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Conflict of Interest Review Board

The OCIRB is charged with the ongoing development of procedures for identifying, reviewing, and managing financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) as they relate to extramurally-funded research and all research involving human subjects regardless of the funding source.

Information about actual, potential or perceived financial conflicts of interests (FCOI) of UAB Investigators with research may be viewed on the CIRB web site under the COI policies tab.

Important Announcements



The UAB Enterprise Conflict of Interest Conflict of Commitment policy was revised in January 2021 to require certain UAB employees to “review and recertify disclosures of financial interests annually” while maintaining a role of full-time faculty, investigator, or institutional official. This additional annual requirement is the mechanism by which these annual disclosures are reviewed and recertified.

Employees were instructed via direct e-mails on August 15th, 2023, to complete their annual disclosure and reminder emails have been sent. After September 30, 2023, failure to complete the annual requirement may preclude the submission of research proposals to funding agencies, and it may result in the rejection of IRB submissions if a noncompliant investigator is listed as key personnel on the protocol.

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