Giving to the Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics and UAB's College of Arts and Sciences could not do what we do without your support. Traditional revenues such as tuition, fees, federal grants, and state funds provide for daily work, but they often vary with the level of state revenues and enrollments.
Gifts from you create a secure, concrete foundation for our future success. They benefit not only students and faculty but also the community as a whole.
Giving Funds
You can contribute to the Department of Mathematics in a number of ways:
The Department of Mathematics General Fund
Your gift to the Department of Mathematics General Fund provides the department with flexibility to support key priorities of the department. Your support allows us to continue to provide outstanding academic programs and world-class research.
The Roger T. Lewis Endowed Lectureship
The Roger T. Lewis Endowed Lectureship is named in memory of Dr. Roger T. Lewis, who was a beloved Chairman and professor of the Mathematics Department. This lecture will honor his service and dedication as a scholar, leader, and researcher. Contributions to this lectureship will be used to fund lectureships that promote education and collaboration between UAB faculty, staff, students, and experts in the field of mathematics.
Department of Mathematics Scholarship Fund
Your gift to the Department of Mathematics Scholarship fund provides the department with ongoing contributions to provide scholarships to degree-seeking students in the Department of Mathematics. Your support allows us to continue to provide outstanding academic programs and world-class research.
The Henry E. Bates Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
The Henry E. Bates Jr. Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics, established by his son Dr. Johnny Bates, a graduate of the Department of Mathematics and the Heersink School of Medicine, will benefit undergraduate mathematics students who demonstrate strong academic promise.
Dr. James Robert Ward Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
The Dr. James Robert Ward Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics is named in memory of Dr. James Robert Ward Jr. and his many years of devoted service to the University. Dr. Ward was a well-respected teacher who provided excellent leadership and service to UAB. The ongoing contributions to this scholarship will support a mathematics graduate student, rewarded on merit.
James and Carol Warner Endowed Scholarship
The James and Carol Warner Endowed Scholarship is named in memory of James C. & Carol M. Warner, parents of alumni Debbie Jo Severin. This scholarship is a tribute to their commitment to education, hard work, and dedication. Your gift to this scholarship will benefit undergraduate mathematics students who demonstrate strong academic promise.
Lars Gunnar & Debbie Jo Severin Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
The Lars Gunnar & Debbie Jo Severin Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics is named after alumnus Debbie Jo and her husband Lars in honor of their dedication to UAB. Your gift to this scholarship will benefit undergraduate Mathematics students who demonstrate strong academic promise.
Mathematics Endowed Scholarship
The Mathematics Endowed Scholarship is used to assist deserving undergraduate students who are enrolled in the Department of Mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences at UAB. This fund is used to support students through scholarship awards and/or to support the travel of such students to professional mathematics meetings.
O'Neil Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
The O'Neil Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics is named in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Peter V. O'Neil, longtime advocates and supporters of UAB. Dr. O'Neil served UAB faithfully for 30 years as a Professor Emeritus, Chairman, Dean, and Provost. The ongoing contributions to this scholarship will benefit undergraduate students pursing a degree in mathematics.
The Roger T. Lewis Endowed Scholarship
The Roger T. Lewis Endowed Scholarship is named in memory of Dr. Roger T. Lewis, who was a beloved Chairman and professor of the Mathematics Department. This scholarship will honor his service and dedication as a scholar, leader, and researcher. Contributions to this scholarship will benefit undergraduate and graduate students pursing a degree in mathematics.
The Stephen and Lisa Odaibo Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
The Stephen and Lisa Odaibo Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics was generously established by mathematics alumnus, Dr. Stephen Odaibo and wife, Dr. Lisa Odaibo. This scholarship will benefit international Mathematics Fast Track students who demonstrate academic promise.
Travis B. Wood Memorial Mathematics Scholarship
The Travis B. Wood Memorial Mathematics Scholarship is named in memory of Travis B. Wood, the first recipient of a Master's Degree in Mathematics from UAB. In honoring Mr. Wood's own experience, this scholarship gives preference to a student in the Department of Mathematics who is returning to higher education at UAB after an interruption in their education.
William Oversteegen Bond Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics
The William Oversteegen Bond Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics is in memory of William Oversteegen Bond, a strong mathematics student and gifted mathematics teacher. The ongoing contributions to this scholarship will be used to provide financial assistance to students participating in the Math Fast Track program, which assists students with a passion for mathematics to attain both a bachelor's and master's degree in the field in four to five years.
Dr. John Clyde Mayer Endowed Mathematics Fast Track Travel Award
The Dr. John Clyde Mayer Endowed Mathematics Fast Track Travel Award is named in honor of Dr. John Clyde Mayer for his longtime service and support of the Department of Mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences. The award is used to fund travel for eligible undergraduate or first or second year Master’s students who are planning to present a paper, lecture or poster on a mathematics topic at an approved academic conference.
Dr. Nikolai Chernov Memorial Support Fund
The Dr. Nikolai Chernov Memorial Support Fund was established to honor Dr. Chernov's service and dedication as a scholar, advisor, and mentor to the Department of Mathematics at UAB. Dr. Chernov was an accomplished researcher, respected teacher, and sought-after advisor to his students. Your gift to this fund will continue to support undergraduate mathematics students with solid academic promise.
Robert M. Kauffman Memorial Endowed Award Fund
The Robert M. Kauffman Memorial Endowed Award is named in memory of Robert M. Kauffman, Ph.D., a beloved mathematics professor who had unlimited enthusiasm for students, teaching, and mathematics at UAB. This endowed fund is a fitting tribute to Dr. Kauffmana's love and service to UAB. Gifts to this fund will be awarded to first year, high achieving, master's degree students.
For additional information regarding gifts to the Mathematics, please contact Julia Ann Starke at
We thank you for your support.