An ancient roadway is getting a 21st century upgrade.
For more than 2,000 years, people have traveled along the Natchez Trace—a 444-mile corridor through Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. Today, travelers along the Alabama portion of that route rely on the John Coffee Memorial Bridge, a 60-year old structure that could be nearing the end of its lifespan.
Read more: Uddin Earns DOT Contract to Inspect Historic Tennessee River Bridge

EITD Projects Tackle Space and Much More
“A lot of our inventors, particularly clinicians, have creative ideas that they just don’t know how to execute because they’re not engineers,” said HIIE Licensing Associate Wink Crittenden. “The EITD has a team of engineers who are tremendous problem solvers. I refer people to them because I’ve seen the quality of work that they do.” .

Rachel Smith, Ph.D., recently received a 2024 NARSAD Young Investigator grant from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF) that could create new insights into what takes place inside the brains of clinically depressed patients.
Read more: NARSAD Award Will Allow Rare Glimpse into the Neural Mechanisms of Depression

Muhammad Sherif, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering was recently selected to receive the UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. Sherif is one of 12 UAB faculty members receiving the award, which honors those who have demonstrated excellence accomplishments in teaching.

On October, 9, more than 250 students met with representatives from 87 different companies the 2024 Fall Engineering Career Fair. The event was divided into a morning session and an afternoon session.
Read more: Hundreds Attend 2024 Fall Engineering Career Fair

NSF Program Sends BME Undergrad to Puerto Rico for Summer Research Project
Spending several weeks on a Caribbean island may sound like a nice way for a college student to unwind during a summer vacation. But when Chloe Naquin spent the summer of 2024 in Puerto Rico, it was not a relaxing vacation. Rather, Naquin’s time on the island was spent largely in the company of a certain poisonous frog.
While tourists soaked up the sun, Naquin spent her days in a lab taking part in a research experience funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

by Hannah Buckelew
Jianyi “Jay” Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., FAHA, T. Michael Gillian Goodrich Endowed Chair of Engineering Leadership, Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering, recently delivered the North American Section of the International Society for Research (NAS-ISHR) Lifetime Achievement Award Lecture in Long Beach, California, on Friday, August 23. The title of his talk was, “Neonatal Heart Regeneration and Graft Associated Arrythmia in Large Mammals.” Previous recipients of the NAS-ISHR Lifetime Achievement Award include Eric N. Olson, Ph.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Leslie Leinwand, Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder.
Read more: Zhang Receives International Society for Heart Research Lifetime Achievement Award

by Hannah Buckelew
Yajing Wang, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Basic and Translational Research and professor in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been awarded a three-year $300,000 TPA grant from the American Heart Association for her project, titled, “Targeting Cardiokine Dysfunction for Treating Diabetic Ischemic Heart Failure.”
Read more: Wang Receives AHA TPA Grant to Study Heart Failure in Type 2 Diabetes

by Hannah Buckelew
Several studies in vertebrates indicate that T-box proteins are important in regulating a multitude of cellular processes in development and disease across species. The loss of function for T-box genes is known to cause heart, ectodermal and nervous system defects. Therefore, knowing how these genes are regulated is highly significant.

by Hannah Buckelew
Five faculty members and several trainees from the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), alongside others from the Department of Pathology and Cardiology, attended the annual Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions in Chicago, Illinois July 22-25.
Read more: UAB represented at 2024 AHA BCVS meeting in Chicago

By Christina Crowe
Jianyi “Jay” Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., T. Michael and Gillian Goodrich Endowed Chair of Engineering, recently visited Hanoi, Vietnam, June 19-21, where he delivered a seminar on “Neonatal Heart Regeneration and Graft Associated Arrythmia in Large Mammals.”
Read more: Zhang Presents Cardiovascular Research in Hanoi, Vietnam

by Hannah Buckelew
Alyson Goodwin, a sophomore biomedical engineering student, is a recipient of the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. The scholarship will fund Goodwin’s study abroad experience in South Korea for six weeks this summer. She is one of seven UAB Honors students to receive the award.
Read more: Goodwin Receives Gilman Scholarship to Study Genetics in South Korea

by Hannah Buckelew
The eighth annual NIH Progenitor Cell Translation Consortium (PCTC) 2024 Cardiovascular Bioengineering (CVBE) Symposium was held May 22-25 at Houston Methodist Research Institute in Houston, Texas. The event took place in partnership with The George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine Symposium.
Read more: BME represented at 2024 PCTC CVBE Annual Symposium

by Hannah Buckelew
The UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is known for routinely tackling daunting health problems head-on and has been doing so for nearly 45 years. When Children’s of Alabama reached out to the department with a need for a better way to assist in vehicle transfers, it is no surprise that UAB undergraduate students decided to fulfill this need for their senior design project.
Read more: BME Students Design Mobility Device for Children’s of Alabama

Daniel Connor, a research engineering manager with the Engineering and Innovative Technology Development (EITD) group, was recently awarded the Exceptional Public Service Medal by the Johnson Space Center.
Read more: EITD’s Connor receives Exceptional Public Service Medal

Vidhi Patel, an undergraduate student who conducts research in the lab of Assistant Professor M.K. Sewell-Loftin, Ph.D., is a recipient of this year’s UAB Honors College Presidential Honors Fellowship.
Read more: Patel, Reyes receive UAB Honors College fellowships

by Hannah Buckelew
Seniors in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering gathered on April 19 to present their senior design projects in the Education and Engineering Complex.

Civil Engineering students present final projects before panels of industry judges
A construction site in Gadsden, Alabama has been the subject of intense scrutiny by UAB engineering students in recent months. The site—an abandoned community center that was demolished to make way for new construction—was chosen as the basis for this year’s senior design project in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.

by Hannah Buckelew
Manuel Rosa-Garrido, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, recently published an article in the journal Nature Cardiovascular Research, titled, “Histone H1.0 Couples Cellular Mechanical Behaviors to Chromatin Structure.”
Read more: Rosa-Garrido’s latest work featured in Nature Cardiovascular Research

Virginia Sisiopiku, Ph.D., was recently named the recipient of the 2024 Excellence in Transportation Engineering Education Award by the Southern District of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (SDITE). The award recognizes an individual who contributed outstandingly to the education of future leaders in the transportation engineering field through excellence in teaching, mentorship, scholarship, and service. Sisiopiku was honored for “her unceasing dedication to the community, the transportation engineering profession, and the Institute of Transportation Engineers.”
Read more: Sisiopiku receives SDITE's 2024 Excellence in Transportation Engineering Education Award

Nuria Vendrell-Llopis, Ph.D., recently received a pilot grant at the NeuroGateways 2024 Symposium to fund her study on “Optical Control of Neuromodulators for Neural Circuit Reinforcement.”
Read more: Vendrell-Llopis awarded CNBCI pilot grant at 2024 NeuroGateway Symposium

Cutting-edge technology will be applied to some ages-old ideas this week, as engineering students show off their capstone projects in a series of senior design presentations.
Read more: Senior Design projects on display this week at the SOE

Abdollah Mirbozorgi, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, recently received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER grant for his research into a device that could more precisely attack cancerous tumors through precision ablation.

Designing and building remote-controlled drones and “Rover” vehicles may sound like the work of NASA scientists, but this summer, dozens of custom-made vehicles will come to life at the UAB School of Engineering’s Drone and Rover Academies. The school will be hosting several one-week summer camps this June and July for high-school-aged students. Participants at the camps will design and build their own remote-controlled vehicles before testing them against a series of obstacles.
Applications for the Drone and Rover Academies are open to students from ninth grade to graduating seniors who have an interest in engineering, robotics, or other STEM related disciplines.
The camp will be led by current UAB students and faculty.
“These camps will start by teaching some fundamentals before quickly ramping up to the design and build phase,” said Tim Wick, Ph.D., director of the Drone and Rover Academies. “We provide all the tools and equipment campers will need, and they’ll work with experienced engineering students—some of whom participated in these camps as high-school students.”
The suggested cost for attending the camp is a $100 donation per student. Payment is voluntary, however, and no student will be excluded if cost is a limiting factor.
“We believe strongly that this is a valuable experience that will help prepare students for the types of challenges they’ll face in a college curriculum,” said Wick. “It’s not just the application of science and math principles, but the camaraderie and teamwork campers experience is a positive outcome in itself.”
For specific dates and application information, please visit our Summer Camp Website.

Civil Engineering undergraduate student Lizbeth Piceno was recently selected as the recipient of the 2024 Charles E. Alexander Memorial Transportation Engineering Scholarship Award.
Read more: CCEE Student Piceno Awarded Transportation Engineering Scholarship

By Hannah Buckelew
Jianyi “Jay” Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., chair of the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, travelled to Japan and Taiwan in March to deliver lectures.

Nearly a dozen students spent part of their spring break week at the Gulf Coast Symposium hosted by the University of New Orleans, bringing home three awards.
Read more: ASCE Chapter Attends Gulf Coast Symposium in New Orleans

The ballrooms at the Hill Student Center were packed with engineers on Wednesday. More than 80 employer partners set up booths where they provided information about their companies and talked to UAB students about potential job opportunities.
Read more: Spring Engineering Career Fair Brings Students and Employers Together

On Tuesday, February 20, senior mechanical engineering student Hannah Szcepanski was named the School of Engineering’s Undergraduate Student of the Year, and civil engineering graduate student Afrin Hossain Anni was named the school’s Graduate Student of the Year. The two were recognized, along with 13 other UAB student nominees, at the 65th Annual Awards Banquet of the Engineering Council of Birmingham (ECOB).
Read more: Szcepanski, Anni Named UAB Engineering Students of the Year

By Hannah Buckelew
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama (BCRFA) has announced funding for three pre-R01 grants through the fall cycle of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center’s O’Neal Invests program. Mary Kathryn “M.K.” Sewell-Loftin, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering is a recipient of one of these grants for her project titled, “The Role of Biomedical Regulation in Triple Negative Breast Cancer.”
Read more: Sewell-Loftin Receives BCRFA Funded O’Neal Invests Award

Dwyer Retires after More than 30 Years at UAB
Zoe Dwyer came to UAB as a transfer student; a college sophomore looking for a better fit. She arrived at the School of Engineering in the spring of 1987, and she found a place that would be a near-perfect fit for the next 37 years.

Charles Tetteh, a student in the Master of Engineering program in Advanced Safety Engineering and Management (ASEM), was recently awarded the 2024 BCSP Foundation QAP/ABET Student Scholarship. The $5,000 scholarship is awarded to students who “demonstrate excellence in academic performance along with a commitment to advancing the field of safety as an up-and-coming safety professional.

by Hannah Buckelew
Massimo Fazio, Ph.D., an associate professor in both UAB’s Departments of Biomedical Engineering (BME) and Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, together with Christopher Girkin, M.D., and Alecia Gross, Ph.D., received a five-year, $2.9 million R01 to support his project, “The mechanotranscriptome of the optic nerve head following acute experimental ocular hypertension in living human eyes.” The grant is funded by the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health.
Read more: Fazio and Co-investigators Secure $2.9M R01 to Study Ocular Hypertension in Human Eyes

by Hannah Buckelew
The American Heart Association’s annual Scientific Sessions meeting held in Philadelphia, November 11-13, saw representation from faculty and students from the Department of Biomedical Engineering this year.
Read more: BME faculty and students attend AHA 2023 Scientific Sessions in Philadelphia

Process Designed by ASEM Faculty Effects Change in a Wide Range of Industries
Read more: Learning Review: Rethinking How to Respond to Accidents

By Hannah Buckelew
Jianyi “Jay” Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., T. Michael and Gillian Goodrich Endowed Chair of Engineering Leadership and Chair of the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been selected as recipient of the 25th John Foerster Distinguished Lecture Award by the University of Manitoba’s Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences in Canada.
Read more: Zhang Receives John Foerster Distinguished Lecture Award

Twenty faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students from the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) attended the Biomedical Engineering Society’s (BMES) 2023 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, October 11-14. The number is the largest group UAB has taken to BMES to date.

Kathy Lu, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME), recently began her term as president-elect of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society. Lu, who arrived at UAB in August as the inaugural MME chair, ascended to the leadership role on July 1. Her three-year term will include one year each as president-elect, president, and immediate past-president.
Read more: Lu Elected President of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society

On September 21st, UAB engineering students took advantage of a full day of networking with more than 100 employer partners at the 2023 Engineering Career Fair.

On August 15, the Department of Biomedical Engineering hosted Joseph Wu, M.D., Ph.D., president of the American Heart Association, director of Stanford University’s Cardiovascular Institute, Simon H. Stertzer, M.D., Professor and professor of radiology, to give a the season’s first “Frontiers in Bioengineering” lecture. Wu spoke on the topic, “Stem Cells & Genomics: from Precision Medicine to Clinical Trial in Dish.”
Read more: AHA President Joseph Wu visits BME as Distinguished Guest Lecturer

by Hannah Buckelew
Eight members from the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), alongside several others from the Departments of Pathology and Cardiology, attended the annual Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions in Chicago, Illinois July 30-August 3.
Read more: UAB represented at 2023 AHA BCVS meeting in Chicago

Three pairs of undergraduates in the Department of Biomedical Engineering recently completed a unique research and development program sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Over an eight-week period that ended in late July, six rising juniors engaged in team-based projects that led them through the process of medical-device development—from identifying a challenge to designing and building a prototype.
The six fellows—Jade Buston, Dylan Cothron, Hunter Goffinett, Brianna Green, Annabel Johnson and Georgianna Khong—were selected in a competitive process and were chosen for their “intellectual promise, curiosity, and motivation.” Each student was awarded $3,000 from the NIH for participating in the program, plus an additional $250 for prototyping expenses.
Read more: I2D2: Six BME undergraduates complete NIH Summer Innovation Fellowship

By Hannah Buckelew
The Department of Biomedical Engineering boasts a diverse research portfolio covering a wide range of topics. Biomedical imaging, for example, is an essential tool in visualizing the body’s internal organs. To showcase the impactful contributions of imaging research in the department, Anna Sorace, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology, and director of UAB’s Small Animal Imaging Facility, answers a series of questions.
Read more: Faculty spotlight: Sorace highlights biomedical imaging research

Rachel June Smith, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, recently received a $50,000 Junior Investigator Award from the American Epilepsy Society (AES). The award was part of the AES 2023 Early Career Fellowships, which awarded $1.19 million in research grants and fellowships to 25 researchers in a variety of categories. Smith was one of three chosen for a Junior Investigator Award.
Read more: Smith awarded Early Career Fellowship by the American Epilepsy Foundation

by Hannah Buckelew
More than six million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the leading cause of dementia worldwide, and nearly 95 percent of all AD cases are late-onset. However, the current success rate for AD drug development is very low. Yuhua Song, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been awarded an R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Aging funding her research on drug repositioning to target TREM2 in AD. The grant is funded at $2.89 million over five years, through 2028.
Read more: Song secures $2.89-million grant to study drug repositioning for Alzheimer’s disease

by Hannah Buckelew
The UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering has launched a new graduate certificate in Translation of Biomedical Innovations to Clinical Practice. This non-degree program is now open for enrollment for the upcoming fall semester.
Read more: BME launches graduate certificate on innovation and clinical practice

By Hannah Buckelew
Biomedical Engineering Chair Jianyi “Jay” Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., traveled throughout India in March to deliver lectures and form research and educational collaborations at various institutions.
Read more: Zhang delivers lectures in India on regenerative medicine

Kathy Lu, Ph.D., has been selected to become the inaugural chair of the UAB Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. Lu was selected after a nationwide search for a chair that began when the department was formed in 2022 from the merger of the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering.

by Hannah Buckelew
Ameer Mansur, a Ph.D. candidate in the laboratory of Anna Sorace, Ph.D., assistant professor in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been awarded a pre-doctoral research training program (TL1) fellowship from the UAB Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS), for his project, titled, “Prognostic biometric extraction of multiparametric imaging data in human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2) positive breast cancer.” The fellowship is effective July 1, 2023 and will run through July 2024.

After a career spanning nearly 40 years at UAB in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dale Feldman, Ph.D., associate professor, officially retired on May 31, 2023. This is not, however, the conclusion of his long and productive career. Feldman emphasizes that he will continue to assist the department with accreditation for undergraduate education, and to teach two of the three required courses for the Translation of Biomedical Innovations to Clinical Practice certificate program.

by Hannah Buckelew
Biomedical Engineering student Emma Stevenson has been awarded a 10-week Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship from the National Institute of Health’s Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NBIB) for her project titled, “Automation of radioactive cell labeling using microfluidic acoustophoresis.” The NBIB summer internship allows rising biomedical engineering students to participate in cutting-edge research projects under the mentorship of world-class scientists in NIH laboratories in Bethesda, Maryland, from June 5 to August 11, 2023.
Read more: Stevenson awarded NIH internship to study acoustophoresis in cell washing

BioHorizons is a Birmingham company whose history is rooted in UAB. Today, thanks to a growing and successful co-op program, it appears that BioHorizons and UAB will continue to be linked far into the future.
The dental-implant company, which started as a spinoff of research from the UAB Schools of Engineering and Dentistry, has hired more than a dozen UAB alumni and students over the past 28 years. More recently, though, its co-op program has begun to bring in current engineering undergraduates—creating a talent pipeline for students to get a head start in a growing industry.
“Hands-on experience has always been a key element of engineering education,” said Neil Adams, director of the Engineering Career Center. “The success of our program depends on strong co-op and intern partners, like BioHorizons, who offer quality experiences to our students so that they apply their engineering knowledge while also learning how to be a contributing part of a professional organization. We are proud of this continued partnership and look forward to supporting Blazer engineering co-ops at BioHorizons for many years to come.”
A Blazer Legacy
BioHorizons was started in 1995 by the late Martha Bidez, Ph.D., then a faculty member in the School of Engineering who would serve as the company’s first CEO before selling the company and returning to UAB in 2009. Over the years, the company has hired a number of UAB alumni, including several members of its leadership team (see sidebar).
In 2016, however, the company’s ties to UAB got a little closer when Ashley Boggs became the first UAB undergraduate to join the BioHorizons co-op program—a program that provides students the opportunity to work full-time at the company for three semesters, alternating with school. The experience is paid, and students work alongside engineers throughout their time at the company.
Boggs extended her co-op by working part-time at the company until she was hired full time after she graduated in 2018. Today, she is a Digital Dentistry Engineering Manager, and she credits her co-op experience for opening her eyes to possibilities she had never previously considered.
“I had a vague idea that I wanted to work with implants—like hips, knees, ankles—but I didn’t know anything about the dental-implant industry at all,” said Boggs. “During my sophomore year, I went to the Engineering Career Center and told them that I couldn’t keep sitting in class doing problems from a book. They told me about a local company called BioHorizons that was doing on-campus interviews.”
The interview changed Boggs’s personal career trajectory, but her story is not an unusual one. While the engineering curriculum prepares students for a wide variety of careers, it’s often that first on-the-job experience that opens eyes and doors to career opportunities in fields students may have never been aware of.
That was the case for UAB graduate Jonathan Gordon, another former co-op participant who now works as a packaging engineer for BioHorizons. “I started out on a pre-med track, but coming from a very small town to UAB was a big transition,” Gordon said. “I dropped the pre-med route pretty quickly and started looking for other options.”
Like Boggs, the Engineering Career Center helped connect Gordon with a co-op position at BioHorizons, and that, in turn, led to full-time employment. “I realized pretty quickly that I love this industry. It’s exciting to be a part of this.”
An Undergraduate Pipeline
Although Boggs was the first UAB student hired into BioHorizons' co-op program, she soon had company. Three other Blazers followed her into the program (Josh Moore, Karly Casey and Gordon), and all four stayed on to work full-time. That kind of retention is notable for an undergraduate experience that by its nature is often exploratory.
“Since we started the co-op program about 10 years ago, we have had about 17-18 engineering students in our program—two of which have been in our regulatory department and the rest in research and development,” said Tom Lewis, BioHorizons manager of product engineering. “We feel that it has been very successful, and to date we have hired five as full-time employees.”
That transition from co-op to full-time employee makes sense when you consider the investment BioHorizons makes in students over a three-semester co-op. Each student must learn Quality System processes before getting down to work with tasks, such as design control, drawing release, and CAD modeling. “Each student is trained, but it takes hands-on involvement to learn all of these processes,” Lewis said. “It’s also helpful for students to experience how different departments work together for a common goal.”
In addition, students must learn industry standards and technologies in the medical device industry. “This takes longer,” Lewis said, “but over time they begin to understand the ‘whys’ behind the design of dental implants, restorative components and instruments. Although we have the expectation that co-ops produce for us, my hope is that when they look back they realize the value of their experience here, and as they move into their careers they have a head start in their understanding of engineering organizations."
“Co-op is both an investment by the company and a commitment by the student,” added Adams. “The depth of experience pays dividends in that co-op students are ready to contribute immediately at an organization after graduation.”
“I have been part of teams in which we have drawn and developed state of the art dental surgery kits that are slated to hit the market this year; I have managed drafting and conducting test plans to research the durability of implant designs; and, most importantly, I have been able to teach incoming co-ops the ins and outs of the company and guide them as they grow from a college student into true engineers.”
—Benjamin Pody, mechanical engineering student and 2nd-year co-op
Homegrown Talent
Lewis says the co-op program historically has drawn from several area universities, but he admits UAB students have one obvious advantage. “Since they are local, they already have living arrangements,” he said. “After completing the three co-op terms, students return to school to finish up and graduate. With UAB being in town, when the opportunity was available several UAB students have stayed on and worked part-time until graduation. The company knowledge they have has allowed them to be productive even on a part-time basis.”
While the growth of BioHorizons’ co-op program is exciting for current and future engineering students, UAB School of Engineering Dean Jeff Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., says that is just one of the reasons UAB engineers should look at the BioHorizons story with pride.
“It’s not unusual for a promising startup to spin off from university research—in this case, arising from research in the UAB Schools of Engineering and Dentistry,” said Holmes. “We often comment that these startups have the potential to revolutionize an industry. But in the case of BioHorizons, it has actually done that, and it continues to innovate and to grow. I am tremendously excited that our students are able to be a part of that continuing UAB success story.”
“At BioHorizons, we look forward to continuing our work with UAB in the future,” agreed Lewis. “We appreciate the relationship we have developed with the university that has served us well over the years.”
BioHorizons Senior Leadership
A glance at the BioHorizons team shows a number of UAB graduates among the senior leadership.R. Steve Boggan, President and CEO
- M.S. in Biomedical Engineering from UAB
J. Todd Strong, Executive VP and COO
- M.S. in Biomedical Engineering from UAB
Mike Mills, Executive VP and CFO
- B.S. from UAB Collat School of Business
Andrew Baroody, VP of Sales Operations
- B.A. in English from UAB
Juan Jaramillo, VP of Global Business Support
- UAB Graduate
Fred J. Molz, IV, VP of Research and Development
- M.S. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from UAB
Elbert Jenkins II, VP of Information Technology
- MEng in Information Engineering Management from UAB
- MBA from the UAB Collat School of Business

Over the past 30-plus years, Mark Berry, Ph.D., has been no stranger to the faculty, staff, and alumni of the UAB School of Engineering. This year, however, he has been getting to know a different group of SOE stakeholders—undergraduate students.
Read more: Southern Company Services VP and SOE alumnus Mark Berry learns new role as adjunct

When Bailee Isbell and Alivia Sims enrolled at the UAB School of Engineering, they knew they would be in a minority in a field that historically enrolls more men than women. But they had no idea they would become pioneers.
This weekend, the trailblazing duo will become the first two graduates of UAB’s Bachelor’s in Engineering Design program. The program, started in 2019, allows students flexibility to adjust the engineering curriculum to their own interests with a heavy focus on hands-on design and innovation, as well as a minor in one of the existing engineering disciplines.
Read more: Isbell, Sims to become UAB’s first graduates in Engineering Design

For most UAB engineering students, Senior Design is a one-time thing. An arduous, two-semester team project, often referred to as the “capstone” of their undergraduate education.
For UAB alumnae Haley Ashway and Ashlyn Manzella, Ph.D., this year’s senior design course was a do-over, of sorts, as the two worked as mentors on a senior-design project to build a wall-racking system for BLOX, a local company that manufactures medical modules.
Read more: Alumnae mentors take a second turn at Senior Design

Ingenuity and innovation will be on display this week when the UAB School of Engineering hosts a pair of “Media Day” events to showcase the Class of 2023’s senior design projects. These projects include prototypes of devices students have designed and built over two semesters—many of them at the request of real-world clients attempting to meet current needs in the marketplace.
Read more: Senior Design Media Days to be held Thursday and Friday

The Leah McCraney Memorial Endowed Scholarship was created in memory and in honor of the late Leah Gaye McCraney who was the inaugural Program Manager for the Master of Engineering with a concentration in Advanced Safety Engineering and Management. Criteria for the scholarship include current enrollment in the Master of Engineering - ASEM program, completion of at least 6 credit hours in ASEM, at least a 3.0 GPA, and being a self-supported student. Mr. Charles Tetteh is the 2022-2023 recipient of this scholarship.
Read more: Charles Tetteh awarded 2022-2023 Leah McCraney Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The Dr. Martha Bidez Endowed Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of Dr. Martha Bidez, the first Graduate Program Director of the Master of Engineering in Advanced Safety Engineering and Management. Criteria for the scholarship include enrollment in ASEM, completion of at 6-credit hours in the program, at least a 3.0 GPA, and having shown leadership in the occupational safety and health profession. Ms. Layla Lahoud is the 2022-2023 recipient of this scholarship.
Read more: Layla Lahoud awarded the 2022-2023 Dr. Martha Bidez Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Avinash Unnikrishnan, Ph.D., a transportation engineer whose interdisciplinary research program spans areas ranging from freight and logistics to autonomous vehicles to the health impact of extreme weather events, will bring his vision for incorporating computation and data science into civil engineering to Birmingham later this year when he becomes the chair of the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering in the UAB School of Engineering.

Vivek Shukla, M.D., a neonatologist in the UAB Heersink School of Medicine and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been awarded the American Heart Association (AHA) Career Development Award for his innovative project, titled: "Machine Learning Modeling for Early Identification of Perinatal Depression Risk Using Cardiotocography."
Read more: Shukla receives AHA Career Development Award for machine-learning research

More than 1,200 UAB employees, including 13 faculty and staff members from the School of Engineering, were honored Tuesday afternoon at the UAB annual service award reception at the Hill Student Center.
Read more: Thirteen SOE employees honored for 20 or more years of service

By Matt Windsor
When she was in high school in Houston, Texas, Daniela De Nobrega was “all over the sciences,” she said. “Calculus, statistics, physics — I liked them all. So when I got to college, I wanted to find a major that offers a little bit of everything.” That is how she ended up as a biomedical engineering major in the UAB School of Engineering. “Biomedical engineering is challenging but also encouraging,” said De Nobrega, who is a sophomore and member of the UAB Honors College Personalized Honors Program. “It makes you want to keep learning.”
Read more: Finding “a little bit of everything” in biomedical engineering

Lots of people go to Florida during Spring Break, but how many go there to launch sophisticated hardware into orbit?
Read more: EITD team is on site in Florida for latest SpaceX launch

By Jacob Taylor
The O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center recently announced the funding of six grants in fall through the fall 2022 round of its ongoing O’Neal Invests program.
Read more: Sorace receives grant from O'Neal Invests program

Written by Hannah Buckelew
Mary Kathryn (M.K.) Sewell-Loftin, Ph.D., assistant professor in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been named a Scholar of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Early Investigator Advancement Program (EIAP).
Read more: Sewell-Loftin named Scholar of NCI Early Investigator Advancement Program

Three UAB students with ties to the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) were awarded prestigious two-year fellowships from the American Heart Association in 2023.
Read more: Three UAB students receive AHA Fellowships for 2023-24

Johane Bracamonte, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, was recently awarded an American Heart Association (AHA) postdoctoral fellowship. The award includes nearly $140,000 in funding over the next two years.
Read more: Bracamonte Awarded American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship

Andrea Wingenroth and Andee Beierle were named the UAB Outstanding Undergraduate and Graduate Students of the Year, respectively, Tuesday night at the Engineering Council of Birmingham’s (ECOB) 62nd Annual Awards Banquet. The winners were chosen from among 13 nominees who were honored at the banquet.
Read more: Engineering students honored at annual ECOB Banquet

The Construction Engineering Management (CEM) program received a total of 34 new master’s students during the January 6th and January 7th Graduate Orientation. This was an excellent opportunity for the incoming academics to meet the CEM faculty, staff, and their new classmates, in a convenient virtual setting.

UAB graduate Kimberly S. Greene was recently named chair of the Board of Directors, CEO, and president of Georgia Power, effective March 31, 2023.
Read more: SOE alumna Kimberly Greene named CEO of Georgia Power

This article originally appeared on the Heersink School of Medicine News page
Yang Zhou, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, is the latest winner of the UAB Heersink School of Medicine’s Featured Discovery. This initiative celebrates important research from Heersink faculty members.
Read more: Zhou's work is focus of Heersink's "Featured Discovery" series

By Hannah Buckelew
A researcher from the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Biomedical Engineering recently received a $1.4 million R01 grant to research systemic toxicities in breast cancer. Toxicity is the main dose-limiting factor in cancer treatments. Developing methods to control it could dramatically impact patient health.
Read more: Sorace awarded $1.4 million RO1 to study systemic toxicities in breast cancer

By Christina Crowe
Jiacheng “Jason” Sun, student in the lab of Jianyi Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., T. Michael and Gillian Goodrich Endowed Chair of Engineering Leadership, Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been awarded a predoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association, effective January 1, 2023.
Read more: Sun Awarded AHA Predoctoral Fellowship for 2023-24

Seven members of the UAB chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) attended WE22, the world's largest conference for women in technology and engineering, held in Houston, Texas, in late October.
Read more: UAB SWE members find opportunity at WE22 Conference

By Hannah Buckelew
Yajing Wang, Ph.D., a professor and director of basic and translational research in UAB’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, played a major role in the organization of the 33rd annual meeting of the Great Wall International Cardiology Conference (GW-ICC), held virtually and in-person in Beijing, October 26-28.
Read more: International impact: Wang takes over leadership role in organizing GW-ICC 2022

By Christina Crowe
The American Heart Association’s annual Scientific Sessions meeting in Chicago, November 5-7, saw representation from researchers across both the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) and the Department of Pathology this year.
Read more: BME students and faculty attend AHA Conference in Chicago

by Hannah Buckelew
Seventeen faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students from the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) attended the Biomedical Engineering Society’s (BMES) 2022 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, October 12-15. The number includes Jeffrey Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., dean of the UAB School of Engineering, and is the largest group UAB has taken to BMES to date.

On October 21, a trio of UAB School of Engineering faculty members were among the 16 inductees into the inaugural class of the UAB Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Haibin Ning, Ph.D., Selvum “Brian” Pillay, Ph.D., and Dean Sicking, Ph.D., were inducted during the Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s yearly Innovation Awards ceremony.
Read more: Three SOE faculty members inducted into UAB's first National Academy of Inventors class

Samain Sabrin, post-doctoral student in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, was awarded the 2022 Postdoctoral Dory Award. This award is for the postdoctoral fellow/trainee who, despite setbacks and obstacles in their project, has kept pushing and persevered until they successfully finished the work.
Sabrin is a former Ph.D. student of Rouzbeh Nazari, Ph.D. She was named the 2022 SOE Graduate Student of the Year before graduating in May 2022. She now works in the Sustainable Smart Cities Research Center.

Materials engineering undergraduate Hannah Blansett recently received the first-ever Sinto-AFS Future Leaders of Metalcasting Scholarship. She formally accepted the honor on October 11 at the Future Leaders of Metalcasting (FLM) meeting in Tennessee.
Read more: Blansett receives inaugural Sinto-AFS scholarship for future leaders

School of Engineering Professor Jamie Tyler, Ph.D., is principal investigator on a new National Science Foundation (NSF) project that seeks to combine information and methods from neuroscience and biomedical engineering to functionally map deep-brain circuits that underlie human cognition, emotion, and decision making.
Read more: New $1-million NSF project seeks to map circuits that underlie key brain functions

Arie Nakhmani, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, recently received a short-term $85,000 award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for a multi-university project to improve software that processes data from the glymphatic and lymphatic systems of the brain.

Written by Christina Crowe
Jervaughn Hunter received the 2022 UAB Alumni Rising Star Award along with four other recipients on Friday, September 23. Hunter graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science from the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the UAB School of Engineering. He is currently a graduate student and researcher at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), pursuing a Ph.D. He returned to the UAB campus to participate in the awards event, and was joined by Alan Eberhardt, Ph.D., Professor, BME.
Read more: 2017 BME Grad Hunter Recognized as 2022 UAB Alumni Rising Star

Mohammad Haider, Ph.D., an associate professor in the UAB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, recently received a three-year award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) worth nearly $500,000 to continue work toward developing a machine learning platform on a flexible substrate for next-generation personal protective equipment (PPE).
Read more: Haider receives NSF funding to aid development of next-generation PPE

Mary Kathryn (MK) Sewell-Loftin, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, was recently featured in a "Women in Medicine" interview where she discusses her cross-disciplinary collaboration with a colleague in the UAB Heersink School of Medicine.
Read more: BME's Sewell-Loftin discusses recent collaboration studying ovarian cancer

Iwan Alexander, Ph.D., former dean of the School of Engineering and former chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was recently appointed Dean and Professor Emeritus by the University of Alabama System Board of Trustees.

The Construction Engineering Management (CEM) program received a total of 36 new master’s students during the August 19 and August 20 Graduate Orientation. This was an excellent opportunity for the incoming academics to meet the CEM faculty, staff, and their new classmates, in a safe and convenient virtual setting.

Written by Christina Crowe
Yang Zhou, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, received a Transformational Project Award from the American Heart Association to support her project, “Systematic deciphering regulatory elements driving direct cardiac reprogramming,” with three years of funding in the amount of $300,000.
Read more: Zhou receives AHA Transformational Award to study cardiac reprogramming

Written by Hannah Buckelew
Mary Kathryn (M.K.) Sewell-Loftin, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been awarded a research grant from the UAB Division of Gynecologic Oncology for her project, titled, “Elucidating the Biomechanical Tumor Microenvironment of Ovarian Cancer.” This one-year, $50,000 award will examine how ovarian cancer cells respond to mechanical stimulation.
Read more: Sewell-Loftin awarded grant to study microenvironment of ovarian cancer

Yajing Wang, M.D., Ph.D., will join the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering this summer as the director of basic and translational research and professor.

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at UAB has developed a new plasma-enabled process that could limit the proliferation of toxins from implants into a patient’s bloodstream. The team, led by Vinoy Thomas, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME), recently published its findings in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Read more: Materials engineering team develops process to make implants safer

Jianli Zhao, M.D., joined the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering as an assistant professor on June 15, 2022.

BME undergraduate student Yancey Williams II recently coauthored a study along with team of researchers at UAB and Emory University that describes using a sophisticated fluorescence microsopy to observe vesicle formation in living cells from initiation to completion.
Read more: BME undergrad co-authors groundbreaking study in fluorescence microscopy

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is proud to welcome Manuel Rosa-Garrido, Ph.D., as Assistant Professor.

Seniors in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering gathered on April 22 for the first time in person since 2019 to present their senior design projects in the Education-Engineering Complex.
Read more: 2022 Senior Design Project Presentations a Success

Engineering students Nicholas Millen and Zachary Newman have each been awarded a Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship by the U.S. Department of Defense. The awards will provide the students with full tuition for up to five years, in addition to mentorship, summer internships, a stipend, and full-time employment after graduation.
Read more: Millen, Newman earn SMART Scholarships from the U.S. Department of Defense

Yancey Williams II, a junior in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering and UAB Honors College, is one of 20 students chosen from more than 500 undergraduates to participate in the Amgen Scholars Program at Yale University this summer. The Amgen Scholars Program provides students from diverse backgrounds with hands-on summer research experience in science and biotechnology.
Read more: BME student chosen for Yale's Amgen Scholars Program

After the catastrophic Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, investigations pointed out numerous instances of operator error, as well as cost-cutting decisions by the rig’s owners. But as the authors of a presidential commission noted in their comprehensive report, “Though it is tempting to single out one crucial misstep or point the finger at one bad actor as the cause of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, any such explanation provides a dangerously incomplete picture of what happened — encouraging the very kind of complacency that led to the accident in the first place.”
Read more: 5 transformative lessons from UAB's Advanced Safety Engineering and Management program

Ashton Moore is a civil engineering major who has held internships at the Department of Transportation and at Saia Construction.

A UAB Engineering tradition will resume this week when student teams put their senior design projects on display for the public at two separate “media day” events.
Read more: Senior Design Projects on Display at 2022 Media Days

Samuel Wilcox has an unusually busy schedule, even for an engineering student.

Chad Duke, PE, has performed a variety of roles during his 20-plus-year career at UAB, but none of them bigger than his current role as Director of the UAB Engineering and Innovative Technology Development (EITD) research group.
Read more: Longtime UAB Engineer Takes on New Role as Director of EITD

Ed Segner, Ph.D., joined UAB in 1990 and served as chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering until his retirement in 1996. In the years following, he was named professor emeritus, and he continued to be a familiar figure around the school, maintaining an office in the CCEE Department and regularly attending meetings and events.

Raheema Al Karim Damani and Samain Sabrin were named the UAB Outstanding Undergraduate and Graduate Students of the Year, respectively, Tuesday night at the Engineering Council of Birmingham’s (ECOB) 63rd Annual Awards Banquet.
Read more: Demani and Sabrin Named UAB’s Engineering Students of the Year

When William “Jamie” Tyler chose to attend UAB as an undergraduate in the 1990s, he was motivated by a chance to be part of something brand new—a fledgling NCAA football program.
Now, more than 30 years after showing up as a freshman offensive lineman, Tyler is returning to UAB, and once again, he says his motivation is all about being part of something entirely new. “Neuroengineering,” Tyler said when asked about his decision to return to UAB. “As soon as I heard UAB was starting a neuroengineering Ph.D. program, it was a no-brainer.”

Associate Professor Xiaoguang (Margaret) Liu, Ph.D., was recently awarded an R21 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to fund her research into “Targeted neuroendocrine cancer therapy using Verrucarin A.”

The Construction Engineering Management (CEM) program received a total of 38 new master’s students during the January 7 and 8, 2022 graduate orientation. This was an excellent opportunity for the incoming academics to meet the CEM faculty, staff, and their new classmates, in a safe and healthy virtual setting.

Written by Hannah Weems
Yang Zhou, Ph.D., assistant professor in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, has been awarded the Melvin L. Marcus Early Career Investigator Award in Basic Cardiovascular Science from the American Heart Association’s Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences. Zhou received the award at the organization’s 2021 Scientific Sessions following the presentation of her proposal, “TBX20 improves contractility and mitochondrial function during direct cardiac reprogramming from human fibroblasts.”

Written by Christina Crowe
The Fifth Annual NIH Progenitor Cell Translation Consortium (PCTC) conference, hosted virtually by the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering September 29-30, was a success. The event featured keynote speakers Eric Olson, Ph.D., Scientific Advisory Board Chairman of Cardurion and the founding chair of the Department of Molecular Biology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, on “Gene Therapy for Muscular Dystrophy Syndromes;” and Robert Langer, Sc.D., professor in the MIT Department of Biological Engineering.
Read more: UAB Hosts Successful Annual PCTC Symposium; Looking Forward to Germany in 2022

Fourteen faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students from the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) attended the Biomedical Engineering Society’s (BMES) 2021 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, October 6-9.

UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering chair Jianyi “Jay” Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., was recently awarded a new R01 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for the proposal, “Endogenous and exogenous mechanisms that promote myocardial remuscularization in post infarction LV remodeling.” The grant totals $2.1 million for the project period that began in July 2021 and runs through June 2025.
Read more: Zhang receives R01 from NIH to study myocardial remuscularization

The UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is proud to announce its 2021-2022 student scholarship winners. The following individuals stand out for their commitment to excellence, both in and out of the classroom, and outstanding work ethic and dedication.

Written by Hannah Weems
Jack Rogers, Ph.D., professor in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), recently returned from an international fellowship that allowed him to spend six weeks studying optical mapping of the heart and stomach at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute in the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Rogers received the fellowship in 2020 from the New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi through the Catalyst International Leadership Fellowship.
Read more: Rogers conducts research in New Zealand as part of international fellowship

The 2021 NIH Progenitor Cell Translation Consortium (PCTC) Annual Conference, hosted by the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, will be held virtually this year on Wednesday, September 29 and Thursday, September 30.
Read more: BME to host fifth NIH Progenitor Cell Translation Consortium Annual Conference

Matt Quarnstrom is a civil engineering student who is currently working on his third co-op assignment with Birmingham construction firm Brasfield and Gorrie. A native of Pelham, Alabama, Quarnstrom currently is working at the site of a hydroelectric dam project in North Carolina.

Written by Hannah Weems
Faculty in UAB’s Department of Biomedical Engineering are shaping young minds through UAB’s BioBridge program, offered by the Center for Community Outreach and Development (CORD).
Read more: Summer program teaches cell mechanics to high school students

The UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering will offer three new co-enrolled elective courses for medical students in the 2021-22 academic school year. Two will be offered in the fall semester and the third will debut in the spring.
Read more: BME to offer new co-enrolled elective courses for medical students

Written by Hannah Weems
Prasanna Krishnamurthy, Ph.D., an associate professor of Biomedical Engineering, co-authored a study in April that finds a link between brain health and heart disease. Previously, clinical studies have shown a strong connection between depression and the risk for heart disease. Those specific mechanisms, however, are yet to be understood. The recent lab study found cardiac glycosaminoglycans and structural alterations during chronic stress-induced depression-like behavior in mice.
Read more: Krishnamurthy’s lab leads study linking brain health and heart disease

Andrea Cox, a second-year student in the Master of Engineering Program, recently received the 2021 American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Alabama Chapter Scholarship. Cox is a student in the Advanced Safety Engineering and Management (ASEM) track.
Read more: ASEM student receives 2021 ASSP Alabama Chapter Scholarship

The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Master of Engineering in Advanced Safety Engineering and Management has been reviewed by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) and approved as a Graduate Safety Practitioner® (GSP®) Qualified Academic Program (QAP), providing the program’s graduates the opportunity to apply with BCSP for the GSP designation after graduation.
Read more: ASEM Degree becomes a GSP Qualified Academic Program

Civil Engineers understand the importance of a building a strong foundation, and for the past 25 years, Fouad Fouad, Ph.D., has focused on just that.
Read more: Fouad retires after 40 years on faculty, 25 years as chair of Civil Engineering

UAB School of Engineering Dean Jeff Holmes wasn't sure what kind of response he would get when he invited current engineering students to join a book club during the spring semester of 2021.

Roy Koomullil, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, recently was named as a recipient of a 2021 Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Summer Faculty Fellowship.
Read more: Koomullil receives Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship

By Christina Crowe
Andrew Pollard, Ph.D., a longtime professor in the UAB Biomedical Engineering, has announced his retirement effective June 1, 2021, after 25 years with the department.
Read more: Pollard Retires After 25 Years at UAB Biomedical Engineering

Written by Hannah Weems
Two student teams from the Department of Biomedical Engineering placed in the top three teams overall at the 2021 UAB Expo, winning second and third place for the submission of their senior design projects.

By Hannah Weems
UAB Ph.D. student Rifqi Aufan and postdoctoral fellow Ying Jiang, M.D., were each awarded a fellowship recently from the American Heart Association (AHA).
Read more: Two BME graduate students awarded American Heart Association fellowships

By Christina Crowe
Thirty years ago, Alan Eberhardt, Ph.D., joined UAB faculty as an assistant professor of mechanical engineering before moving over to the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering in 1999. Today he serves as Professor and Associate Chair of Education for the department and celebrates being named a recipient of the 2021 Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentorship.
Read more: Eberhardt Wins 2021 Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentorship

By Hannah Weems
Sachin Budhathoki, a third-year graduate student in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, was awarded with a 2021 Blazer Way Award in the graduate student category on February 5 through a virtual announcement by Student Involvement.
Read more: BME graduate student Sachin Budhathoki receives Blazer Way Award

By Hannah Weems
The UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) is known for routinely tackling daunting health problems head-on and has been doing so for more than forty years. In the community of people living with mobility impairments, affordability is one of the largest issues facing accessibility to therapeutic devices. It is no surprise, then, that UAB graduate students decided to directly combat this problem with the creation and development of a device called the “Motogaitor.”

Why don’t more women pursue careers in engineering? What can we do to change the perception of engineering as a male profession? These were among the questions addressed in an online panel discussion hosted by the UAB chapter of the Society of Women Engineers.
Read more: Alumni panelists discuss future of women in engineering

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is introducing a new class in "Clinical Innovation" that will be offered to undergraduates beginning in Fall 2021.
Read more: BME to offer a new undergraduate course in Clinical Innovation

Krista Jackson and Diana Pizarro were named the UAB Outstanding Undergraduate and Graduate Students of the Year, respectively, Tuesday night at the Engineering Council of Birmingham’s (ECOB) 62nd Annual Awards Banquet.
Read more: Jackson and Pizarro named UAB’s Engineering Students of the Year

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is hosting an Art and App Design Challenge, sponsored by a grant from the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Read more: Announcing the Ethics in Action Art or App Design Challenge 2021

While this year has seen unprecedented challenges, it has also provided us with a chance to shine.

When officials at the UAB School of Engineering launched a new Peer Tutoring Lab in late 2019, they had no idea how critical such services would soon become.
The service was established prior to the spring 2020 semester as an in-person tutoring facility in the Education-Engineering Complex. Funded by a grant from Alabama Power, the lab employed several highly qualified students to tutor their classmates in a variety of engineering-related subjects with the goal of increasing retention of freshman and sophomore students.
When the university abruptly switched to remote learning mid-semester because of the COVID 19 pandemic, professors and students alike had to adjust to the changed format.
Luckily lab director Gregory Myers says that his team of engineering tutors proved surprisingly adept at remote instruction. “I would say that in some ways, it has been an improvement over the face-to-face tutoring we were doing in the spring,” he explained. “Our number of tutoring sessions went up, and our tutors not only fulfilled their tutoring obligations, they excelled.”
Having proved its worth during that time of transition, the tutoring lab became a mainstay for undergraduates during the fall semester, and it is considered a key piece of the dean’s retention strategy. “Engineering is about solving problems, and talking through problems and solutions with your peers, an instructor, or a tutor is an essential part of the learning process,” said engineering Dean Jeff Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., who arrived at UAB on July 1. “I’ve seen firsthand how one-on-one tutoring helps our students, and it is a great example of how industry partners like Alabama Power are helping us ensure that all our students have the support they need to succeed, particularly during COVID when studying with classmates can be more difficult.”
Highly Qualified Tutors
The dean’s confidence in the tutoring lab is more than just lip-service, and much more than just a statement of ideals. Shortly after he arrived at UAB, Holmes asked Dr. Myers if he could volunteer as a tutor alongside the students; his shift is on Monday afternoons.
Freshman engineering student Lauryn Johnson uses the Engineering Peer Tutoring Lab and other academic support services across campus. When her first test came back with a failing grade, she says she knew she needed to seek out help.
“I dropped in on a Monday, and Dr. Holmes helped me understand some of the concepts I was struggling with,” said Johnson. “I met with him a couple of times after that, and on my next test, I got a 98. So, I was able to improve my grade significantly, but I had no idea he was the dean until my advisor told me.”
Although every tutoring session doesn’t mean a private session with an M.D./Ph.D., Myers says he is proud of the work the student tutors do to help their classmates. “We certainly try to identify highly capable students to work as tutors, but it might not always be the top students who make the best tutors,” Myers said. “Just as important to me is that the tutor be able to empathize and be patient with the person seeking help. In some situations, the tutors may still be figuring things out themselves, but if that tutor is passionate about the subject matter and is willing to give something back, that’s an ideal situation. And we still have faculty and TAs who can support them when they need it.”
That helpful spirit—and the impact it is having on her academic performance—is what Johnson says keeps her coming back. “I have worked with a variety of tutors, and I’ve never had anyone who got impatient or acted like I should already know something,” she said. “There have been times when I had more than one tutor online trying to help me work through a problem.”
And even though hybrid learning has been effective in many respects, she says the tutoring services at UAB are a key piece to help her bridge the gap created by Zoom lectures. “I think it’s more important than ever to have services like this because of the environment we’re in,” she said. “It’s really hard to not be able to relate to a professor face-to-face in class, to not be able to ask questions in a natural way. If I wasn’t able to drop in to the engineering tutoring lab, I don’t know where I would be right now.”
According to Myers, some of the secrets to the Tutoring Lab’s success lie in the format. The convenience of dropping in remotely, combined with the tutors’ technological skills with the whiteboard and other Zoom features, proved to be unexpected advantages last spring that have continued this fall. “It has worked so well that even when things return to normal, I suspect we’ll still want to retain some aspects of online tutoring,” Myers said.

Praise Daramola is a senior electrical and computer engineering student from Lagos, Nigeria. Despite growing up on the other side of the Atlantic, Praise is the latest of several members of his family to study at UAB.

The 2020 Progenitor Cell Translation Consortium (PCTC) Cardiovascular Bioengineering (CVBE) Symposium co-hosted by the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, will feature a keynote address by Victor Dzau, M.D., president of the National Academy of Medicine. Dzau, a professor of Medicine at Duke University will speak on “The Future of Heart Failure Therapy/Paracrine Mechanism of Stem Cell Therapy,” on December 5, 2020 at 9:10 a.m.
Read more: National Academy of Medicine president to give keynote address at 2020 CVBE Symposium

Haas Blacksher is a senior materials engineering student from Mobile, Alabama. She hopes to use her materials engineering training to develop ways to reduce the amount of plastic waste through mass recycling technology.

Due to the worldwide outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), the 2020 Progenitor Cell Translational Consortium (PCTC) Cardiovascular Bioengineering (CVBE) Symposium will be held in a virtual format on December 5, 2020.
Read more: Virtual 2020 CVBE Symposium to be held in December

Engineers are often asked to find solutions for difficult problems. Other times, the solution is only a first step.
Read more: Engineer helps take neonatal medical device from concept to reality

Zachary Newman is a biomedical engineering major and an intern at the Materials Processing and Applications Development (MPAD) research facility. A native of Norcross, Georgia, he currently resides in a UAB residence hall, where he serves as an RA..

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Engineering recently launched a new research initiative that could help shape the future of autonomous vehicles. Funding for the project includes $35 million over four years from the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center (CCDC GVSC).
Read more: School of Engineering launches major research effort into autonomous vehicles

Atharva Vyawahare is a biomedical engineering major and a student in the UAB Sci-Tech Honors Program. He has lived in India, Lithuania, and the U.S. and is fluent in three languages. He currently works as an intern in the Southern Company Environmental Affairs Division.

UAB graduate student Brandy McKinney was recently selected as the recipient of the National Alumni Society’s 2020 Distinguished Alumni Scholarship. McKinney is a UAB doctoral student in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program with an emphasis in transportation. She is studying under the mentorship of Virginia Sisiopiku, Ph.D.
Read more: Ph.D. student awarded NAS Distinguished Alumni Scholarship

Tequila Smith, a two-time UAB graduate and a member of the School of Engineering’s Advisory Board, was recently promoted to vice president of Charitable Giving at Alabama Power. In her new position, Smith will lead the company’s philanthropic, volunteerism and community support initiatives.
Read more: Tequila Smith named vice president of Charitable Giving at Alabama Power

Somnath Mandal, a graduate student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, was recently awarded a $10,000 scholarship from ASTM International.
Read more: MSE student earns prestigious scholarship from ASTM International

The Construction Engineering Management (CEM) program greeted a total of 62 new students during the August 21st and August 22nd Boot Camp. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CEM held a virtual-online graduate student orientation.

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham has developed a new method of surface engineering polymer soft-materials that has potential to accelerate bio-integration, while potentially contributing to other scientific uses, such as decontaminating personnel protective equipment (PPE).
Read more: Recent paper details new method of surface engineering polymer soft-materials

Mariam Massoud is a civil engineering major and a student in the UAB Honors College. She was awarded a Fulbright US-UK Summer Institute Scholarship in 2018, and earlier this year she represented the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering as the Student of the Year nominee at the Engineering Council of Birmingham (ECOB) Annual Banquet.

Freshmen and transfer students in the School of Engineering are invited to participate in the Engineering Early Engagement Experience (E4), beginning Monday August 17, 2020.

Photo from Sunday’s historic NASA landing includes a familiar piece of UAB cargo
When the SpaceX Crew Dragon splashed down safely in the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday, all eyes were on astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley, the capsule’s human occupants. But while the world was celebrating their safe return, engineers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham were cheered by another site—a safely returned Polar freezer, designed and built by the UAB Engineering and Innovative Technology Development (EITD) team.
Read more: Gulf of Mexico is site of Polar and Glacier splashdown

Dale Callahan, Ph.D., PE has three Electrical Engineering degrees as well as an MBA. He has been a member of the UAB faculty since 2000 and he serves as the director of the Information Engineering Management track in the Master of Engineering Program.

When the I-20/59 corridor through Birmingham was demolished and rebuilt over a period of 12 months in 2019, travel became a nightmare for thousands of truckers, daily commuters and other travelers. But where most people saw chaos and frustration, a pair of UAB researchers found inspiration.
Read more: Birmingham Interstate Construction Inspires Civil Engineering Study

Edwin Cueva, a graduate student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Engineering, recently became the first recipient of the Dr. Martha Bidez Endowed Scholarship in Advanced Safety Engineering and Management (ASEM).
Read more: ASEM Awards First Ever Dr. Martha Bidez Scholarship

Jeff Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., officially became the School of Engineering's seventh dean on July 1. Since it could be a while before everyone has a chance to get to know him in person, we sent a few questions his way to get an idea of the person beyond the professional resume.
Read more: Five Questions with SOE Dean Jeff Holmes, M.D., Ph.D.

EITD Director Reflects on How UAB Helped Shape a Career
EITD Director Lee Moradi is pictured in this 2018 file photo with a piece of cold-stowage hardware built for the International Space Station.As a child, Lee Moradi thought of United States as the "Light of the Hill." Today, more than 40 years since he first emigrated from Iran, Moradi has found no place that embodies that American ideal more than at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Read more: From International Student to International Space Station

X. Margaret Liu, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Lufang Zhou, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Medicine, recently developed a novel mitochondrial luminoptogenetics technology that can be adapted to treat multiple cancers and other diseases.
Read more: BME's Liu collaborating on technology with potential to treat cancer

A new paper written by an interdisciplinary team reveals the alarming impact mechanical strain can have on breast cancer cells by creating conditions that could lead to dangerous acceleration of the disease
Read more: Multi-disciplinary team examines how mechanical strain affects breast cancer cells

Jack Rogers, Ph.D., Professor of Biomedical Engineering, was recently awarded a grant from the New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi through the Catalyst International Leadership Fellowship.
Read more: Rogers wins international fellowship to study optical mapping of heart, stomach

For students at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Engineering, the Capstone Senior Design course is a rite of passage. The two-semester course requires students to work in teams, calling on all of their classroom knowledge to design a viable product and build a working prototype.

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has developed a new method designed to improve the surface characteristics of Teflon, or polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE).
Read more: UAB collaboration in non-thermal plasma processing shows promise

Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering student Jason Zhang has been awarded the UAB Honors College Presidential Summer Fellowship 2020.
Read more: BME student Zhang awarded Honors College Presidential Summer Fellowship

Robert Blakely, development director for the UAB School of Engineering, was recently awarded the Dr. Kenneth E. Burke Award for Outstanding Achievement in Advancement.
Read more: Blakely honored for outstanding achievement in advancement

Dianne Gilmer is a rare figure in her field. As the assistant director of the UAB Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) concentration in the Master of Engineering Program, she is a woman working in two fields—construction and engineering—where women are historically underrepresented.
Read more: CEM’s Dianne Gilmer Named UAB’s Outstanding Woman Administrator for 2020

Two engineering undergraduates are the first students ever to receive a new annual scholarship awarded by the Birmingham Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
Read more: Schmidt, Tuma, receive inaugural Outstanding SWE Member Undergraduate Scholarships

Read more: BME ranks in top five in NIH funding for fourth straight year

Read more: Inaugural Watts Scholarships awarded to BME undergraduates

Read more: Kids in Engineering Day events introduce younger students to STEM

New UAB research is combining mathematical modeling and advanced imaging to find the right mix of therapy for patients with a common subtype of breast cancer.

Read more: Liu a collaborator on four grants for cancer research

Read more: BME Ph.D. candidate, Wesley LaBarge, to receive 2020 UAB Samuel B. Barker Award

Read more: Xixi Zhang receives American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

Micah Armstrong and Hunter Zhang were named the UAB Outstanding Undergraduate and Graduate Students of the Year, respectively, Thursday night at the Engineering Council of Birmingham’s (ECOB) 61st Annual Awards Banquet, while UAB Ph.D. student Brandy McKinney received the ECOB Distinguished Service Award.
Read more: ECOB honors UAB engineering students at annual Banquet

Art or App Design Challenge Offered for 2020
After a successful challenge last fall, the UAB Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is hosting an Art or App Design Challenge, sponsored by a grant from the UAB Quality Enhancement Project (QEP) of the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Nearly 100 students met at UAB earlier this month for the third annual Alabama Materials Science Student Research Symposium. The event included participants from all three schools in the University of Alabama System.

On January 10 and 11, 2020, Construction Engineering Management (CEM) held an on-campus boot camp that serves as an orientation for new graduate students.

On December 4, the Department of Biomedical Engineering welcomed students, faculty, staff, leadership, and friends of the department to take part in an event at the Hill Student Center recognizing the first 40 years of BME as an official department at UAB.
Read more: Celebrating Forty Years of Biomedical Engineering at UAB

Biomedical Engineering is establishing a student award fund to support the professional development of master’s and Ph.D. students and a second that will support four freshman students.

BME alumni get in touch with their pasts while making a gift for the future

Students in the Department of Biomedical Engineering worked in collaborations with others in the School of Engineering to ensure that middle school-aged girls from around the greater Birmingham area had a blast during the Fall 2019 Girls in Science and Engineering Day event on Saturday, October 26.

Earlier this year, the UAB School of Engineering lost a key connection to its past when Joseph Appleton, Ph.D., passed away in January. Appleton served as the founding dean of the school from 1970-1977.
Read more: Surge of Support: Appleton Scholarship Exceeds $75,000

Joel Berry, Ph.D., and Alan Eberhardt, Ph.D., of the Department of Biomedical Engineering ran a BlazeDesign Workshop at the 2019 Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Read more: Berry and Eberhardt lead BlazeDesign Workshop at BMES

Molly Buckley, a master’s student in the UAB Department of Biomedical Engineering, is one of four UAB students who were recently awarded a 2019-2020 fellowship from the American Association of University Women (AAUW).

Earlier this month, UAB Engineering alumni Blair Farley and Ahmed Elhattab, Ph.D., were honored with UAB Young Alumni Rising Star Awards. The two engineers were among five people picked for the 2019 class.
Read more: Two SOE graduates honored with UAB Young Alumni Rising Star Awards

Peter Walsh, Ph.D., a longtime faculty member in the UAB School of Engineering, was recently named Research Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering by the University of Alabama Board of Trustees.

On Tuesday, September 10, the UAB School of Engineering hosted an event to connect students, employers...and a handful of robots at the Engineering Fall Kickoff and Career Fair.
Read more: 2019 Fall Kickoff and Career Expo draws large crowd to HSC

Construction Engineering Management (CEM) welcomes 59 new graduate students as part of the fall 2019 cohort.

By Christina Crowe
Sepsis is a deadly infection that kills hundreds of thousands of people annually and costs billions of dollars, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. What if a group of students could design a program to reduce both the mortality rate and high cost of treating this life-threatening condition?

Biomedical engineering chair Jianyi “Jay” Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., is featured for his research on patches for damaged heart muscle cells following heart attacks, in the Summer 2019 issue of UAB Magazine.
Read more: Biomedical Engineering's Jay Zhang featured in UAB Magazine

The fifth annual NIH Cardiovascular Bioengineering (CVBE) Symposium was held in Sydney, Australia on March 1-2, 2019. The symposium continues to be unique in the world, featuring a combination of top international researchers and trainees in cardiovascular bioengineering.
Read more: UAB BME co-hosts 2019 CVBE Symposium in Sydney, Australia
Biomedical Engineering student Daniel Moore was awarded the Blazer Male Excellence Network (BMEN) Green Blazer of Excellence earlier this spring. He will receive his bachelor of science this Saturday at Bartow Arena.

Imagination, innovation, and technical expertise were on display during Design Week 2019 at the UAB School of Engineering.

Vinoy Thomas, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, received the 2019 Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentorship.
Read more: Thomas receives Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentorship

At the beginning of the year, Wesley Zech, Ph.D., joined the UAB faculty as the director of the Master of Engineering (MEng) degree with a concentration in Construction Engineering Management (CEM).

Frank Skidmore, M.D., an associate professor of neurology in the UAB School of Medicine who is also active in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering's Integrated Systems Center (ISC), presented his recent collaborative work with the ECE-ISC at SciHub at Arizona State and participated in this transdisciplinary workshop organized by Dr. Frank Wilczek, a Nobel Laureate in physics, of MIT.

Undergraduate engineering students Jason Zhang and Annisha Borah are among the four UAB Honors College students chosen to be University Innovation Fellows, a prestigious program that seeks to empower students to be agents of change for their respective schools.
Read more: Two Engineering students named University Innovation Fellows