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beth kitchin headshot 800x1120Eating healthfully is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Nutritious foods can keep your heart healthy, prevent diabetes, lower the risk of some cancers, and up your energy levels. But how can you find accurate information in a world of clickbait and hyped-up headlines? At UAB Nutrition Sciences, we’re here to give you sound, accurate, and useful information about the latest nutrition research and tips for healthy eating. We have information about diets old and new, practical tips for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, and recipes for making healthy, tasty dishes. We’ll also weigh in on hot topics in the news. Let us be your “go-to” for the best in healthy, nutritious lifestyles!

Beth Kitchin PhD, RDN
Director of Media & Community Engagement, UAB Nutrition Sciences






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