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Welcome to UAB’s Department of English!

Dr.Chapman with student reviewing a 13th century manuscriptThe ability to use language is at the heart of the human experience. Here in the English Department at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, we all share a common delight in the richness and complexity of our language and a commitment to sharing that delight with others.

Our nationally and internationally known faculty work in a variety of disciplines. They write poems, novels, and children’s books. They study linguistic structures and language families. They research the works of great authors like William Shakespeare, Edith Wharton, and James Baldwin. They work at the intersection of writing and medicine or explore how people use websites.

Cutting across this remarkable variety of interests is a deep interest in our students and a commitment to their intellectual advancement. Every day, we push our undergraduate and graduate students to read carefully, to develop increasingly complex ways of understanding, and to express themselves with clarity and precision. It is our belief that when our students can do these things, they can do almost anything!

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I am honored to be the Chair of a department so dedicated to excellence, and I encourage you to explore our website and to consider joining our departmental community, whether as a student, supporter, or friend.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have a comment, question, or suggestion. I am eager to hear from those both inside and outside our UAB English family.

Matthew H. Pangborn
Professor and Chair, UAB Department of English