Explore UAB

For current and expedited advisories from the Department of Homeland Security using the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) go to this site: https://www.dhs.gov/national-terrorism-advisory-system

UAB Emergency Management is dedicated to help protect and educate the UAB Campus and community about emergency situations and severe weather. UAB's primary concern during any emergency or severe weather situation is the safety of its students, faculty and staff. The information provided on this site is designed to provide guidance to all members of the UAB community during such situations and to help properly prepare for future needs. The UAB Emergency Management team uses the NIMS, National Incident Management System, to help identify concepts and principles that answer how to manage emergencies from preparedness to recovery.

During any actual emergency or severe weather situation, this site - uab.edu/emergency - will be the official source of UAB information. In addition, the UAB Emergency Management Team will use B-ALERT, the university’s emergency notification system, to communicate through voice calls, SMS text messages and e-mails to the entire campus all at the same time. B-ALERT also integrates with Facebook and Twitter. Emergency response plans can be accessed through the UAB app. The app can be downloaded from uab.edu/app.

Register for B-Alert

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University