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Student Affairs Committee

The School of Health Professions' Student Affairs Committee provides guidance, promotes a supportive learning environment, and encourages academic success as well as personal development. The committee membership shall consist of two full-time regular faculty members and/or full-time professional staff elected or appointed from academic departments sponsored by SHP, two student leaders from each department, one at the graduate professional level and one at the undergraduate level (if relevant to department), and the one representative for SHP from the Graduate Student Government (GSG) and Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA). One at-large student member may be appointed by the Chair from among SHP students serving on other recognized UAB student groups that support the goals of the SAC, if appropriate to specific initiatives.

The Director of Student Services and Advising or other dean’s designee shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

Our Vision

To enhance the School of Health Professions and support students’ educational journeys by cultivating an environment that encourages their growth and development as they excel in their academic, non-academic, personal and professional endeavors.

Our Mission

The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) will concentrate on student success by emphasizing the following core areas:

  • New and continuing student services and major revisions or discontinuation of existing student services;
  • New and continuing School-sponsored student activities and student organizations, or discontinuation of existing student activities and/or organizations;
  • Enforcement of non-academic misconduct policies, including discipline, probation, and suspension policies of the School commensurate with the university and school policies for non-academic student conduct;
  • Content of official publications related to the Office Academic and Faculty Affairs and the Office of Student Services and Advising such as the SHP student handbooks, recruitment brochures, and student services promotional materials;
  • General record-keeping and reporting requirements related to the School’s student recruitment, enrollment, advising, and retention activities as pertaining to requirements of the university;
  • Administration of School-approved student organizations, services, and activities;
  • Promotion of student achievements through solicitation and assistance with preparing nominations for student awards and other recognition venue.

Our Members

Co-chairs: Samantha Giordano-Mooga (Dean’s Designee) and N. Robert Estes II (Faculty Fellow)

Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences

  • Jeff Caudill (Faculty)
  • Cody Black (Faculty)
  • Merrill Bettis (GR Student)
  • Margaret Meulemans (UG Student)

Health Services Administration

  • Susan Packa (Faculty)
  • Shirley Levins (Staff)
  • Julia Stewart (GR Student)
  • Jerran Hambrick-Massey (UG Student)

Nutrition Sciences

  • Deidre Murray (Staff)
  • Maria Johnson (Faculty)
  • Chastain, Madison E (GR Student)
  • Goins, Bridget Marie (UG Student)

Physical Therapy

  • Andrea Bowens (Faculty)
  • Patty Perez (Faculty)
  • Ally Kicklighter (GR Student)
  • Abbey Richards (UG Student)

Occupational Therapy

  • Kerry McAlpine (Staff)
  • Jewell Dickson (Faculty)
  • Danielle Gholston (GR student)

Student Government

  • Grad Student Representative – Jillur Rahim (GR Student)
  • UG Student Representative – Snekha Rajasekaran (UG Student)
  • SHP Ambassador – Ellie Prados (UG Student)