As our advisee, we expect you to:
- Schedule regular appointments, be on time, and cancel appointments you are unable to attend. If you are over 15 minutes late for your appointment you may be asked to reschedule.
- Be open and honest about your goals, interests, and abilities.
- Come to your meeting prepared to make informed decisions:
- have a tentative course schedule prepared if meeting about registration;
- ask questions about your major requirements, course load, and course sequencing; and
- ask questions about anything you do not understand about UAB or your college experience.
- Keep a personal record of your progress towards your degree and any official academic records.
- Regularly check your progress using GPS (Graduation Planning System).
- Observe academic deadlines and know when to register, drop/add, or withdraw. Set up advising appointments well in advance of your assigned registration time.
- Follow through on assignments, referrals, or recommendations from your advisor and share the outcomes with your advisor.
- Inform your advisor whenever a serious problem (medical, financial, personal) disrupts your ability to attend classes.
- Accept responsibility for decisions.