Explore UAB

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Math and English

If you have not earned college-level credit for math or English above the remedial level, you are required to take an assessment to determine course placement. For exceptions, deadlines, and instructions, please visit www.uab.edu/placement.

World Language

  • If you have never taken a world language course, you do not need to take a world language placement test. You will begin with a 101 world language course.

    It is recommended that you take a world language placement test if:

    • You have had one or more years of a world language in high school (within the last two years)
    • You wish to take courses in French, Spanish, German, and Chinese

    Visit the Department of World Languages and Literatures website to access the WebCAPE Proficiency Placement Exam. Both you and UAB will see the results immediately, along with a recommendation for the level of classes you should take. Please provide a copy of your result for your advisor.

  • If your native language is French, German, or Spanish you cannot take a beginning course in your native language for credit. It is recommended that you take the world language placement test to determine the appropriate level course to register for.
  • If you wish to take courses in Arabic, Italian, or Japanese, please contact the Department of World Languages and Literatures to ensure appropriate placement.

Additional Resources

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