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A female student spotting another weightlifting.

The Department of Human Studies Physical Education Honors Program provides high achieving students in the Physical Education Teacher Certification program with the opportunity to participate in honors (HON) sections of KIN 409 and KIN 489. You will collaborate with faculty mentors in pursuit of your intellectual interests and complete an honors project. You will have an opportunity to conduct an in-depth literature review plus a research project designed to meet some particular need related to physical education.


By the time you complete KIN 489 HON (6 credits), you should have devoted at least 90 hours to your honors project. Faculty mentors submit either a satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress report and a copy of your written report. You submit a journal (hourly log) of your activities signed by your faculty mentor.


In order to complete the honors project successfully, you must produce a written report and a public presentation that meets stated criteria in the syllabus.


  • Junior standing
  • Completion of 9 hours pre-professional education courses
  • 3.5 GPA in Education courses
  • 3.0 GPA overall
  • Faculty recommendation from Mentor

Graduating with Honors

Honors students must earn a grade of ‘A’ in HON sections of both KIN 409 and KIN 489 in order to graduate with "Honors in Education.” You must also maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher throughout your degree.

Honors graduates will wear a white cord at the Commencement ceremony (picked up from the Honors table), and ‘Honors in Education’ will be printed by your name in the program.

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