Displaying items by tag: administration
Thomas DiLorenzo, Ph.D., will transition from his post as dean of the UAB College of Arts and Sciences to a new role at UAB
UAB President Carol Z. Garrison has announced that she will step down from office; she will continue serving until an interim president is named.
Nursing associate dean's project aims to improve quality of life for young breast cancer survivors.
UAB’s Hernandez has been named as the only American representative to the European Academy of Management Board, dealing with healthcare management issues.
New endowed professorship created in the Department of Biology.
New specialization available within the doctoral Vision Sciences program.
Two departments will be replaced within the School of Dentistry.
Geurs will lead UAB's periodontology deparment.
Seth Landefeld named chair of the School of Medicine’s largest department with 400 faculty and $100 million in research funding.
UAB health experts say you can shed some pounds for the summer by making simple — but safe — changes.
Dean Assimos named first chair of new UAB Department of Urology.
Awards, job benefits and innovative programs help place UAB near the top of in The Scientist magazine’s postdoc rankings.
UAB student engineering group will receive its charter March 30.