The UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center provides quick access to community and online resources that may help employees address the issues they are facing in their search for successful work/life integration. Explore the collection of resources for caregivers below.
Note: This listing is a collection of some, not all, resources for caregivers. UAB neither vets, nor formally endorses, third-party resources listed.

Caregiver Action Network
This site provides resources on respite care, caregiver checklists, bereavement, video series on how to talk to your doctor, financial issues and assistance in locating local agencies on aging.

American Library Association
Caregivers toolkit with resources, support, government agencies and training opportunities.

American Association of Caregiving Youth
AACY supports youth who care for chronically ill, injured, elderly, or disabled family members.

National Alliance for Caregiving
The National Alliance for Caregiving is dedicated to improving Quality of Life for friend and family caregivers by advancing research, advocacy, and innovation.

Well Spouse Association
The Well Spouse Association provides peer support and education about the special challenges and unique issues facing “well” spouses. Members speak out on their caregiving situations, providing a window into the not-so-well-known world of the estimated 6 million spousal caregivers in America and many more around the world.
Caregivers Toolkit | Parenting Toolkit | Parenting Teens Toolkit