Displaying items by tag: school of medicine

Patients with neurofibromatosis, schwannomatosis, which are related genetic conditions, gain access to more clinical trials.

UAB researchers say a new blood test looking at 12 biomarkers for RA should help physicians better manage the disease.

A midurethral sling during surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse reduces the risk of developing stress incontinence, but also poses greater risks.

New materials and new techniques have led to a surge in hip replacements, both for seniors and for active weekend warriors.

Grab a blanket and go watch a professional fireworks show this Fourth of July, say UAB ophthalmologists, and skip home fireworks.

Nanda lauded for his pioneering contributions to the field of cardiovascular medicine.

Exercising outdoors during the summer can be hard on the heart but there are things you can do to make it less stressful.
Three-year, $15 million Healthcare Innovation Challenge Grant will create 50 jobs while producing almost $50 million in health care savings.

Identifying microbes on the skin, up the nose and in the gut of healthy people may help scientists understand several major diseases.

Add an increased risk of stroke to the list of health problems caused by sleeping fewer than six hours a night.

UAB researchers and EMS providers are working to improve cardiac survival rates in Alabama. While still low, the rate has doubled since the effort began.

UAB’s new nano-material extends the life of pancreatic islets and reduces inflammatory response that causes transplant rejection.

UAB faculty will give 25 presentations at ASCO scientific meeting; topics also include ovarian and breast cancers and AML, or acute myeloid leukemia.

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