Displaying items by tag: school of medicine

Cohen, a leader in children’s digestive disorders, was chosen after a national search and will officially join UAB and COA on Sept. 1, 2014.
UAB Medicine Urgent Care clinic will treat non-emergency conditions in patients ages 18 and older seven days a week.
Martella M. Nelson has been appointed medical librarian for the Montgomery Regional Medical Campus of the UAB School of Medicine and Baptist Medical Center South, effective May 1.
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New understanding of roundworm reproduction could have impact on human and animal infertility issues, say UAB scientists.
As part of its ongoing Science, Communication and Innovation talks, Lucas Pozzo-Miller will speak about Rett syndrome.
Many people acquire this fungal infection during childhood — but Cryptococcus generally stays dormant in healthy people. It also can re-activate later in life, and one infectious disease expert wants to find out why.
Renowned scientist Cynthia Brown, M.D., will lead UAB efforts to care for aging patients and patients with advanced or life-threatening illness.
Learn more about causes, therapies and training during UAB Comprehensive Diabetes Center’s annual research day.
The challenge is to address academic, regulatory and financial issues affecting the education of vascular surgeons.
A new NIH grant could allow researchers to better predict risk factors for patients using blood-thinners by examining the influence of genes, lifestyle, clinical factors and environment.
With pilot finds from young professionals, Division of Preventive Medicine Assistant Professor Tiffany Carson, Ph.D., will build the foundation of her research program studying factors that influence cancer disparities of black and white women in the South.
The award is presented to a department whose faculty, fellows or residents published one of the most outstanding journal articles in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
CreakyJoints, an online arthritis support community, and UAB are working to gather information directly from patients through smartphones and tablets to find better ways to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry recognizes UAB scientists’ paper on exosomes, particles that change the behavior of cells, while the research team examines shutting down tumor growth.
The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center has been selected as a  lead academic site and received a prestigious NCI grant that will open up clinical trials across a nationwide network and expand treatment options for patients.
It may feel literally and figuratively that it is crunch time when it comes to getting summer-ready, but these UAB experts break down easy ways to make health a lifelong achievement beyond this season alone.
Heading to the great outdoors this summer? Here are some tips on how to stay safe in the wilderness or your own backyard.
Observations on depression with insight gleaned from the laboratory and the clinic are the focus of the third UAB Neuroscience Café at the Hoover Library.
Parkinson’s disease awareness is highlighted with official recognition from Alabama and the city of Birmingham in April.
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