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BACHE Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education
BACHE logo and wordmark in white on blue background

Current Co-Presidents

Steve Peters
Co-Director, BACHE Council
Montevallo University

Ruth Truss
Co-Director, BACHE Council
Montevallo University


  1. In order to participate in the Cooperative Course Exchange Program, individuals must be full time, regularly admitted, degree-seeking undergraduate students at a member institution.
  2. Only undergraduate courses can be taken through the Cooperative Course Exchange agreement.
  3. Unless circumstances of a specific and justifiable nature warrant otherwise, students are limited to taking one course per academic term through the cooperative arrangement.  Any exceptions to this principle will require the approval of the chief academic officer of the Home institution or his or her designated representative.
  4. Enrollment in classes at a Host institution is to be on a space-available basis.
  5. Enrollment in a specific class gives a student access only to those facilities at the Host institution needed to complete the requirements of that class.
  6. There will be no additional cost to students participating in the Cooperative Course Exchange Program except for associated laboratory or other special fees.
  7. Students will observe all regulations in effect at the Host institution during the term in which they are enrolled including, but not limited to, adherence to honor codes, attendance policies, calendar deadlines and procedures for withdrawing from classes.



  1. Students who desire to take a course at a Host institution must obtain required signatures on the Home institution's Cooperative Course Exchange Registration Form.  
  2. The Home campus Registrars Office will enroll only those students who meet the requirements stated in the Cooperative Course Exchange Program Policy #1 and who provide them with the properly signed approval form.
  3. The student's Home Registrars Office will be responsible for sending a copy of the approval forms and enrollment data to the host institution and will insure that enrollments are handled according to the policies and guidelines of the institutions.
  4. Students from visiting institutions will be granted seats in classes at the Host institution on a space available basis only.  Preference for enrollment will be given to students at the home institution throughout the periods of pre-registration, initial registration, and/or assigned time registration.
  5. Students may not enroll at a Host institution after the opening of a new term, i.e., after classes have begun.

UAB Cooperative Course Exchange Registration Form.
To view the form, you will need the Adobe Reader installed and running on your computer.

Current Co-Presidents

Steve Peters
Co-Director, BACHE Council
Montevallo University

Ruth Truss
Co-Director, BACHE Council
Montevallo University