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This spring, several School of Engineering faculty members received professional honors. Recipients included Timothy Wick, Ph.D., and Joel Berry, Ph.D., who each received awards from the UAB Office of the Provost, as well as Amber Genau, who received the TMS Young Leaders International Scholar Award.

“No school achieves greatness without faculty members who are committed to excellence,” says School of Engineering Dean Iwan Alexander, Ph.D. “I congratulate these three faculty members who have demonstrated strong commitments to leadership, innovation and team-building in our classrooms and laboratories.”

Each of the Provost’s Awards comes with a cash prize of $1,000. They will be formally presented on Friday, April 13 at 9:00 a.m. in Bartow Arena.

""Excellence in Learning in a Team Environment

Wick, senior associate dean and professor of engineering, is the recipient of the 2018 Provost’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Learning in a Team Environment.

The award is based in part of Wick’s role as professor of an honors class in freshman design. In that course, students must work in teams to identify problems, then go through a process of designing, building, and testing solutions. Ideally, the teamwork practiced in this course will benefit students as they tackle increasingly complex problems throughout the engineering curriculum.

""Excellence in Undergraduate Research

Berry, an associate professor of biomedical engineering, is the recipient of the 2018 Provost’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research. Berry shares the honor with Nancy Wingo, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the School of Nursing.

Berry and Wingo collaborated on the creation of Solution Studios, a partnership between the UAB Honors College Science and Technology Honors Program, UAB Medicine, and the Schools of Engineering and Nursing. Through this program, undergraduate students work closely with clinical partners and local industry to address patient-centered problems identified by the clinicians.

amber genauTMS Young Leaders International Scholar—JIM Award

Genau, an associate professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, received her award in March from The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) at the JIM Spring Meeting at the Chiba Institute of Technology, Shin-Narashino Campus.

The award was made possible by the TMS Foundation, and it included a $5,000 travel stipend.