Displaying items by tag: comprehensive diabetes center

Significant novel findings published by UAB researchers established verapamil as a successful therapeutic approach to target loss of beta cell function caused by Type 1 diabetes.
Inhibition of this microRNA might improve response to newer diabetes drugs, such as Byetta, Victoza, Trulicity, Januvia, Onglyza and Tradjenta.
Recruitment for the trial continues as Myers discusses the benefits she received from participating and the knowledge she has gained to take control of her health care.
Lead author of paper published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice journal says, while causal relationship cannot be inferred, findings are “absolutely encouraging.”
Best of 2015 2Many patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as adults do not fit the standard profile for a diabetes diagnosis; they are younger, are relatively fit and have little if any belly fat.
Three-year grant establishes consortium to better organize and support collaborative research related to the loss of functional beta cell mass in type 1 diabetes.
The “repurposing of verapamil as a beta cell survival therapy in type 1 diabetes” trial will test an approach different from any current diabetes treatment.
Learn more about causes, therapies and training during UAB Comprehensive Diabetes Center’s annual research day.
Counting carbs, exchanging candy for other treats and saving it for dessert are all alternatives for parents to consider.

EndoBarrier trial testing liner that forms barrier between food, portion of intestine to help obese people with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes

Long-term study shows weight loss improves quality of life but does not decrease cardiovascular complications in Type 2 diabetics.

The Diabetes Research Center (DRC) focuses on developing new methods to treat, prevent and ultimately cure diabetes and its complications.

Intensive lifestyle interventions can put Type 2 diabetes into remission, eliminate need for medication, according to a new study.
Diabetes expert says being over supplied, preparing for security checks and anticipating time zone changes can make travelling easier and safer.
Carb counting and insulin pumps help diabetic kids sample Halloween’s sweet indulgences.

UAB’s Diabetes Bridge Clinic helps patients keep symptoms under control during the vulnerable period as they go from hospital to home.

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