicine has once again been named one of the “Most Wired” hospitals, affirming UAB’s serving on the forefront of using health care IT to improve the delivery of care.
The O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB is recruiting Alabama women who have never had breast cancer for the study, to test a personalized approach to breast cancer screening.
Before a woman reaches the age of 40, a breast self-exam can help her stay mindful of her breast health and could potentially save her life if a cancerous lump is found early.
Launched during the Delta surge, the UAB-led program aimed to keep Alabama’s school open for in-person instruction through free and voluntary services such as asymptomatic testing and HEPA filters.
The UAB Neonatal Helping Hands program provides volunteers the opportunity to hold, rock, talk, sing and read to infants in the RNICU and CCN. The program, which was paused in 2020 due to COVID, has relaunched and is accepting volunteer applications.
Ovarian cancer is known as the “silent killer” due to the difficulty in early detection because most women do not have any early symptoms.
Undergoing surgery can be a highly stressful time for patients and families. Surgeons at UAB work with a team of health care providers to guide patients through the surgery process and provide high-quality, personalized care.
UAB Medicine has added the ExcelsiusGPS® by Globus Medical for minimally invasive spine surgeries.
The study, funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, will compare two pathways of post-fracture patient care.
This is the first medical advancement allowing the body to repair its own ACL.
The new treatment involves using a spinal cord stimulator that sends electrical impulses into the spinal cord. The device responds to the spinal cord in real time and can adjust the electrical output 50-100 times per second based on what is happening in the spinal cord.
This study, performed in a pre-clinical human model, is the first time xenotransplanted pig kidneys have shown clearance of creatinine and shown a standard immunosuppression regimen may be sufficient.
The National Ataxia Foundation has named UAB a Center of Excellence. The designation is awarded to regional centers providing comprehensive care and services for individuals affected by ataxia and their families.
For another consecutive year, UAB Hospital has been named the best hospital in Alabama, with several disciplines and procedures ranked among the best.
IN8bio has opened a new Birmingham facility, a 10,000-square-foot advanced research and development laboratory in the Martin Biscuit Building at Pepper Place.
As one of only five universities selected, UAB joins the NIH’s first major program to address how structural and institutional factors of persistent poverty relate to cancer.
Knowing the signs of this cancer can be lifesaving as sometimes the symptoms can mirror those of benign conditions.
The baby boy, born in late May 2023, is the first baby born from a uterus transplant outside of a clinical trial and UAB’s first baby from its uterus transplant program.
Cure HHT has named the HHT Clinic at UAB Hospital a Center of Excellence. Only hospitals equipped with the proper personnel, expertise, commitment and resources to provide comprehensive evaluation, treatment and education to individuals with HHT and their families receive this designation.
To address the critical need for more emergency medical services in Birmingham and Alabama, UAB Hospital — with support from the State of Alabama — is creating 59 new exam rooms and more than 66,000 square feet of clinical space to meet service demand. 
UAB was involved in clinical trials that led to an accelerated approval of the drug lecanemab, commercially known as Leqembi, in January 2023. A UAB Alzheimer’s expert discusses the therapy and what full approval means for the AD field.
Earlier this spring, UAB providers, assisted by staff volunteers, performed various exams for the student-athletes, including an eye exam by UAB Eye Care, musculoskeletal exam, evaluation of cardiac and pulmonary function, and reading of standard vitals.
UAB researchers aim to look at the value of using a driving simulator to predict on-road driving performance after TBI.
Six-year-old Waylon Marshall was able to sign a one-day contract with the Barons, a true milestone just six months after a traumatic hand injury was thought to have crushed his baseball dreams.    
Heat illness can be a serious matter, say UAB emergency physicians. Be prepared, and be safe.
The resolution, spearheaded by UAB’s Jeffrey Blount, M.D., and the country of Colombia, calls for mandatory folic acid food fortification along with other micronutrients to combat preventable micronutrient deficiencies, such as spina bifida and neural tube defects.
Both the CEO of UAB Health System and the CEO of UAB Hospital have been identified as key female leaders in the health care space, among 175 others.   
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