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Debriefing is a vital part of the simulation process. Based on research, significant learning, and reflection occur during the debriefing phase of the simulation-based experience. Because debriefing is a learned skill and one can become better with practice and feedback, OIPS is providing debriefing feedback using a newly developed form. The OIPS Debriefing Feedback Form (DFF) follows the OIPS Debriefing Guide structure. Feedback given utilizes the DFF in the Plus/Delta format (i.e. what went well or what could have been done differently). Feedback given on the DFF follows the structure of the Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH). The DASH is an assessment guide created by the Center for Medical Simulation and is used to evaluate and develop debriefing skills. After assessing a debriefing video, an OIPS debriefing expert will complete the form and send feedback to the debriefer. If there are questions after reviewing the DFF, the debriefer can schedule an appointment to review the DFF in person. Look for tips and suggestions for debriefing pitfalls in future newsletters. If you're interested in receiving debriefing feedback please contact Dawn Taylor Peterson at dtpeterson@uab.edu.

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