Third Joint Alabama—Florida Conference on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications (JAF DEDS)
University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB), May 21-22, 2025
The conference third Joint Alabama—Florida Conference on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications (JAF DEDS)" will take place in Birmingham, AL, May 21-22, 2025. This meeting will be the third event in a sequence of annual JAF DEDS conferences alternating between the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Auburn University, University of Alabama Birmingham Mathematics Department, Florida International University Mathematics Department and Florida State University Mathematics Department.
The Third JAF DEDS Conference will be preceded by a graduate students day on May 20 featuring two mini-courses by guest presenters Arnd Scheel and Dmitry Pelinovsky, and a professional development panel. There will be a poster session on May 21. More information on how to register and apply for travel support will be posted soon.
Organizing Committee:
Ziad Musslimani, Florida State University (FSU), Mathematics Department
Svetlana Roudenko, Florida International University (FIU), Mathematics Department
Milena Stanislavova,University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) Mathematics Department
Selim Sukhtaiev, Auburn University Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Contact: Milena Stanislavova, UAB Mathematics Department,
Plenary Speakers:
Panos Kevrekidis, Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Massachusetts Amherts
Natasa Pavlovic, Professor, Department of Mathematics, The University of Texas at Austin
Wilhelm Schlag, Phillips Professor of Mathematics, Department Chair, Department of Mathematics, Yale University
Michael Weinstein, Professor, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Columbia University
Invited Speakers:
The First Joint Alabama Florida Conference on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications was held at Auburn University, May 13-14, 2023.
The Second Joint Alabama Florida Conference on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications was held at Florida State University, May 17-19, 2024.