
Cora Lewis
MD, MSPH Distinguished Professor, Chair (205) 934-6383 bethlew@uab.edu RPHB 210C Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Amanda Anderson
PhD, MPH Professor (205) 934-5304 ahanders@uab.edu RPHB 217J Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Nicole D. Armstrong
PhD, MS Assistant Professor (205) 975-7679 nmda@uab.edu RPHB 210H Scholars Profile Opens an external link.

Smita Bhatia
MD, MPH Pediatrics, Hematology, and Oncology Distinguished Professor (205) 638-2120 Sbhatia@uab.edu ACC 500 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Katia J. Bruxvoort
PhD Assistant Professor (205) 975-8625 kbruxvoort@uab.edu RPHB 217H Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Greer Burkholder
MD, MSPH Infectious Diseases Associate Professor gburkhol@uab.edu BBRB 220D Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
April Carson
PhD, MPSH Associate Professor apcarson@uab.edu Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Jeffrey Curtis
MD, MPH Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Professor (205) 934-7727 jcurtis@uab.edu FOT 802D Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Merry-Lynn Donnelly
PhD, MS Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine Associate Professor (205) 934-0714 mmcdonald@uab.edu LHRB 440 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Erin Dooley
PhD Assistant Professor (205) 975-8964 edooley@uab.edu RPHB 230H Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Ellen Eaton
MD Infectious Diseases Associate Professor (205) 975-0661 eeaton@uab.edu BBRB 206H Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Latesha Elopre
MD, MSPH Infectious Diseases Associate Professor (205) 975 - 2457 lelopre@uab.edu BBRB 206B Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Kathryn Foti
PhD, MPH Assistant Professor (205) 934-7911 kfoti@uab.edu RPHB 230L Scholars Profile Opens an external link.

Kelley Gabriel
PhD, MS, FACSM, FAHA Professor Associate Dean, Research (205) 975-7675 gabrielk@uab.edu RPHB 230J Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
William M. Geisler
MD Infectious Diseases Professor (205) 934-4376 wgeisler@uab.edu ZRB 216 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Lama Ghazi
MD, PhD Assistant Professor (205) 975-5792 lghazi@uab.edu RPHB 210D Scholars Profile Opens an external link.

Russell Griffin
PhD Associate Professor (205) 975-3037 russellg@uab.edu RPHB 230P Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Orlando Gutierrez
MD Nephrology Professor (205) 996-6670 ogutierr@uab.edu THT 647 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Shakia Hardy
PhD, MPH Assistant Professor (205) 975-9108 sthardy@uab.edu RPHB 220E Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Renee Heffron
PhD, MPH Infectious Diseases Professor (205) 934-5191 rheffron@uab.edu THT 215 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Bertha Hidalgo
PhD, MPH Associate Professor Associate Dean, Access and Engagement (205) 975-9264 bhidalgo@uab.edu RPHB 140G Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Virginia Howard
PhD Distinguished Professor (205) 934-7197 vjhoward@uab.edu RPHB 210F Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Marguerite Irvin
PhD, MS Professor Assistant Dean, Research (205) 975-7672 irvinr@uab.edu RPHB 220F Scholars Profile Opens an external link.

Mirjam-Colette Kempf
PhD, MPH Family, Community, and Health Systems Professor (205) 934-9333 Mkempf@uab.edu NB 573H Scholars Profile Opens an external link.

Emily Levitan
ScD Professor Vice Chair, Faculty Development (205) 975-7680 elevitan@uab.edu RPHB 230K Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Nita Limdi
PharmD, PhD, MSPH Neurology Professor (205) 934-4385 nlimdi@uab.edu JT 1235 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Paul MacLennan
PhD, MPH Transplantation Professor (205) 934 - 0595 maclennan@uab.edu LHRB 752D Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Upender Manne
PhD Anatomic Pathology Professor (205) 934-4276 manne@uab.edu WTI 420A Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Lynn T. Matthews
MD, MPH Infectious Diseases Associate Professor (205) 934 - 8148 ltmatthe@uab.edu THT 215 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Gerald McGwin
PhD, MS Professor (205) 325-8117 mcgwin@uab.edu EFH 609 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Douglas Morgan
MD, MPH Gastroenterology Professor (205) 934-9663 morgandr@uab.edu BDB 373 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Maureen Muchimba
DrPH Associate Professor (205) 975-9108 mmuch@uab.edu RPHB 220E Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Michael Mugavero
MD, MHSc Infectious Diseases Professor (205) 996-5822 mmugavero@uab.edu BBRB 206H Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Christina A. Muzny
MD, MS Infectious Diseases Associate Professor (205) 975-3298 cmuzny@uab.edu ZRB 242 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Luz A. Padilla
MD, MSPH Associate Professor (205) 975-7689 apadilla@uab.edu RPHB 230M Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Rhiannon Reed
DrPH Surgery, Transplantation Assistant Professor (205) 996-2894 rjd1125@uab.edu Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Gabrielle Rocque
MD Hematology and Oncology Associate Professor (205) 975-2914 grocque@uab.edu WTI 240E Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Martin J. Rodriguez
MD Infectious Diseases Professor (205) 934-5191 mrodri2@uab.edu THT 229 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Jeffrey Roseman
MD, PhD, MPH Professor Emeritus (205) 975-7699 bush@uab.edu RPHB 220 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Kenneth Saag
MD, MS Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Professor (205) 996-9784 ksaag@uab.edu FOT 820D Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Michael Saag
MD Infectious Diseases Professor (205) 934-7349 msaag@uab.edu 908 20th St S Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Noha Sharafeldin
DrPH, MBBS Hematology and Oncology Assistant Professor (205) 638-2144 nsharaf@uab.edu ACC 500 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
James Shikany
DrPH, PAC Preventive Medicine Professor (205) 975-7989 jshikany@uabmc.edu MT 619 Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Sadeep Shrestha
PhD Professor (205) 934-6459 sshrestha@uab.edu RPHB 217L Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Jasvinder Singh
MD Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Professor (205) 934-8158 jassingh@uab.edu FOT 805B Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
Janet M. Turan
PhD Professor, Health Policy and Organization Senior Advisor, Sparkman Center for Global Health (205) 934-6780 jmturan@uab.edu RPHB 517D Scholars Profile Opens an external link.
John Waterbor
MD, DrPh Associate Professor (205) 934-7146 h2obor@uab.edu RPHB 227C Scholars Profile Opens an external link.