Explore UAB

UAB’s digital color palette consists of primary, secondary, accent, and neutral colors. These colors are strategically combined to create a visually complementary and accessible digital interface for our users.

Primary Colors

Primary colors should be the most prominent color on the page. Key components should be styled using primary colors.


UAB Green

HEX: #1E6B52
RGB: 30/107/82


Digital Dragon's Lair Green

HEX: #144B39
RGB: 20/75/57

Secondary Colors

Secondary colors are paired with primary colors in order to help give sites vibrancy and individuality. They should be sparingly used to focus on key elements or give individual distinction to a page.


Campus Green

HEX: #88C408
RGB: 136/196/8


Loyal Yellow

HEX: #FFD602
RGB: 255/221/0


Blaze Gold

HEX: #A69363
RGB: 166/147/99

Accent Colors

Accent colors are paired with primary and secondary colors to add emphasis to elements on a page without overwhelming the user. These colors should have limited use, sparingly highlighting select components on a page.


Campus Green - 33%

RGB: 221/237/179


Campus Green - 15%

RGB: 236/245/217


Loyal Yellow - 45%

RGB: 255/234/131


Loyal Yellow - 15%

RGB: 255/250/220


Smoke Gray - 10%

HEX: #F4F4F5
RGB: 244/244/245

Neutral Colors

Neutral colors allow for pages to feel distinguished while having accessible readability. These colors are used for fonts and to to help create design components.



HEX: #000000
RGB: 0/0/0



RGB: 255/255/255


Extensive color testing has been done to ensure that all digital UAB color combinations are aesthetically complimentary, accessible, and legible. Our digital color palette prioritizes the accessibility of our users by following WCAG 2 level AA guidelines for web. All color combinations must pass the accessibility guidelines provided on our UAB Brand Toolkit.