Select a topic below to access our catalog of mental health and community online resources to help employees address the issues they are facing in their search for successful work/life integration. This catalog will be updated with additional resources on a regular basis.
How to save online resources for easy mobile access: iOS users | Android users.
Note: This listing is a collection of some, not all, mental health and other health-related resources. UAB neither vets, nor formally endorses, third-party resources listed.
Addiction & Recovery
Addiction & Recovery
Addiction & Recovery Resources | Addiction & Recovery Support Groups
Addiction & Recovery Resources
UAB Addiction Recovery ProgramThe UAB Medicine Addiction Recovery Program offers an individualized approach to the assessment and treatment of alcohol and substance abuse. They offer confidential evaluations to discuss the inpatient and outpatient treatment options available through the program. UAB Medicine Addiction Recovery offers a proven way to overcome addiction and take back control of your life, without the stigma or “one-size-fits-all” approach associated with some recovery programs.
Phone: 205-975-7350
Bradford Health ServicesBradford Health Services offers a continuum of care approach to treating individuals with alcohol and drug dependency. Bradford offers a variety of inpatient, intensive outpatient and specialty services and they are committed to providing treatment options that are efficacious and meet families and referents at their need. Services include offer no-cost consultations, a concerned person’s group, intervention specialists who can assist in making appropriate referrals.
211 Connects AlabamaDialing 2-1-1 from anywhere in Alabama connects you to a trained operator 24/7 that has access to a comprehensive database with a multitude of services in your community. The 2-1-1 system serves as the initial contact point for a variety of programs — including crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, and drug and alcohol intervention and rehabilitation.
Addiction Prevention CoalitionThe Addiction Prevention Coalition (APC) is a non-profit community resource that aims to eliminate addiction in Central Alabama. Originally named The Freedom Source, APC has been providing support for the greater Birmingham area for over a decade. Through their in-school prevention programs, educational events, and collection of support services, APC aims to be a convener of organizations united to prevent addiction and relapse.
The Recovery Resource CenterThe Recovery Resource Center is a collaborative initiative dedicated to simplifying that process by providing a central point of information. The center’s staff and volunteers have the expertise to answer questions, initiate the treatment process, and make referrals as needed.
NIAAA Alcohol Treatment NavigatorThe Alcohol Treatment Navigator, designed by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health, is a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use tool to help individuals and their loved ones navigate the complicated process of choosing treatment for alcohol problems. With many treatment options available, the navigator makes the search easier by telling you what you need to know, and what you need to do, to find appropriate, quality care.
reSTART Life
The reSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program is designed to help launch tech dependent youth and adults back into real life interactions. The individually tailored program assists individuals with an Internet and/or computer based behavioral problem break the cycle of dependency.
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services AdministrationSAMHSA, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, promotes and implements prevention and early intervention strategies to reduce the impact of mental and substance use disorders in America’s communities. Learn how health care professionals address common mental illnesses and substance use disorders, and how SAMHSA helps people access treatments and services, on the Treatments and Services section of the website.
The Addicted BrainAn article about how the brain responds to addiction: We don’t understand it completely, but we know much more than we did 20 or even 5 years ago about how the brain responds to addictive drugs, and that knowledge is beginning to affect treatment and prevention.
Addiction & Recovery Support Groups
Alcoholics AnonymousAlcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.
Narcotics AnonymousTheir vision is that every addict in the world has the chance to experience the NA message in his or her own language and culture and to find the opportunity for a new way of life. NA is a support group for people addicted to narcotics, committed to recovery.
Overeaters AnonymousMeetings are gatherings of two or more compulsive eaters who come together to share their personal experience and the strength and hope OA has given them. They are usually held once a week and run from an hour to an hour and a half. Though there are many types of meetings, fellowship with other compulsive eaters is the basis of them all.
Gambler’s AnonymousGambler’s Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.
Cocaine AnonymousCocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction.
Al-AnonThe Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery.
Nar-AnonThe Nar-Anon Family Groups is primarily for those who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you. We have traveled that unhappy road too, and found the answer with serenity and peace of mind.
Gam-anonGam-Anon has created this website to provide information for the general public and professional community about problem (compulsive) gambling and its financial and emotional effects on the gamblers' families and loved ones.
Sex Addicts AnonymousSex Addicts Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they may overcome sex addiction and help others recover from sex addiction or dependency.
Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety | Depression
National Institute of Mental HealthSigns and symptoms, risk factors, treatment and therapies, and more information on Anxiety Disorders, provided by NIH, the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to the understanding and treatment of mental illness.
Anxiety & Depression Association of AmericaStrategies to help you cope with anxiety and stress, plus therapist directory, monthly webinars and online support groups from ADAA, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment and cure of anxiety, depressive, obsessive-compulsive and trauma-related disorders.
American Psychological AssociationAnxiety definition, as well as links to research and news articles about anxiety.
MentalHelp.netInformation on understanding anxiety and anxiety disorders.
HelpGuideInformation and strategies for recognizing and managing anxiety.
Mental Health America Online Depression TestOnline screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Please note — online screens are not a substitute for consultation with a health professional. Regardless of the results of a screen, if you have any concerns, see your doctor, counselor or other mental health professional.
American Psychological AssociationResources and information on psychotherapy and other treatments to help people recover from depression, provided by the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 115,700 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members.
Anxiety and Depression Association of AmericaNon-profit organization provides information and support for patients and health professionals, with details of conditions, and lists of resources.
National Institute of Mental HealthSigns and symptoms, risk factors, treatment and therapies, and more information on Depression, provided by NIH, the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to the understanding and treatment of mental illness.
HelpGuideTips for coping with depression from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
WebMDDepression support to help manage your mood and enjoy your life to the fullest, from WebMD.
Non-traditional Approaches: -
Asian American Pacific Islander Resources
Asian American Pacific Islander Resources
Birmingham | Huntsville | Online Resources | Social Media Accounts
Birmingham Resources
Alabama Asian Cultures Foundation501(c) (3) nonprofit organization founded in 2005 that aims to support Asian artistic & cultural organizations in Birmingham metro area & state of Alabama.
Japanese American Society of AlabamaNonprofit organization founded in 1989 promotes international networking of business professionals & individuals interested in pursuing Japanese business ventures in Japan or promoting Japanese businesses in Alabama.
Birmingham Chinese Festival AssociationPromotes Chinese Culture through annual festivals strengthening the multicultural connections in Birmingham metro communities. Events held at Boutwell Auditorium, Linn Park & at the Birmingham Museum of Art.
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) at UABOrganization for pre-health students at UAB engages through projects & initiatives addressing special health issues related to AAPI communities in order to promote health of the AAPI community and create future culturally competent healthcare workers.
UAB Asian American Organization Facebook GroupA UAB student organization promoting the integration of Asian and American cultures through its annual Bhangra/ Bollywood fusion event
Birmingham Chinese Community Facebook GroupCommunicates community events and activities organized by Chinese American communities.
Huntsville Resources
Huntsville India AssociationNonprofit organization representing Asian Indian Community of North Alabama through educating community about India through charitably, educational, scientific, & cultural programs in the community.
Online Resources
Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA)Aims to advance the mental health and well-being of Asian American communities through research, professional practice, education, and policy.
NAMI: Asian American Pacific IslanderMental health organization highlighting AAPI identity & cultural dimensions.
Asian American Health InitiativeAn organization based in Montgomery County, Maryland aiming to improve the health and wellness of Asian Americans through applying equity, community engagement, and data driven approaches while offering educational information and resources on mental health in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Hindi.
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA)A federation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) AAPI organizations promoting local LGBT AAPI Groups through developing leadership, promoting visibility, collaboration, community education, grassroots movement, & challenge anti-LGBTQ bias & racism.
National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA)Promotes mental health and wellbeing of Asian Americas, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders through advocating for public policy, providing trainings, developing mental health fact sheets, & working closely with community-based organization addressing mental health and health related issues.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice AtlantaNonprofit legal advocacy organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) in Georgia and the Southeast.
Asian Mental Health collectiveAims to normalize and de-stigmatize mental health within the Asian community.
Mental Health America: Asian American/Pacific Islander Communities & Mental HealthMental health facts and information on Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders in the United States.
South Asian Sexual & Mental Health Alliance (SASMHA)Organization that aims to create a safe space to educate & empower South Asian American youth through providing resources on sex, sexuality & mental Health.
Asian Americans Pacific Islander Philanthropy (AAPIP)National membership organization working to expand and mobilize philanthropic & community resources for underserved AAPI communities in order to build a more just and equitable society.
Federal Asian Pacific American CouncilNonprofit organization promoting equal opportunity & cultural diversity for Asian Pacific Americans in the government through encouraging participation & advancement of AAPI’s in the Government workforce.
Stop AAPI HateOrganization founded during COVID-19 pandemic in response to the increase hate against AAPI communities that is working to end all structural racism and address anti-Asian racism occurring in the United States.
Asian American Feminist CollectiveAAPI collective focused on intersectional feminist politics providing public events and resources that provides space for identity exploration, political education, community building, and advocacy.
Chinese Progressive AssociationOrganization founded in 1972, that aims to educate, organize, and empower the low income and working class Chinese immigrant community in San Francisco in an effort to create a collective power benefiting other oppressed communities demanding better living and working conditions and justice.
National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF)Organization focused on promoting AAPI women and girls in order to influence critical decisions revolving around their lives, families and communities through a reproductive justice framework that elevates changes of policies and drive systemic change in the United States.
Red Canary SongGrass roots organization supporting Asian migrant workers & sex workers.
Biden’s Executive Order: Racial Justice for AAPI persons. Memorandum Condemning and Combating Racism, Xenophobia, and Intolerance Against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States
Social Media Accounts
Instagram Accounts- @asiansdotherapy Normalizing therapy in Asian Communities, created by Yin J. Li MA, LMFT
- @asianmentalhealthcollective Building a community for Asian mental health support
- @asiansformentalhealth Jenny Wang, PhD Clinical Psychologist & speaker on Asian American identity, mental health, & social justice.
- @browngirltherapy Promoting therapy, biculturalism, social justice & serving mental health community for children of immigrants.
- @itsjiyoungkim Justice-oriented therapy for collective liberation
- @hieupham.lcsw Mental Health Service
- @projectlotusorg Youth-led organization aiming to destigmatize mental health in Asian American communities
- @southasiantherapists South Asian Mental Health community & South Asian therapist directory.
- @themindhealthspot Mental Wellness education & advocacy
Caregivers & Older Adults
Caregivers & Older Adults
COVID-19 Resources for Older Adults | Home Care & Assistance | Additional Resources
COVID-19 Resources for Older AdultsGovernment Information
- Get the facts about Coronavirus and take steps to care for yourself and help protect others in your home and community. Here you can also review resources for daily activities and staying safe when you go out.
- Medicare: The source for your Medicare questions about COVID19. This site has resources on how to slow the spread of Coronavirus, coping with stress, medicare related needs, and how to stay safe as our states reopen.
Benefits and Services
- Benefits Checkup (National Council on Aging): Here you can search your benefit programs to get relevant program information about benefits available in your state. Search for information on medication, healthcare, income assistance, transportation, and many more.
- Family Caregiver Alliance: The Family Caregiver Alliance is committed to supporting caregivers through the evolving situation associated with the Coronavirus. During this time of heightened awareness about public health and reducing risk of exposure for ourselves and those we care for, it is very important to gather updated information from trusted sources.
- Protect yourself financially from the impact of the Coronavirus: Protect yourself financially from the impact of the Coronavirus and review information on how to bills and other financial obligations, what to do if you experience loss of income, how to get more help with your money issues.
- COVID-19 Fraud: Financial scams related to the Coronavirus are becoming more prevalent. Use these resources to protect yourself from COVID19 scams and related Medicare fraud.
Mental Health & Social Isolation
- How to stay connected while intentionally isolated: The Coalition to End Social Isolation & Loneliness is monitoring the situation closely and has put together a compilation of resources on the physical, behavioral, and mental health effects of physical distancing and how to stay connected with others while intentionally isolating oneself.
- Department of Veterans Affairs — Public Health: The Department of Veterans Affairs has implemented an aggressive public health response to protect and care for Veterans, their families, health care providers, and staff in the face of this emerging health risk. The VA is working directly with the CDC and other federal partners to monitor the outbreak of the virus.
Home Care & Assistance
1446 Montgomery Highway, Suite B | Birmingham, AL 35216
Right at Home: In-Home Care & Assistance
Phone: 205-203-0007 | Fax: 205-460-1063Right at Home offers caregiving services for almost any family and practically any situation. Our in-home care lets loved ones enjoy healthy lives in the comfort of a familiar environment. We tailor our care to your unique situation through a Custom Care Plan. These individualized care programs include whatever your loved one needs from any of our care categories: skilled nursing, hygiene, physical assistance, Alzheimer’s and other Dementias, companionship and homemaking, home health aide, health reminders, non-medical home care, respite care and wellness.
4 Office Park Circle, Suite 309 | Birmingham, AL 35223
BrightStar Care: Home Care/Medical Staffing
Phone: 205-578-6637Our local professional care teams led by our Registered Nurses provide a Higher Standard of Home Care. We help your loved ones stay at home doing the things they love, offering full continuum of care, personalized care plans and caregiver screening.
6 Office Park Circle, Suite 315 | Birmingham, AL 35223
Always Best Care: Senior Services of Birmingham
Phone: 205-874-9730Always Best Care offers a wide continuum of senior care services including companionship services, home helper services and personal care services (assistance only).
3928 Montclair Road, Suite 202 | Birmingham, AL 35213
Choice Home Care
Phone: 205-445-0705Home healthcare specialists offering sitters, personal care, personal therapy, light housekeeping, meal preparation, medication assistance, errand service, hospital sitters, RN/LPNs.
402 Office Park Drive, Suite 240 | Birmingham, AL 35223
Family Private Care, LLC
Phone: 205-870-8855 | Fax: 205-870-8866Whether you are looking for friendly companionship to assist with everyday activities so you can continue your independent lifestyle, or you need more advanced personal care or medical assistance in your home, Family Private Care can match you with a caregiver who will help you achieve your goals and provide you and your family with peace of mind.
300 Vestavia Pkwy, #2300 | Birmingham, AL 35216
Homewatch Caregivers
Phone: 205-639-0180Services offered include elder care, 24-hour care, child care, respite care, senior transportation services, companion care, hospital discharge, dementia care and personal care.
1424 Montclair Road | Birmingham, AL 35210
Fair Haven Retirement Community
Phone: 205-956-4150Fair Haven has a long-established reputation for being a trusted, faith-based, full-service senior care provider in Birmingham. It is known for its full spectrum of housing and care options, and is the only local retirement community with UAB geriatric physicians and UAB-trained dentists on-site to serve all of our residents.
Located in South Highland Presbyterian Church
South Highland Adult Care Center
2035 Highland Ave. South | Birmingham, AL 35205
Phone: 205-933-2332South Highland Adult Care Center staff is specially-trained to care for those with dementia and other conditions characterized by a neurological decline or language impairment. The care we give extends beyond our program participants, and includes their caregivers at home too. Our program offers an affordable alternative to long-term care and allows a few hours of freedom during the day. Whether participants are enrolled full-time or one day a week, our program is designed to improve quality of life for caregivers and care recipients alike.
Additional Resources
Senior Care AuthoritySenior Care Authority can help you sort through the daunting number of options for residential care for an older adult who requires assistance with activities of daily living or medical care. Assisted Living, Memory Care, Skilled Nursing, Independent Living – which one is the best fit for your loved one? Your personal advisor will help you choose based on current and future care needs, budget, location, and what matters most to your family. Services also include Eldercare Consulting and Driving with Dignity.
Home Modifications for Seniors: Aging in Place SafelyA 2018 AARP survey on adults revealed that 75% of those aged 50 years and above prefer to remain in their homes or communities as they age. Hence, it is in their best interest that we make the homes they live in become safer and more accessible. Home modifications become necessary for them to adapt to their environment and enable them to age in place for as long as possible.
This resource has great information on fall prevention, room-specific modifications and long-term modifications inside older adults’ homes for them to safely perform necessary activities of daily living, such as self-care, home management, and leisure.
Sixty & Me: Caregiver Stress Prevention GuideThis Caregiver Stress Prevention Guide offers realistic resources and strategies that can help caregivers navigate their stress.
The Life Services ToolkitResources and tools to support you and your beneficiary, from UAB life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment provider, The Standard.
Alabama Agencies on AgingAlabama Agencies on Aging assists older adults, people of all ages with disabilities, and their families in coordinating resources and services that will enable the older adult to maintain their independence for as long as possible.
201 Monroe Street, Suite 350 | Montgomery, AL 36104
Alabama Ageline
Phone: 800-243-5463 | Fax: 334-242-5594Official site of the Alabama Department of Senior Services providing several state and local programs such as Disaster Preparedness, Elder Abuse Prevention, Long Term Care, Medicaid, Nutrition, and Legal Assistance.
3600 8th Avenue South | Birmingham, AL 35222
United Way Area Agency on Aging
Phone: 1-800-Age-Line (1-800-243-5463)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 320189 | Birmingham, AL 35232-0189Under the direction of the Alabama Department of Senior Services, the United Way Area Agency on Aging (UWAAA) of Jefferson County assesses the needs of older persons, distributes funds for the provision of services, implements a wide range of programs and provides counseling and information about available resources to senior citizens, people with disabilities and caregivers. Through a comprehensive and coordinated system, UWAAA is enhancing lives in meaningful ways — from providing hot, nutritious meals and monitoring long-term care facilities to training caregivers and helping individuals take full advantage of their Medicare benefits.
Senior Talk LineA free telephone reassurance service for senior citizens, their caregivers, retirees and widowed persons, grandparents and others who might find comfort in having a counselor call them on a regular basis to talk, provided by the Crisis Center of Birmingham. The primary service area is central Alabama, which includes Blount, Jefferson, St. Clair, Shelby and Walker counties.
Phone: 205-328-8255
Alzheimer’s of Central AlabamaACA serves 21 counties across central Alabama and 100 percent of the money raised stays in Alabama. Each year over 400 patients and their families benefit from services such as scholarships to attend adult day care centers or to receive continence products, Project Lifesaver bracelets to diminish the risk of wandering, education through support groups, a newsletter, website, community awareness/education programs, and telephone helpline.
The Caregiver's HandbookThe PBS program, Caring For Your Parents, features videos, doctor interviews and a printable handbook with information and advice on topics including finances, healthcare, housing and transportation and caring for the caregiver.
Johnson SterlingJohnson Sterling is an independent, fee-based financial advisory firm. Founded in 1976, it serves clients throughout the U.S. Johnson Sterling is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an Investment Advisory and Pension Consultancy. It deliver clients an array of specialized, research-driven, risk managed investment advisory and financial consulting services, including Retirement Plan Consulting, Financial Planning Services, Employee Benefits Consulting, Retirement Transition Services and more.
Positive MaturityPositive Maturity offers three volunteer placement programs that each serve adults 55 and older; the RSVP Program, Senior Companion Program, and the Foster Grandparent Program. Each program meets the needs and desires of both the volunteer and community. In addition, Positive Maturity has three other programs that support the aging community and their families.
Care PatrolCare Patrol can help seniors and their families during a time when many emotional and practical issues must be considered. They can recommend appropriate levels of care such as Independent Living, Assisted Senior Housing, Memory Care or In-Home Care.
Caliber Care & TransportCaliber Care & Transport offers non-emergent transport for individuals in wheelchairs or stretchers. It is the nations largest NEMT service.
White Arnold & Dowd, PCComplex legal issues can come out of left field at any time to blindside companies, individuals and families. From litigation to mediation and private disputes to internal investigations, the attorneys White Arnold & Dowd P.C. excel at finding creative strategies to minimize disruptions and help clients keep moving forward in business and in life.
Located in South Highland Presbyterian Church
South Highland Adult Care Center
2035 Highland Ave. South | Birmingham, AL 35205
Phone: 205-933-2332South Highland Adult Care Center staff is specially-trained to care for those with dementia and other conditions characterized by a neurological decline or language impairment. The care we give extends beyond our program participants, and includes their caregivers at home too. Our program offers an affordable alternative to long-term care and allows a few hours of freedom during the day. Whether participants are enrolled full-time or one day a week, our program is designed to improve quality of life for caregivers and care recipients alike.
UAB Pastoral CareWe care for the whole person — body, mind, and spirit at UAB Hospital, UAB Highlands, The Kirklin Clinic, or at home. As professional board-certified Chaplains, we offer care and compassion to you regardless of your faith background. Listening and walking alongside you in your journey while you are our guest is what we do best. We nurture and pay attention to your inner resources that can provide hope, meaning and healing even in the most challenging of times. UAB Pastoral Care has a Chaplain on call 24 hours a day.
Page us by calling 205-934-3411, ask any nurse to contact a Chaplain for you 24/7, or call 205-934-4254.
UAB Veterans Online ToolkitUAB proudly supports the policies and practices of equal opportunity in education and employment, including the hiring of veterans and their families. Here you will find links to information, forms and other resources that you may find helpful as a veteran at UAB.
National Resource DirectoryA resource website that connects wounded warriors, service members, veterans, and their families and caregivers to programs and services that support them.
VIVA MedicareVIVA Medicare can offer Medicare education and benefit explanation. They can also consult with you on providers, appropriate plans to fit your budget, health and wellness resources, and more.
Caregiver.comSearch for programs and services, caregiver support groups and homecare by topic.
Eldercare LocatorA public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connects you to services for older adults and their families — search by location or topic. Contact an eldercare locator information specialist by phone at 1-800-677-1116.
Home Instead Senior CareHome Instead offers an individualized approach to keep seniors safe and sound at home, instead of anywhere else.
Concierge Services
Concierge Services
Cleaners | Errands | Grocery/Meal Delivery | Carry Out Family Meals
CleanersAladdin Cleaners & Laundry, Mountain Brook
2819 Cahaba Road, Birmingham
205-879-6917Champion Cleaners
US-280 #101, Birmingham
205-408-2797Deluxe Cleaners
400 Old Hwy 280 (at the intersection of Hwy 280 & 119)
205-980-7114Vogue Cleaners
910 23rd St. South (convenient to the UAB campus)
ErrandsXpress Concierge Lifestyle Management, LLC
210 Fieldstowns Road, Suite 100, Gardendale
Grocery/Meal DeliveryShipt Grocery Delivery
205-502-2500 | 888-807-5537
Sign up with your UAB email address and receive $20 off annual membership.Waitr
Browse local restaurants, customize orders and arrange delivery or carryout options.Katie's Plates
4500 Montevallo Road, Suite E105, Birmingham
205-502-7924The Takeout Bham
205-823-7524The Fresh Market (only at participating locations)
• Homewood (549 Brookwood Village, 35209)
• Inverness (4700 Hwy 280, 35242)
Discount for UAB employees: 10% off total purchase excluding alcohol and gift cards. Show your valid UAB ID at check-out at participating locations.KATs Delivery
Alabaster (50 Gilbert Drive, 35007)
Kats delivers from a variety of places with a full listing of products and stores online.
Discount for UAB employees: No delivery fees on all orders over $100. Email from your UAB email to receive a discount code.
Carry Out Family MealsPublix
Multiple locationsPanera Bread
Multiple locationsTaziki’s
301 18th Street S., Birmingham
205-731-9001Cafe Iz
2514 Rocky Ridge Road, Birmingham
205-979-7570Zoe’s Kitchen
Multiple locationsSprouts Farmers Market
Multiple locationsAshley Macs
Monday through Saturday, 10:30 a.m.-8 p.m., Multiple locations- Cahaba Heights
3147 Green Valley Road | Cahaba Heights, Alabama 35243
Phone: 205-822-4142 - Homewood
1831 28th Ave South, Suite N101 | Homewood, Alabama 35209
Phone: 205-582-0062 - Inverness
5299 Valleydale Road | Hoover, Alabama 35242
Phone: 205-346-6186 - Riverchase
4730 Chace Circle | Hoover, Alabama 35244
Phone: 205-259-5044
- Cahaba Heights
Crisis & Mental Health
Crisis & Mental Health
COVID-19 Resources | Anger Management | Anxiety | Depression | Suicide Prevention | Infertility Support
COVID-19 Resources for Mental Health- Mental Health Month Infographic: COVID-19 and Your Mental Health
- Resources and Referrals for use during UAB Limited Business Model
- Stay Calm & Reduce Fear during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- How to Support Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- How to Maintain Social Connections while Physically Distant
- Wellness at Home
Explore additional resources from UAB HR designed to help UAB employees and their families through the COVID-19 public health crisis:
Anger Management
IMPACT Family CounselingProvides a six-week anger management courses designed to help individuals recognize their triggers; understand, anticipate and diffuse conflict; and help adults change their thoughts, feels and behavior in relation to anger.
Covenant CounselingA Christian-based service providing individuals working through anger an opportunity to not only explore the causes of the anger but also strategies to reduce its unhealthy expression.
Logan GroupOffers anger management classes online for a fee in a stress free environment to meet court, school and employer requirements from the convenience of your home.
Anger Management OnlineOffers 10 hours, 20 hours, 30 hours or 40 hours of anger management classes online or face-to-face (fee based).
Open Path Mental Health NetworkOffers 4 to 52 hours of anger management classes for a small fee and is accepted by courts, probation officers, and employers throughout the country. Students can receive a pdf certificate or a mailed certificate with a raised, notarized, embossed seal.
EACC Trauma Handouts- 10 Common Reactions to Trauma: Because everyone responds differently to traumatic events, you may have some of these reactions more than others, and some you may not have at all.
- Healing from Trauma: Trauma symptoms typically last from a few days to a few months, but even when you’re feeling better, you may be troubled from time to time.
- Helping Others Deal with Trauma: Here are five ways to help a loved one who is recovering from trauma.
National Institute of Mental HealthSigns and symptoms, risk factors, treatment and therapies, and more information on Anxiety Disorders, provided by NIH, the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to the understanding and treatment of mental illness.
Anxiety & Depression Association of AmericaStrategies to help you cope with anxiety and stress, plus therapist directory, monthly webinars and online support groups from ADAA, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment and cure of anxiety, depressive, obsessive-compulsive and trauma-related disorders.
American Psychological AssociationAnxiety definition, as well as links to research and news articles about anxiety.
MentalHelp.netInformation on understanding anxiety and anxiety disorders.
HelpGuideInformation and strategies for recognizing and managing anxiety.
Psych HubWith options for every audience, Psych Hub is the world's largest online platform for digital mental health education. Our revolutionary Learning Hubs have taken online mental health courses to a new level with certifications proven to take learners from knowledge learned to behavior change. Psych Hub’s free micro-video library hosts more than 200 consumer-facing, animated videos focused on improving mental health literacy and reducing stigma about seeking care.
Mental Health America Online Depression TestOnline screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Please note — online screens are not a substitute for consultation with a health professional. Regardless of the results of a screen, if you have any concerns, see your doctor, counselor or other mental health professional.
American Psychological AssociationResources and information on psychotherapy and other treatments to help people recover from depression, provided by the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 115,700 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members.
Anxiety and Depression Association of AmericaNon-profit organization provides information and support for patients and health professionals, with details of conditions, and lists of resources.
National Institute of Mental HealthSigns and symptoms, risk factors, treatment and therapies, and more information on Depression, provided by NIH, the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to the understanding and treatment of mental illness.
HelpGuideTips for coping with depression from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
WebMDDepression support to help manage your mood and enjoy your life to the fullest, from WebMD.
Non-traditional Approaches:
Suicide Prevention
Crisis Center of BirminghamAvailable to serve the needs of people experiencing personal crisis or mental health issues and respond with services that promote coping, emotional health and wellbeing. Primary service area is central Alabama including Blount, Jefferson, St. Clair, Shelby and Walker counties.
Phone: 205-323-7777
Survivors of Suicide Support GroupSupport from the Crisis Center of Birmingham in a group setting for those people who have lost a loved one to suicide. This bi-monthly support group allows individuals to openly express feelings associated with death by suicide. Issues unique to suicide survivors are discussed and explored within this group. Facilitated by professionals, the SOS group provides an open, non-judgmental atmosphere of support without the stigma often associated with suicide. Group members share their stories as well as various coping skills they have found to be helpful in the healing process.
National Suicide Prevention LifelineNo matter what problems you are dealing with, by calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255), you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.
NAMI BirminghamAn affiliate of the nation’s leading advocacy organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of persons with mental illness through education, advocacy, research and support.
2-1-1 Connects AlabamaAre you facing difficult times and don’t know where to turn? Are you looking for help with everyday needs? Are you wanting to volunteer? Dialing 2-1-1 is your first step. 2-1-1 is a free, easy to remember number for easy-to-find information about health and human service organizations in your community. A service of the United Ways of Alabama.
Mental Health Resource Directory for AlabamaThis searchable database of mental health resources in Alabama also provides a list of local/statewide and national resource links for a wide variety of mental health issues. An initiative of the Jefferson County Mental Health Group.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (Alabama Chapter)The leading not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research and education and to reaching out to people with mood disorders and those impacted by suicide.
American Psychological AssociationSuicide warning signs and resources for individuals, teens and families, as well as links to additional resources.
HelpGuideSuicide prevention information and resources for individuals, as well as information for loved ones.
National Institute of Mental HealthSigns and symptoms of suicide, risk factors, treatments and therapies, and a list of additional resources regarding suicide and suicide prevention.
American Association of Suicidology (AAS)AAS is a nonprofit organization that promotes research, public awareness programs, public education, and training for professionals and volunteers. It serves as a national clearinghouse for information on suicide, publishing and disseminating statistics and suicide prevention resources. AAS also hosts national annual conferences for professionals and survivors.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)The NIMH website has a section on suicide prevention that includes information and resources useful for a variety of audiences, including researchers, health care professionals, and consumers. NIMH also conducts research on suicide and suicide prevention.
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)SAVE is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to prevent suicide through public awareness and education, reduce stigma, and serve as a resource to people affected by suicide. Its prevention and education programs are designed to increase knowledge about depression, suicide, and accessing community resources and to increase understanding and use of intervention skills to help prevent suicide.
Jed FoundationThe Jed Foundation is a nonprofit organization that protects emotional health and prevents suicide among college and university students by: (1) helping colleges and universities create comprehensive programs to promote mental health and prevent suicide, (2) helping parents recognize and find support for a child’s mental health problems, and (3) helping young people recognize and find help for their mental health problems as well as those of their peers and friends.
Children's Safety Network (CSN)CSN is a national resource center for injury and violence prevention, including suicide prevention. CSN provides technical assistance on injury prevention planning, programs, and best practices; analyzes and interprets injury data; partners with national organizations and federal agencies to promote child and adolescent health and safety; disseminates injury prevention research; conducts trainings and presentations; and produces publications.
Indian Health Service (IHS)The IHS Community Suicide Prevention website provides American Indian and Alaska Native communities with culturally appropriate information about best and promising practices, training opportunities, ongoing activities, potential partnerships, and other information regarding suicide prevention and intervention. This information can help communities and schools create or adapt suicide prevention programs that are tailored to their needs.
National Suicide Prevention LifelineThe Lifeline provides immediate assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to individuals in suicidal crisis by connecting them to the nearest available suicide prevention and mental health service provider through a toll-free telephone number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The Lifeline also provides informational materials, such as brochures, wallet cards, posters, and booklets featuring the Lifeline number.
Trevor ProjectThe Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth ages 13-24, educates young people and adults on detecting and responding to suicide risk among LGBTQ youth, and advocates for laws and policies that will reduce suicide among LGBTQ young people.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)AFSP is a nonprofit organization that funds research to advance understanding of suicide and suicide prevention. It also offers educational programs and resources for professionals, survivors of suicide loss, and the public about suicide prevention. AFSP's Public Policy Division, SPAN USA, promotes and keeps track of policies and legislation related to suicide prevention. AFSP's chapters organize suicide awareness events and build connections among local resources and services addressing suicide prevention.
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)NCIPC, located at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a valuable source of information, resources, and statistics about suicide, suicide risk, and suicide prevention. Its website includes links to a number of statistical databases, including WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System), YRBSS (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System), the National Violent Death Reporting System, and the National Vital Statistics System.
Infertility Support Resources
ResolveThe National Infertility Association, established in 1974, is dedicated to ensuring that all people challenged in their family building journey reach resolution through being empowered by knowledge, supported by community, united by advocacy, and inspired to act. This website offers access to care, advocacy, support and community, education, and awareness of infertility issues.
Huntsville Infertility Support GroupMeets the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 6-7 in person in the Huntsville, AL area. Email for more information and to register. Group participation is free.
Birmingham Infertility Support GroupMeets the last Thursday of each month at 6:30pm via a virtual platform. Email Jamie Heard at for more information. Group participation is free.
Postpartum Support InternationalThe mission of Postpartum Support International is to promote awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide. PSI International provides a virtual Fertility Challenges Support group every Thursday. The time of group will vary. Group participation is free.
Still Standing MagazineFounded in 2012, Still Standing Magazine has been the world’s leading online voice in breaking the silence on child loss – from conception to adulthood, and infertility. We share stories from around the world of writers surviving the aftermath of loss and grief – and include information on how others can help. This is a page for all grieving parents. If you grieve the loss of your child, no matter the circumstances, you are welcome here.
The Art of InfertilityThe ART of Infertility is a national arts organization based in Michigan and Wisconsin. Founded in 2014, we curate innovative and emotionally provoking art exhibits to portray the realities, pains and joys of living with IF. We also design engaging curriculums to host art and writing workshops. We plan educational, outreach events. We advocate for infertility rights. Most of all, we provide support for those living in the shadows of infertility. Through art, we break the silence around reproductive grief and push back against common misconceptions. We invite you to join us in our fight to make infertility visible.
Yesh TikvaYesh Tikva, Hebrew for “There is Hope,” was established to end the silence and create a Jewish community of support for all Jewish people facing infertility. Yesh Tikva offers free professional psychosocial services, resources and tools to those struggling with infertility, while simultaneously raising awareness and sensitivity on the subject throughout the Jewish community.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
National Institute of Mental HealthSigns and symptoms, risk factors, treatment and therapies, and more information on PTSD, provided by NIH, the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to the understanding and treatment of mental illness.
American Psychological AssociationPTSD definition, as well as links to research and news articles about PTSD.
MentalHelp.netInformation on understanding PTSD and trauma.
HelpGuideInformation and strategies for recognizing and coping with PTSD.
National Center for PTSD, US Department of Veterans AffairsResearch and educational center on PTSD and traumatic stress with resources for the person experiencing PTSD, family members, friends, and providers.
National Alliance on Mental IllnessInformation on PTSD definition, symptoms, treatment, and support.
PsychHubWith options for every audience, Psych Hub is the world's largest online platform for digital mental health education. Our revolutionary Learning Hubs have taken online mental health courses to a new level with certifications proven to take learners from knowledge learned to behavior change. Psych Hub’s free micro-video library hosts more than 200 consumer-facing, animated videos focused on improving mental health literacy and reducing stigma about seeking care.
Trauma Handouts by the EACC10 Common Reactions to Trauma: Because everyone responds differently to traumatic events, you may have some of these reactions more than others, and some you may not have at all.
Healing from Trauma: Trauma symptoms typically last from a few days to a few months, but even when you’re feeling better, you may be troubled from time to time.
Helping Others Deal with Trauma: Here are five ways to help a loved one who is recovering from trauma.
PTSD Coach
iPhone | 4 stars with 117 ratings | Free
Android | 4.3 stars with 65 ratings | FreeThis app provides you with education about PTSD, information about professional care, a self-assessment for PTSD, opportunities to find support and tools that can help you manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD. Tools range from relaxation skills and positive self-talk to anger management and other common self-help strategies.;
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
Alabama 24-hour Domestic Violence HotlineThe hotline will direct your call to the shelter nearest you: 800-650-6522
Alabama Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceA nonprofit organization dedicated to working toward a peaceful society where domestic violence no longer exists. The ACADV serves domestic violence victims throughout the state through its 19-member shelter programs and 24-hour crisis line for domestic violence.
National Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceNCADV gives a voice to victims and survivors of domestic abuse by affecting public policy, increasing understanding of the impact of domestic violence and providing programs and education that drive that change.
YWCA Central AlabamaInformation on safety planning, domestic violence support and teen dating violence prevention. YWCA 24-Hour Crisis Hotline — in Birmingham 205-322-4878, statewide 1-800-650-6522
Legal Services AlabamaLegal Services Alabama (LSA) is a non-profit law firm offering free legal aid statewide. LSA has eight offices and a centralized Call Center, working together to fulfill its mission statement: To serve low-income people by providing civil legal aid and by promoting collaboration to find solutions to problems of poverty. These offices are located in Anniston/Gadsden, Birmingham, Dothan, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Selma and Tuscaloosa. They provide legal assistance for divorce when there is domestic violence involved OR the parties agree to all issues and custody when there is domestic violence.
Domestic Shelters in AlabamaDomestic Shelters list shelters all over the country that can be searched by zip code. Such shelters include Daybreak Shelter which is a private not-for-profit shelter in Walker County that addresses the specific needs of victims of domestic violence, including a 24-hour crisis line at 205-387-1157, shelter, court advocacy, SAIL, conduit to financial aid, safety planning, case management, community education and independent living transition services.
SafeHouseSafeHouse is a 501©3 non-profit United Way organization providing critical domestic and sexual violence response, prevention and intervention programs for the communities of Shelby, Coosa, Clay, and Chilton Counties in Central Alabama. SafeHouse offers free and confidential services that are designed to the needs of each survivor.
Please contact our 24-hour Crisis Line to speak with a trained advocate: 205-669-7233 (SAFE).
Crisis Services of North Alabama HOPE PlaceCrisis Services of North Alabama's HOPE Place offers two facilities, providing safe, confidential, emergency shelter to adults and their children who are fleeing their home due to intimate partner violence. HOPE Place provides trauma-informed, comprehensive services to victims, including court advocacy, counseling for adult and child victims, case management, information and referrals, and educational instruction regarding health and safety issues, legal rights and employment interviewing.
To access our shelter, trained advocates and a Forensic Nurse call our HELPline: 256-716-1000 (SAFE).
AshaKiranAshaKiran provides free ‘culturally competent’ services in 49+ languages throughout the state of Alabama to individuals from multicultural backgrounds that are experiencing traumatic/stressful situations such as domestic violence, sexual assault, depression, violence/crisis of any kind, developmental disabilities and more.
24-hour crisis line: 256-509-1882 or 800-793-3010
Family Sunshine CenterProvides a variety of services to residents of a seven-county service area, which includes Autauga, Butler, Chilton, Crenshaw, Elmore, Lowndes and Montgomery counties. The shelter provides a safe haven for victims of family violence and/or sexual assault who are being physically, sexually or emotionally abused and have no safe place to go or way to get there. They also provide counseling services, court advocacy, support groups, and a 24 hour crisis line at 800-650-6522.
One Place Family Justice CenterONE PLACE Family Justice Center is where victims can go to plan for their safety, have an advocate, talk with a police officer, meet with a prosecutor, obtain information on shelters and obtain sexual assault services and it serves Autauga, Butler, Chilton, Crenshaw, Elmore, Montgomery and Lowndes Counties in Alabama.
STAR Crisis Line: 334-213-1227
2nd Chance, Inc.2nd Chance, Inc. is a non-profit 501©3 organization that provides safe shelter and supportive services to victims of domestic and sexual violence and offers educational outreach to the communities served to create awareness of and strengthen the movement to end this violence. 2nd Chance serves Calhoun, Cherokee, Cleburne, Etowah, Randolph and Talladega Counties in Northeast Alabama providing emergency shelter, transitional housing, assistance with permanent housing, court and legal advocacy, counseling, lethality assessment, community referrals, thrift store vouchers, training and presentations on the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence, dating violence and abuse in later life.
Turning PointThe mission of Turning Point is to provide comprehensive quality services to primary and secondary victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and to empower survivors to make productive decisions to improve their futures. Serving West Alabama Counties: Tuscaloosa, Lamar, Fayette, Pickens, Sumter, Marengo, Greene, Hale, and Bibb.
24-hour Crisis Line: 205-758-0808 -
Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders
A Center for Eating DisordersACED offers research based treatment methods such as individual, group, and family counseling, art therapy, and transitional planning. Medical and nutritional staff assist the clinical treatment team for individual care planning.
Magnolia CreekMagnolia Creek is a residential treatment center for women 18 and over. Issues such as mood disorder, OCD, PTSD, in addition to eating disorders are treated with an emphasis on individualized treatment in a peaceful setting.
Alsana Eating Disorder Treatment CentersAlsana Eating Recovery Center provides innovative client focused and evidence based eating Disorder Treatment in residential, partial hospitalization and Intensive-Outpatient settings. Their world renowned clinical leaders which consists of Nurse, Dietitians, Psychologists, Therapists and Psychiatrists are committed to providing you with an inspiring healing experience focused on your total health.
Phone: 205-552-0417 -
Budgeting & Debt Management | Savings & Retirement | Insurance | Estate Planning | Additional Resources
Budgeting & Debt Management
Budgeting 101A guide to personal budgeting from The Balance, an online resource for financial empowerment.
AnnualCreditReport.comRequest your free credit reports from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, to ensure that the information is correct and up to date.
Debt Elimination Strategy"7 strategies on how to get out of debt once and for all," from
Debt Snowball Elimination ProgramGateway's counseling and debt consolidation program is Alabama's most effective and affordable financial counseling service for individuals and families.
Advantage Credit CounselingAdvantage offers free and secure financial counseling and debt consolidation services by phone and online.
Savings & Retirement
America Saves WeekCheck out online resources from America Saves Week 2018. The annual savings initiative features blog posts, tweet chats, webinars and more to help you save money, reduce debt and build wealth over time.
Checking & Savings CalculatorsUse's calculators to compare mortgage, home equity and auto loan costs, perfect your budget, pay down debt and plan for your retirement and savings goals.
Corebridge Financial Education CenterThe Education Center offers useful information on topics like retirement planning and life events, and tools including debt, mortgage and retirement calculators. Corebride was previously called VALIC.
Retirement Planning from TIAATIAA's retirement planning guide features a Retirement Income Planner, Retirement Advisor Tool and more.
Kiplinger's Retirement Savings CalculatorEstimate the future value of your retirement savings and determine how much more you need to save each month to reach your retirement goal with Kiplinger magazine's online tool.
UAB Retirement ProgramsInformation and frequently asked questions about UAB Benefits retirement programs.
TIAA-CREF Life Insurance GuideGet the basics on life insurance including information on plans from TIAA-CREF Life Insurance Company, "Life Wizard" insurance calculator and more.
UAB BenefitsInformation about your UAB Benefits including health, dental, vision and life insurance.
How Does Long-Term Care Insurance Work?Information about long-term care insurance from Sapling, "a personal finance site that makes financial adulting easier, simpler and more fun."
Estate Planning
Personal Estate Planning Guidance from SmartAssetSave time, protect assets and avoid distress with a well-planned estate.
Expertise: Top 15 Estate Planners in looked at over 70 estate planners serving the Birmingham area and scored them on more than 25 variables across five categories, and analyzed the results to give you a hand-picked list of the best estate planners in Birmingham.
Estate Planning Council of BirminghamThe Estate Planning Council of Birmingham, Inc. offers advice and guidance with regard to your estate planning needs. You can search for an Accredited Estate Planner or Estate Planning Law Specialist designation holder in your area on the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils website.
Top Rated Estate Planning & Probate Lawyers in BirminghamSuper Lawyers and Rising Stars in the Birmingham area.
Probate Court of Jefferson CountyInformation on wills and estates in Alabama.
Additional Resources- Discreet Financial Assistance for Employees
- The Balance: An online resource of clear, practical advice for financial empowerment.
- Sapling: "A personal finance site that makes financial adulting easier, simpler and more fun."
Grief & Loss
Grief & Loss
Grief is a natural response to loss — from the major loss of a death of a loved one to more everyday losses that come from normal growth and change. Grief may encompass many emotions and reactions often ranging from sadness and loneliness to anger and numbness. Healing from grief takes time — there is no timetable for grieving and every individual has a different experience of grief. The following resources are available to help you understand the grief process and find support.
Community Grief Support ServiceCGSS provides free support groups and grief counseling for any bereaved adult, 19 years or older. CGSS has support groups throughout the Greater Birmingham area including Homewood, Riverchase, Pelham, Trussville, Huffman, Midtown/Downtown, Inverness/Greystone, and Walker County as well. Whatever your loss – spousal, parent, sibling, adult child, grandparent - and whether yours is a recent loss or one which occurred in the past, if you are struggling with your grief, CGSS is available to provide support. CGSS also provides individual, couples and family counseling at their Homewood office.
The Amelia CenterThe Amelia Center is a compassionate and caring group of professional grief counselors and support staff who provide counseling and support to parents and families grieving the death of a child, as well as children, teenagers, young adults (ages 19-21), and their caregivers grieving the death of someone in their life. Families attending the Amelia Center find support, comfort and understanding that they are not walking the path alone. The Amelia Center also serves as a community resource for consultation and training to schools, churches, and area organizations in the area of grief support.
HelpGuideTips for coping with grief and loss from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
Compassionate FriendsProvides grief support after the loss of a child. Whether your family has had a child die (at any age from any cause) or you are trying to help those who have gone through this life altering experience, The Compassionate Friends exists to provide friendship, understanding, and hope to those going through the natural grieving process.
TAPSThe Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors offers compassionate care to all those grieving the loss of a military loved one. Since 1994, TAPS has provided comfort and hope 24/7 through a national peer support network and connection to grief resources, all at no cost to surviving families and loved ones.
Loss Survirors: LifelineLosing a loved one to suicide is difficult and can come with a lot of complicated emotions. There is support available to help survivors of suicide loss like you, your friends and family cope with the loss. Resources are provided by the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 1-800-273-8255 or dial 988 to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Open To HopeOpen to Hope is a nonprofit organization with the mission of helping people find hope after loss by providing online support and resources for grieving individuals.
Unspoken GriefUnspoken Grief is a safe place to share, talk, support and learn about the impact of miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal loss and grief.
National Alliance for Grieving ChildrenThe National Alliance for Grieving Children promotes awareness of the needs of children and teens grieving a death and provides education and resources for anyone who wants to support them.
LGBTQ Issues
LGBTQ Issues
Local & State Resources | National Resources
Local & State Resources
Alliance for LGBTQ Equality at UABThe Alliance is an employee-resource group at The University of Alabama at Birmingham, the UAB Health System, and the University of Alabama Health Services Foundation. It exists to provide advocacy, support, and networking for faculty and staff members of UAB's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Allies (LGBTA) community. Membership is open to all such employees and retirees.
UAB Medicine Diversity ResourcesFor additional assistance online, visit the collection of online LGBTQ resources provided by UAB Heersink School of Medicine.
Magic City Acceptance CenterThe Magic City Acceptance Center (MCAC) provides a safe, supportive and affirming space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ) people and their allies ages 13-24 in Birmingham.
Magic City Acceptance ProjectThe Magic City Acceptance Project (MCAP) is a volunteer network of individuals, agencies and organization focused on professional practice and community support that results in positive outcomes and a positive future for self-identified, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth, adults and families in Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding communities.
Magic City Wellness CenterServices for LGBTQ individuals and their allies include primary care, PrEP, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Massage Therapy. Most major insurance plans are accepted. Contact MCWC for more information.
HRC — AlabamaThe Human Rights Campaign strives to end discrimination against LGBT people and realize a world that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.
Central Alabama PrideCentral Alabama Pride, Inc. (CAP) is committed to spreading the message of equality each year with the production of our LGBT Pride events which also brings together all Alabama citizens. We also support HIV/AIDS service organizations throughout the year such as Birmingham AIDS Outreach, AIDS Alabama and the 1917 Clinic Patient Assistance Fund.
LGBT Friendly Churches in Birmingham- St. Andrews Episcopal Church
- Baptist Church of the Covenant
- Southside Baptist Church
- Covenant Community Church
- Grace Episcopal Church
- St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
- Church of the Reconciler, a United Methodist Church
- First Church Birmingham, a United Methodist Congregation
- Woodlawn United Methodist Church
- Pilgrim Church, a United Church of Christ
- Beloved Community Church, a United Church of Christ
- Birmingham Friends Meeting, Quaker
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham
- Unity of Birmingham,
- Temple Emanu-El
- Edgewood Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
- Episcopal Church of the Epiphany
- Virmingham Shambhala Center
- Or find a church by zip code.
National Resources
PFLAG — Parents, Families, Friends and AlliesUniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) with families, friends, and allies, PFLAG is committed to support, education and advocacy.
Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues in CounselingALGBTIC, a division of the American Counseling Association, educates counselors to the unique needs of client identity development in a non-threatening counseling environment by aiding in the reduction of stereotypical thinking, transprejudice and homoprejudice. ALGBTIC offers an extensive reference list of resources for LGBT individuals and allies.
Family Equality CouncilWorks to change attitudes and policies to ensure all families are respected, loved, and celebrated — especially families with parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
The Trevor ProjectFounded in 1998, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.
Parenting | Childhood Disorders | Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
ParentingResources for Employees with Childcare Needs
With childcare in high demand, to help you get started in your search for childcare options, UAB HR has identified resources for employees who are working onsite and experiencing the need for immediate childcare due to school and childcare center closures. For additional resources including information on emergency family and medical leave, UAB childcare programs and back-to-school resources, visit at
UAB Early Headstart ProgramThe UAB Early Head Start Program is a family focused child development program created to serve children and families in Jefferson, Walker, and St. Clair Counties in the state of Alabama. The mission of the UAB Early Head Start Program is to form partnerships with families to support child development and family goals. Through continuous staff development and in collaboration with the community, we strive to enhance opportunities for families.
Alabama Parent Education CenterThe Alabama Parent Education Center is a small non-profit organized by parents in central Alabama. We were formed to provide parents with training and information to help them become meaningful participants in their children’s education.
Boys Town ParentingA vast library of parenting tools and information developed by Boys Town’s experts including parenting guides, articles, videos and the Boys Town’s Parenting Principles, based on 100 years of real-world experience with tens of thousands of families.
Baby CenterTrack your baby's development and get free online advice and support on pregnancy, parenting and children’s health.
Child Development InstituteAmerican Psychological Association and Psychology Today recommended site for information, products and services related to child development, psychology, health, parenting, learning, media, entertainment, family activities as well as to connect with other parents, professional experts organizations and other useful websites.
Zero to ThreeA comprehensive interactive resource for parents and early childhood education professionals on healthy development of children ages 0 to 3.
Children’s Aid Society of AlabamaChildren's Aid Society services are provided within the family whenever possible or in the least restrictive setting in which the child's special needs can be met. All services are provided on a voluntary and confidential basis. Children and families actively participate in their own case planning and interventions. Our programs are varied, but all have a common goal — to assist children and their families in meeting their immediate needs for care and safety, as well as to enhance their opportunities for optimum growth and development.
GlenwoodGlenwood provides an array of services which are devoted to supporting and treating children and adults impacted by autism spectrum disorder and children with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. Services include educational, vocational, diagnostic services and treatment-based interventions which are based on best practice and dedicated to improving outcomes and the quality of life of every individual served.
The Exchange ClubWe now offer seven diverse programs designed to Educate, Motivate, Inspire, and Empower participants to strengthen families and break the cycle of child abuse and neglect.
Childhood Disorders
Autism Spectrum DisordersAutism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet: Common signs, diagnosis, treatment and more from the National Institutes of Health.
UAB Civitan–Sparks Clinics: The UAB Civitan–Sparks Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinic offers a range of ASD-focused services for individuals, families, schools and the community.
Mitchell’s Place: The Birmingham nonprofit offers diagnostic and evaluation services, early intervention programs, programs for school-aged children, outpatient treatment and support services for children, adolescents, and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities.
Asperger Syndrome Fact Sheet: Common signs, diagnosis, treatment and more from the National Institutes of Health.
Autism Speaks: Download the 100 Day Kit for Newly Diagnosed Families of Young Children, created by Autism Speaks for families of children ages 4 and under to make the best possible use of the 100 days following their child's diagnosis of autism.
Autism Now: A source for resources and information on community-based solutions for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities, and their families. Autism Now is a national initiative of The Arc.
Attention Deficit DisorderADHD Fact Sheet: Common signs, diagnosis, treatment and more from the National Institutes of Health.
UAB ADHD Parents Support Group: A monthly support group facilitated by professionals from the UAB Civitan-Sparks Clinics and Birmingham community for parents of elementary and middle school-aged children with ADHD. Parent-requested information is presented by facilitators, and parents are encouraged to share information and resources, within a positive and constructive environment.
HelpGuide: ADHD in Children: Recognizing the signs and symptoms of ADHD in children, and getting help – from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
HelpGuide: ADHD and School: Helping children and teens with ADHD succeed at school – from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Alabama Council on Developmental DisabilitiesACDD supports independence, advocacy, productivity and inclusion for Alabamians with developmental disabilities. Resources include webinars, publications, a calendar of events and updates on pending legislation.
Learning Disabilities Association of AmericaSupport and resources for parents including information on understanding learning disabilities, negotiating the special education process and more.
Down Syndrome AlabamaDSA promotes awareness, acceptance and advocacy for all individuals with Down syndrome, and actively supports their caretakers, educators, service providers and community.
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation ServicesThe state agency serves people with disabilities from birth to old age through programs including Alabama's Early Intervention System, Children's Rehabilitation Service, Teen Transition Clinic and more.
The Exceptional FoundationThe Homewood-based nonprofit provides year-round services to individuals 21 and older with special needs, as well as after-school activities and a summer camp program for school-aged children.
The Bell CenterThe Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs provides quality early intervention services in a center-based program in Birmingham for infants and toddlers at risk for developmental delay.
Special EquestriansThe North Shelby County nonprofit provides therapeutic horseback riding and equine-assisted activities to persons with physical, mental, developmental or emotional disabilities. Watch "Special Equestrians of Birmingham, Alabama" on YouTube to learn more.
The Arc of Central AlabamaThe Arc of Central Alabama serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families through comprehensive and quality programming, advocacy efforts, education and awareness, all in an effort to ensure each person affected by I/DD has the opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential for the most independent life possible.
Alabama Council on Developmental DisabilitiesThe Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities promotes independence, advocacy, productivity and inclusion for Alabamians with developmental disabilities. Through our projects and initiatives, we help them make the most of their educational potential, find and thrive in paid employment, rent/own or modify an apartment or home, gain access to and use transportation, connect with organizations to coordinate healthcare and social services, and more.
Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource NetworkThe primary purpose is to give relief to families and caregivers from the extraordinary and intensive demands of proving ongoing care in the home.
Relationships & Divorce
Relationships & Divorce
Relationships | Divorce
Alabama Healthy Marriage & Relationship Education InitiativeRelationship resources including couples activities, stepparenting handbook, relationship safety and a healthy marriage handbook provided by AHMREI, a five-year initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Family Assistance.
TwoOfUs.orgTwo of Us, a project of the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center, provides information and resources including articles, videos, expert Q&A, polls and more for those who are dating, exclusive, engaged, married and parents.
HelpGuideRelationship and communication resources from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications. Includes articles about understanding and building relationships, improving communication and access to an emotional intelligence toolkit.
Focus On KidsA research-based educational program for divorcing and separating parents by the University of Missouri Human Environmental Sciences Extension provides resources and information for successful co-parenting and helping children adjust to separation and divorce, including a Guide for Divorcing Parents.
DivorceInfo.comA large collection of online information for divorce-related issues including avoiding divorce, communicating with your ex, property division, alimony and child support and more.
HelpGuideTips for helping kids cope with separation and divorce from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
Stress Management
Stress Management
Stress Management | Meditation | Yoga | Stress Management Apps
Stress Management
PTSD CoachA collection of free online resources for managing PTSD and other types of stress, provided by the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, includes tools for relaxation, being in the moment, changing negative thought patterns and more. Or download the free PTSD Coach app for Android and iPhone.
TED Talk: How to Make Stress Your FriendHealth psychologist Kelly McGonigal discusses new research on the upside of stress, and introduces an unsung mechanism for stress reduction — reaching out to others.
Anxiety SlayerAn online resource for calming anxiety and healing your mind features a free weekly podcast, anxiety relief audio downloads and anxiety relief articles, including "3 Simple Breathing Techniques to Help You Calm Anxiety."
HelpGuide: Quick Stress ReliefTips for using your senses to relieve stress on the spot — from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
HelpGuide: Stress ManagementTips for using self-help techniques to cope with stress — from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
Fingerprint for SuccessA collection of mindfulness exercises to help you manage COVID stress.
Which Meditation Technique is Right for YouIf you’ve tried and (feel like you’ve) failed at meditating, it might be because you haven’t found the right meditation type for you. This article and video from HealthyWay breaks down seven meditation techniques for you to try.
1-Minute Mindfulness ExercisesThis article from Psychology Today details six mindfulness exercises that each take less than one minute, for people who don't like formal meditation.
5 Meditation Tips for BeginnersThis article from Psychology Today details five meditation tips for beginners that will help overcome the problems of lack of appeal, and it seeming too daunting.
A Guide to Meditation for the Rest of UsIncense, yoga pants and annoying dinner conversation are optional. All you need is your breath. This article from explains how to improve your concentration and slow down your day-to-day life with meditation without ever uttering the word "chakra."
TED Talk: All it takes is 10 Mindful MinutesMindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe describes the transformative power of doing nothing. Refresh your mind for 10 minutes a day, simply by being mindful and experiencing the present moment.
HeadspaceHeadspace is a personal meditation guide, right in your pocket, featuring hundreds of themed sessions, bite-sized meditations for busy schedules, SOS exercises in case of sudden meltdowns and the Take 10 program – 10 days of 10-minute meditations that can be played online or on the free Headspace app, available for Android and iPhone.
Mayo Clinic's Introduction to MindfulnessLearn how to do mindfulness exercises and how they might benefit you, from the Mayo Clinic, the country's leading nonprofit medical practice and research group.
Guided Meditation and Visualization Transcripts
- Beginning Meditation Instruction: Free guides and meditation courses from Insight Meditation Center, including transcripts and audio of six guided meditations called Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
- Wholesome Resources: A free guided imagery script of a 15-minute woodland walk from Julie Lusk.
- 9 Scripts for Guided Meditation: Printable scripts including short mantras for building focus and positive affirmation, a longer script with guided imagery for mental control, and a thorough progressive body scan for body awareness.
Yoga for BeginnersThis YouTube video features a 40-minute home yoga workout that's beginner friendly and focused on foundation and flexibility.
Not All Yoga is Created EqualUse this guide by Yoga Journal to find the right type of yoga for you.
Yoga for Stress ReductionHelpGuide: Relaxation Techniques: Using the relaxation response to relieve stress — from, an online guide to mental and emotional health, a collaboration with Harvard Health Publications.
Yoga for Stress Relief: A large selection of online videos to guide your yoga for stress relief session.
Anxiety Breathing Technique: The Bumble Bee Breath: Instructions and podcast from Anxiety Slayer details an ancient yoga breathing technique that relaxes and prompts the release of serotonin.
Yoga Nidra: Yoga Nidra is an an ancient form of guided meditation that has been proven effective to reduce stress, tension, anxiety, sleeplessness and many other psychological disorders. This YouTube video features a 16-minute guided relaxation training script.
Do-Anywhere Daily Mindfulness: Try these three simple steps to gratefulness from Yoga Journal to ease stress, stop negative thoughts and feel better.
5 Basic Inversions To Ease Stress & Anxiety: Inversion poses to help ease symptoms of anxiety from Mind Body Green (advanced practice).
Yoga for Anger Management5 Exercises for a Calmer, More Peaceful You: With the use of breath, we can change our emotional state of minds. These techniques from Total Yoga should be done with focus and understanding that anger can flow out of your system with every breath.
Yoga Off The MatYou don't have to hit the mat to enjoy the benefits of yoga. Awareness of breathe, gentle stretching and simple postural adjustments can help reduce tension, renew focus and clarity, and nurture both the body and mind. See links below for guidance:
Stress Management AppsBreathe2Relax
iPhone | 4.5 stars with 395 ratings | Free
Android | 4 stars with 864 ratings | FreeYour breathing has a profound effect on your body. You’ll know this fact to be true if you’ve ever taken deep breaths to calm yourself down when you were upset. That exercise can often make you feel more centered, and it’s proof that breathing is powerful. The Breathe2Relax app uses guided breathing exercises to help reduce symptoms of an anxiety attack. If an attack is coming or the symptoms are unbearable, slip away into a quiet room, open your app, and let the worry and stress slip away with each breath.
Headspace: Guided Meditation & Mindfulness
iPhone | 5 stars with 72,666 ratings | Free
Android | 4.5 stars with 60,886 ratings | FreeGet the most out of your day with Headspace. We’ll help you perform at your best through the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness. Headspace is a personal meditation guide, right in your pocket, featuring hundreds of themed sessions, bite-sized meditations for busy schedules, SOS exercises in case of sudden meltdowns and the Take 10 program – 10 days of 10-minute meditations that can be played online or on the app.
PTSD Coach
iPhone | 4 stars with 117 ratings | Free
Android | 4.3 stars with 65 ratings | FreeThis app provides you with education about PTSD, information about professional care, a self-assessment for PTSD, opportunities to find support and tools that can help you manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD. Tools range from relaxation skills and positive self-talk to anger management and other common self-help strategies.;
Acupressure: Heal Yourself
iPhone | 3 stars with 24 ratings | $1.99
Acupressure is a natural healing strategy in which you target specific areas of the body in order to alleviate pain or unwanted symptoms. Acupressure can also increase blood flow, which can boost your mood and your health. This app helps you find your body’s acupressure points. Apply pressure on those points when you’re feeling overwhelmed, and receive the positive, calming benefits.
Relax & Rest Guided Meditations
iPhone | 4.5 stars with 936 ratings | $1.99
Android | 4.4 stars with 396 ratings | $1.99While group meetings and discussions are always an option, some people find relaxation more easily on their own. This app lets you relax in the space of your own home or office with three guided meditations. Breath Awareness Guided Meditation (5 minutes), Deep Rested Guided Meditation (13 minutes), and Whole Body Guided Relaxation (24 minutes) are designed specifically to help you relax and sink into a peaceful meditation moment.
Self-Help for Anxiety Management
Android | 4 stars with 2,836 ratings | FreeThe Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM) app from the University of the West of England can help you regain control of your anxiety and emotions. Tell the app how you’re feeling, how anxious you are, or how worried you are. Then let the app’s self-help features walk you through some calming or relaxation practices. If you want, you can connect with a social network of other SAM users. Don’t worry, the network isn’t connected to larger networks like Twitter or Facebook, so you won’t be putting your feelings on blast.
UAB Employee Services
UAB Employee Services
AWARE (Assistance for Employees with Disabilities)Through a unique partnership between UAB and the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS), the AWARE program provides disability-management services when an employee’s job is affected by a physical, mental or emotional impairment.
EatRight Weight Management ServicesEatRight provides customized, effective strategies that empower individuals to change their lifestyle, achieve personal health goals, and to lose weight.
UAB Employee HealthEmployee Health provides occupationally related health services to hospital employees including, but not limited to, pre-employment physicals, family medical leave services, vaccines, tuberculosis (TB) skin tests, N95 fit testing, orientation and in-service education, also provides evaluation and follow-up for exposures to blood and body fluids.
UAB Employee WellnessEmployee Wellness strives to cultivate, innovate and nurture a collaborative approach for the individual and corporate health of UAB employees with a focus on five major areas: Tobacco Cessation, Nutrition, Physical Activity & Recreation, Prevention & Health Management and Wellbeing.
Pastoral CareUAB Medicine has one of the largest full-time pastoral care teams in a single hospital in the U.S., committed to emotional and spiritual support for patients, families and employees. Ask a nurse to contact a Chaplain for you 24 hours a day, or page the Chaplain On Call at (205) 934-3411 at any time.
Professional Development OfficeThe UAB School of Medicine provides confidential counseling, consultation and coaching for medical students, graduate students, residents, fellows and faculty within the School of Medicine/UAB Medicine.
UAB PoliceUAB is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all students, faculty, staff, patients and visitors. Services include:
- Blazer Express Safety Escort: On-demand van service for UAB students, employees and authorized visitors, available daily from 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. by calling 205-934-8772.
- Help Phones: More than 490+ Help Phones conveniently located throughout the UAB Campus are monitored 24 hours a day and offer a direct link to the UAB Police Department.
- Rape Aggression Defense Program: The internationally recognized women's self-defense and awareness training program is routinely provided as a service to the female population of the UAB community.
UAB Veteran ResourcesUAB values the service veterans and their family members have given to our country and we are committed to supporting our veterans – in education, employment and healthcare.