Explore UAB

by Hannah Buckelew
Seniors in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering gathered on April 19 to present their senior design projects in the Education and Engineering Complex.

The projects are created as part of BME’s capstone senior design course, instructed by Dale Feldman, Ph.D., and Alan Eberhardt, Ph.D. Students are required to present a solution to a clinical problem provided by a client and develop a functional prototype and plan for product commercialization. They must follow guidelines such as adhering to a $400 design budget. Students formally presented video pitches, design posters, and device demonstrations.

The following list of design projects are listed in order of project and team:

A device to assist transfer in and out of vehicles in people with mobility impairment: Al Hassan, Ash Mousa, Joseph Sucgang, Mariam Hamki, Mason Takvorian

Pediatric pallet and restraint for nuclear imaging: Evan Henry, Chris Morgan, Brianna Emperley, Andrew Budisalich, Eve Scott

Assistive device to help people with mobility issues to sit up in bed: Divyanshi Agarwal, Hannah Clemmons, Mathew Sanders, Cassidy Dansby, Giancarlo Ventura Bravo

Adaptive cooking device design: Brianna Monroe, Kassidy Nix, Isabella Rebolho, Anika Vennel, Laycee Cordell

Boat and rocket ship themed adjustable tray for seated pediatric modified barium swallow studies: Pierce Plumlee, Samantha Borglum, Emma Stevenson, Hallie Fletcher, Melina West, Jessica Ennis, Lily Ober, Michael Heim, Ashton Oliver, Tayla Crear

Adjustable pressure relief device in cardiopulmonary bypass: Andrew Burns, Caedmon Isaacson, Dexter Retchloff, Jaewon Woo, Georgianna Khong

Adjustable zippered vest for upper-body joint support and pain alleviation: Jiuyi Zhang, Patrick Nguyen, Andrew Northway, Arielle Griffin, Marianne Abraham

Background noise reducing voice amplification device for individuals with vocal impairment: Sara Bolton, Annye Bennett, Jake Borton, Logan Calhoun, Demarcus Ford