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Student Spotlight: Rebecca Shapiro, Genetic Counseling

PA students serve medical mission in Guatemala

PA student selected for national minority mentoring program

S. Robert Hernandez appointed Distinguished Service Professor
Lemak, Hernandez with Distinguished Service Professor proclamationS. Robert Hernandez, DrPH, has been appointed Distinguished Service Professor in the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Professions. The position of Distinguished Service Professor is appointed by the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees and recognizes a professor’s academic service to UAB and their international accomplishments.
Weech-Maldonado wins most distinguished HCM award

UAB Theatre and Occupational Therapy students collaborate to help each other
Story by Shannon Thomason, UAB News
An occupational therapy student needed to get a patient, diagnosed with dementia, out of the bed and across the room for evaluation, but this was different from most patient-caregiver interactions at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
This patient was an advanced acting student portraying someone with dementia to test an occupational therapy student’s competence.
Read moreLaRose is first UAB OT student to win AOTF scholarship

MSHA student Javeen Thomas wins national scholarship

Michelle Brown wins President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

UAB/Lakeshore Foundation Collaborative awarded more than $10m for research

Toilet water to detect early diabetes

Original story from Tyler Greer, UAB News
Christlin Ponraj, graduate student in biotechnology, and Angelin Ponraj, sophomore in biomedical sciences, both from Atlanta, along with Gaurav Agrawal, junior in biomedical engineering from Mobile, are seeking a simple, private way to alert Alabama residents about their risk for diabetes.
NMT student Cohill earns BMEN Green Blazer
From left: Garrett Stephens, Samuel Sullivan IV and Brandon CohillBrandon Cohill, a senior in the UAB Nuclear Medicine Technology program, is one of three students bestowed a new honor — the Green Blazer.
Brandon Cohill, Garrett Stephens and Samuel Sullivan IV were awarded the green blazers for 2016 at the Blazer Male Excellence Network’s Undugu Male Gathering, held Feb. 18 in the new Hill Student Center. Undugu, a Swahili word, translates to “brotherhood.”
Cohill, 23, of Birmingham, will graduate in April with a degree in nuclear medicine technology. Cohill has been an orientation leader, deputy chief of staff of Communications for the Undergraduate Student Government Association, USGA senator for the School of Health Professions, and vice president and president of the Iota Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. The recognition he received from BMEN inspired him to push through his final semester of his undergraduate career, he says.
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Nutrition's Chusyd awarded grant through Smithsonian Institution
Daniella Chusyd, a student in the UAB PhD Nutrition Sciences program and the Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC), and Dr. Janine Brown, a reproductive physiologist at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, have been awarded a grant through the Smithsonian’s Scholarly Studies Awards for Science program titled “Novel assessments of body composition and relation to metabolic status and fat stores in Asian elephants.”
Read moreEidson, McCurry share ALOTA 2015 Award of Excellence

2015 ALOTA Award of ExcellenceChristopher Eidson, MS, OTR/L and Valley McCurry, MBA, OTR/L, assistant professors in the UAB Department of Occupational Therapy, shared the Alabama Occupational Therapy Association’s 2015 Award of Excellence. Read more
More than 200 graduates honored at inaugural SHP Hooding Ceremony

Rimmer to Chair President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition Science Board

Ana Oliveira named a National Key to the Future by ASCLS

Will low carb diet help adults with SCI stay on track and reduce their risk? UAB study aims to find out.

Williams earns grant to study perceptions of discrimination in health care

Elizabeth Ma abstract earns two national awards